Erection of
building to provide office and canteen space (Class B1) including refuse
storage, access, servicing, landscaping and other associated works.
MEMBER: Councillor Kim Jones
delegate powers to the Senior Planning Officer to approve the application
subject to completing discussions regarding highways and archaeology matters as
well as material planning conditions relating to:
Compliance with the plans
The development shall be
implemented in accordance with the ecological/tree reports
The operational methods must be followed
as highlighted in the CEMP / pollution prevention plan.
You must act in accordance with the
recommendations of the Flood Risk Assessment
Permitted use of building for any
purposes within Use Class B1 only
Welsh Water conditions
Ensure Welsh / Bilingual signs
NRW Conditions
If, during the development, it is
found that there is contamination that was not previously noted present on the
site, then no further development (unless this is agreed in writing with the
Local Planning Authority) will be undertaken until a remedial strategy
detailing how this unspecified contamination will be addressed is presented to
and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
1. Welsh Water
2. Land Drainage
3. NRW
Erect a building to provide an office space and
canteen (Class B1) including refuse storage area, service access, landscaping and associated works.
was drawn to the late observations form by Natural Resources Wales (NRW) that
responded to the Construction Environmental Management Plan and Pollution
Prevention Plan submitted.
The Development Control
Team Leader highlighted that it was an application to erect a new building to
provide office space and a canteen (B1 Use Class) to serve a Siemens business site
in Llanberis together with associated developments; the development would
include erecting a three-storey building on sloping green land north of the
company's existing buildings. It was reiterated that the need for a new facility had arisen as a result of renovation work in one of the other buildings
on the site regarding the need for more manufacturing space. The renovation
would mean a loss of serviced space such as offices and a canteen that have now
been put in temporary buildings. It was noted that the proposal would not lead
to an increase in the density of the use of the site but is rather an effort to
provide appropriate ancillary facilities to serve the existing business.
It was reported, in accordance with the requirements of the Town and Country
Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012 (as amended),
that the development was defined as a "major development" due to the
floor area proposed to be provided. In line with the appropriate procedure, a
Pre-application Consultation Report was received as a part of the application.
The report indicates that the developer has informed the public and statutory
consultees of the proposal prior to submitting a formal planning
In the context of the principle of the development, it was noted that the
application site was located outside the development boundary of the Local
Service Centre of Llanberis as defined in the LDP, however it was part of a
major site that is already in use by industry. Reference was made to Policy
PCYFF 1 of the LDP which encouraged refusal of developments outside the
development boundaries, unless they are in accordance with local or other
national planning policies, or that the offer showed that a location in the
countryside was essential. In this case, when considering that the proposal was
to extend an existing business already on the site, it was totally expected
that the facility was provided on the site and therefore there was appropriate
justification for allowing such a development at this location.
In the context
of Infrastructure and Sustainability matters, it was highlighted that Welsh
Water had confirmed that there would be adequate capacity in the local sewerage
system to meet the requirements of the developments by the end of March 2025
and that a connection to the water supply could be ensured. It was also noted
that sustainable draining systems (SuDS) are required
to control surface water for every new development of more than 100m2 in
floor area and an application will need to be submitted to the SuDS Approval Body for approval before the construction
work commences. Considering biodiversity matters, it
was noted that a Trees Survey and an Arboriculture Impact Assessment, as well
as an Ecological Impact Assessment had been submitted with the application and
the content of the assessments were acceptable by the Biodiversity Unit. It was
considered that the mitigation measures and enhancements proposed gave an
opportunity to develop the site in a way that was sensitive to biodiversity
needs and by imposing appropriate conditions, the development would be
acceptable under policies AMG 5 and PS 19 of the LDP.
It was
highlighted that the Transportation Unit had no objection to the application as
there would be no change in the density of use of the site that would call for
change in the parking arrangements. A Welsh Language Statement was submitted to
support the application, in accordance with the requirements of the
Supplementary Planning Guidance - Creating Distinctive and Sustainable
Communities (SPG), as well as policy PS1 of the LDP, due to the size of the
development's floor area. The statement noted, because there would be no
expectation for the proposal to lead to additional people in the area and there
was no expectation that the proposal would lead to outward migration from the
area, there was no expectation for any changes to population mobility as a
result of the development; Therefore a neutral impact
would be expected on population mobility. The Language Unit had no further
observations on the proposal.
It was considered that the use, design and
proposed materials were acceptable and that they would not disrupt the
amenities, character or appearance of the site, nor the surrounding area.
Taking advantage of the
right to speak, the applicant made the following observations:
The company produced
technology to help with diagnosing medical conditions at its site in Llanberis.
That over 400 people
worked for the company
The application was one
to provide space for a new facility as a result of renovation work in one of
the other buildings as part of the company's extension to provide 100 higher
skills jobs
The new building would
be sustainable and of flexible use - carefully designed so that it would be
possible to change the layout
It would include a
workers' hub, a practical work location as well as a new reception
The company had worked
closely with the officers before submitting the application
The design was in
keeping with its surrounding environment - no visual impact
Should the application
be approved, the work would start in April 2024 with the intention of opening
early in 2025
It was proposed and seconded to approve the application.
RESOLVED: To approve the application subject to complete discussions
regarding highways and archaeology matters as well as relevant planning
conditions relating to:
1. Time
2. Compliance
with the plans
3. The
development shall be implemented in accordance with the ecological/tree reports
4. The
operational methods must be followed as highlighted in the CEMP / pollution
prevention plan.
5. You
must act in accordance with the recommendations of the Flood Risk Assessment
6. Permitted
use of building for any purposes within Use Class B1 only
7. Welsh
Water conditions
8. Ensure
Welsh / Bilingual signs
9. NRW
10. If, during the development, it is found
that there is contamination that was not previously noted present on the site,
then no further development (unless this is agreed in writing with the Local
Planning Authority) will be undertaken until the remedial strategy details how
this unspecified contamination will be presented to the Local Planning
Authority and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
1. Welsh
2. Land
Drainage Unit
3. NRW
Supporting documents: