To consider
an application by Mr B
copy for sub-committee members only)
defer the decision in order to make further enquiries.
The Chair welcomed everyone
to the meeting. He highlighted that the decision would be made in accordance
with Cyngor Gwynedd's Licensing Policy. It was noted that the purpose of the policy
was to set guidelines for the criteria when considering the applicant's
application, with the aim of protecting the public by ensuring that:
• The person was a fit and proper person
• The person did not pose a threat to the public
• The public were safeguarded from dishonest
• Children and young people were protected
• Vulnerable persons were protected
• The public had confidence in using licensed
The Licensing Manager submitted the written report on
the application received from Mr B to renew a hackney/private hire driver’s licence.
The Sub-committee was requested to consider the application in accordance with
the relevant convictions.
The Licensing Authority recommended that the
Sub-committee should approve the application. It was reiterated that the
applicant had declared the speeding points in his application.
The applicant was invited to expand on his application
and provide information about the background of the penalty points that he
received for speeding. Whilst presenting his information, it became clear that
the total penalty points in the report of the Driver and Vehicle Licensing
Agency (DVLA) was not equivalent to what the applicant had presented to the
Sub-committee, along with confusion regarding the TT99 record on the same
report. (TT99 record highlighted a disqualification under 'totting-up' - if the
total penalty points reached 12 or more within 3 years, the driver could be
The applicant also disclosed in his presentation that
he had been excluded from driving for a period of two years - information that
had not been disclosed to the Licensing Unit in accordance with the taxi
licence requirements.
RESOLVED to defer
the decision in order to make further enquiries
In reaching its decision, the Sub-committee considered
the following:
The requirements of 'Cyngor
Gwynedd’s Licensing Policy for Hackney Carriages and Private Hire
The report of the Licensing
The report of
the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA)
The applicant's application
Verbal observations by the
Specific consideration was given to the
following matters
In January 2023, the applicant received 3 penalty
points (SP30) for breaching the speed limit on a public road - these points
would expire in January 2026.
In July 2023, the applicant received 4 penalty points
(SP30) for breaching the speed limit on a public road - these points would
expire in July 2026.
TT99 endorsement noted counting the points if the
total penalty points reached 12 or more within 3 years and expired in April
The applicant's explanation of his circumstances and the discrepancies in
his presentation, information from the Licensing Unit and the report of the
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) were considered. Consequently,
the Sub-committee determined in favour of deferring the application in order to
make further enquiries into the applicant's application.
The Solicitor reported that the decision would be
confirmed formally by letter to the applicant.