Construction of 8 new dwellinghouses that includes 2 affordable dwellings along with an internal access road and internal pedestrian footway.
LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Peter Read
to relevant background documents
Erect eight new houses to include two affordable dwellings together with
forming an internal access road and pedestrian route.
The Development Control Manager elaborated on the
background of the application and noted that the application had previously been
submitted to the Planning Committee on 11 January 2016, 22 February 2016 and
had been deferred at the meeting held on 14 March 2016 in order to receive the
observations of the Joint Planning Policy Unit on the Community and Linguistic
It was noted that the application had been amended since its original
submission to be a full application to erect eight houses instead of nine
within the development boundary of Abererch, which
had been designated within the Gwynedd Unitary Development Plan for new housing
for the general market. It was added that as a result of the reduction in the
number of proposed houses, the number of affordable houses being offered had
been reduced from three to two.
It was considered that the application in its amended form was
acceptable for the site, and would make suitable use of the land (based on
It was reported that observations had been received from the Joint
Planning Policy Unit on the Community and Linguistic Statement, and as a result
of these observations it was considered that the proposal was acceptable and
that it would not have an impact on the Welsh language.
development complied with the GUDP for the reasons noted in the report.
(b) It
was proposed and seconded to approve the application.
the ensuing discussion, the following main observations were noted:
The local member's concern in relation to the
layout of the houses;
The Joint Planning Policy Unit noted in its observations
that the percentage of affordable houses offered, namely 25%, was lower than
the indicative percentage of 35% noted in the GUDP;
Concern that applications with fewer affordable
houses that the indicative percentage were being approved;
A condition should be imposed that the work on the
road was completed before the houses could be occupied;
The location of the site was within the development
There was local support;
The plans had been amended in response to concerns.
(c) In response to the above observations, the
officers noted:-
That the application in its amended form responded
to concerns in relation to the setting of the houses and the impact on nearby
Officers were of the view that the applicant had
reduced the number of houses from nine to eight in response to concerns in
relation to the setting of the houses and that the percentage of affordable
houses being offered was reasonable. It was noted that the location and nature
of the houses would be likely to regulate their affordability and that they
would appeal to the local population;
The inclusion of three affordable houses in the
proposal equated to 40% of the development and considering that the Council had
asked the applicant to amend the plan, that it was acceptable;
It was recommended to place a condition in relation
to the completion of the access road.
RESOLVED to delegate powers to the
Senior Planning Manager to approve the application subject to signing a 106
agreement to bind two of the units for affordable housing.
1. Commence
within five years.
2. In accordance with amended
3. Agree
on the finish of the external walls and the roofs of the houses.
4. Removal
of permitted development rights for extensions and curtilage buildings for the
two affordable units.
5. Public
footpath No. 7 Llannor, which is affected by this
development must be diverted under Section 257 of the Town and Country Planning
Act 1990 before any work is commenced on the site.
6. Ground
floor level to be at least 4.6m AOD.
7. Submitting
and approval of a surface water disposal plan.
8. Landscaping.
9. Boundary
wall / hedge / fence with the estate road not to be higher than 1 metre.
10. Complete
the estate road with compacted and fixed stabilising rocks and the completion
of a surface water system.
11. Complete
roads and pavements for the foundation course and ensure that lights are
working before houses are occupied.
12. Installation
of kerbs on sides of the estate road, surfacing of carriageway and footway and
lighting before the last dwelling on the estate is occupied.
13. Separate
disposal of surface and foul water from the site
14. No
surface water to connect directly or indirectly with the public sewer system.
15. No land drainage discharge to be allowed to connect directly or indirectly with the public sewer system.
Supporting documents: