To consider the report content, offer comments and accept the proposals
To accept the report, noting the observations
To accept the report, noting the observations submitted.
This report was submitted highlighting that seven core fields had been
identified as key training for Members relating to laws. It was noted that
there had been focus on core training in the previous meeting, drawing
attention to the low number of Members who had completed this training. It was
highlighted that attention had been given to this matter over the last few
months and that there was follow-up for the Group Leaders to encourage Members
to complete the core training. It was noted that no progress had been seen yet
in the numbers who had completed the training as it was rather premature but
many had been in contact to ask for more details.
Members of the Committee were guided through
the report by drawing attention to the new format of the Members' learning
programme, which was the core training, other training and personal development
interviews elements. Concerns were highlighted, such as courses being run half
empty because too few Members registered or turned up to events. The intention
to record core titles and include them on the Members' Intranet was mentioned
but it was emphasised that Members were required to inform the Learning and Development
service after they completed a course.
Attention was drawn to other matters, such
as the work on the Support for Councillors’ Self-evaluation Framework which
would begin in the next few months and the questionnaire that was to be sent to
Members over the Summer about the content of the training programme. To
conclude, reference was made to part 2.17 of the report, noting one correction
which was that Councillors should refer specific examples of lack of response
to enquiries from Council Officers to Geraint Owen, Corporate Director instead
of the Chief Executive. It was noted that this was Geraint Owen's
responsibility due to his background in the field following concerns from many
members being highlighted on the matter of a lack of response to their
enquiries from Council Officers.
During the discussion the following
observations were made:
The members expressed their gratitude for the report, noting
that many important matters had been included.
The importance of Members turning up to courses was
highlighted, referring to a specific example where 4 out of 11 Members turned
up which was a waste of resources and Officers' time.
It was expressed that the Chairing Skills course was
excellent and Members were encouraged to take advantage of the courses
Reference was made to the 'teatime chats' for female
Councillors, noting that they were valuable, especially for new Members.
The statistics of the number of Members who had
completed the core training was enquired.
It was asked whether more Members would turn up to the
training being held bilingually instead of Welsh-only sessions.Â
An observation was made regarding reporting on
apologies when there was a clash e.g. The Council's Committee and an External
Body meeting held at the same time and an enquiry was made whether there was an
update on this matter.
In response to the observations:
was reiterated that Members who had not turned up to training were absorbing
the Council's Main Officers' time and resources.
was noted that the statistics on the number of Members who had completed the
core training could be provided. It was reported that any updates would be
circulated to the Members. It was noted that the information had been included
in the February report of this Committee and, as there was not much change to
the figures, the details had not been included in this report.
was believed that the data showed that the language of the training did not
have an impact on attendees and that courses were held in Welsh or bilingually
and that a translator was present if anyone needed to listen to the English
It was noted that there was no update to the way that
apologies were recorded in meetings but it was emphasised that the Democracy
Team were doing their best to avoid clashes and discuss with the Learning and
Development team, as well as external organisations such as the Park and the
Police Authority. It was highlighted that there were over 50 External Bodies
and that it was impossible to avoid clashes in every case. It was added, when
an opportunity arose, that the Team wished to address how apologies and
absences were recorded on the system.
Supporting documents: