To consider and approve the Statement
so that it can be signed by the Council Leader and the Chief Executive
To accept the report
To approve the Annual Governance Statement and recommend that it is
signed by the Council Leader and Chief Executive.
Need to re-consider the Lawfulness likelihood score.
Need to
consider reviewing the questions and adapting the document to be clear to
Gwynedd residents - although compliant with CIPFA guidelines, a suggestion to
consider combining with the assessment of governance arrangements which is
included in Gwynedd Council's Self-Assessment to avoid duplication of work
The Statement was
presented by the Head of the Finance Department. He explained that the
statement, although not part of the accounts, was a statutory document which
needed to be published with the accounts.
In accordance with the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations and the
CIPFA Code of Practice, all Local Authorities must ensure that a statement of
internal management is in place. It was reported that
the Chief Executive and the Council Leader were required to sign the statement,
although the Governance and Audit Committee's approval was needed.
Some of the
background to the statement was given. The statement which was based on the
CIPFA/SOLACE Framework identified seven core principles for good governance and
these had been divided further into sub-principles. It was highlighted that the
Governance Arrangement Assessment Group had considered these principles and
sub-principles and had created a Governance Risk Register, which was part of
the Council's Corporate Risk Register.
Risks had been identified in 24 different areas of governance, identifying
the controls that the Council had in place to mitigate these risks.
It was reported that risk management arrangements had given
consideration to two factors when scoring the extent of the risk, namely the
impact of the event should the risk be realised and the likelihood of the risk
being realised. Attention was drawn to
the changes since the 2022/23 statement highlighting risk score adjustments in
Finance and in Health, Safety and Well-being and it was reported that the
Assessment Group had concluded there was one field with very high risks, 4 high
risk fields, 10 medium risk fields and 9 low risk fields.
The members expressed their thanks for the
report. Reference was made to each risk in turn giving Members an opportunity
to enquire about that area.
During the ensuing discussion, the following
observations were made by members:
Finance - that the 2022/23 risk score had been
too low. Welcomed the adjustment and was satisfied with the assessment - it
would be fair to retain the risk score at 20.
Finance - there was
a need to amend the English report to reflect the 'very high risk' rather than
'medium risk'
Lawfulness - the
likelihood of 1 was misleading
Health - suggested
that the risk should be greater than 15? Had staff been fully trained?
General - that the headings
were 'scholastic' suggesting that some were more important than others. Should
the focus be on the matters that are of central importance rather than on the
'soft industrial'?
General - there was
a need to use headings that referred to the conclusion. E.g. Finance matters
clear and explanatory but with elements such as Housing and / or Growing Older,
more background or a summary of areas within the field was needed. Need to consider
reviewing questions and amending the document to be clear to Gwynedd
In response to a comment on the risks in Health, the Head of Finance
noted that the score was a general one and had been scored by Health and Safety
experts within the context of Council arrangements for safe operation. He reiterated there was a work programme in place
with actions to reduce the likelihood score.
In response to a question on how often the risks were updated, the Head
of Finance Department noted that the risk scores were reviewed continuously and
that the high-risk fields were areas where long term plans had been identified
to improve the situation. Meanwhile, Heads of Department would report on the action and ensure
the work was going in the right direction. He reiterated that the scoring
process would be guided by a combination of findings or events and there was an
element of objectivity as well as science behind the process.
In response to the general comments regarding the format of the
statement, the Head of Finance Department noted there was an element of
flexibility to the scoring and an attempt to follow CIPFA guidelines. It was
accepted that the impact varied from field to field and it was difficult to
generalise this. It was highlighted that it was intended to review the
document, simplify it and combine it with Cyngor Gwynedd's self-assessment to
secure one clear document for the people of Gwynedd and eliminate the element
of duplicating work for officers.
To accept
the report
To approve the Annual Governance Statement and
recommend that it is signed by the Council Leader and Chief Executive.
Need to re-consider the Lawfulness likelihood score.
Need to consider
reviewing the questions and adapting the document to be clear for residents -
although compliant with CIPFA guidelines, a suggestion to consider combining
with the assessment of governance arrangements included in Cyngor Gwynedd's
Self-assessment to avoid duplicating work
Supporting documents: