Proposed Energy Storage facility, related access, landscaping, infrastructure ancillary Equipment,
with a grid connection import and export capacity of 57MWac.
LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Menna Baines
To delegate powers to the Senior Planning Manager to approve the application,
subject to the receipt of observations from the Transportation Unit and the
Public Protection Service and the following conditions:
1. Five years.
2. In accordance with the plans/details submitted with the application.
3. Compliance with the landscaping scheme together with future maintenance
4. Compliance with the
recommendations of the Initial Ecological Assessment, Arboriculture Impact
Assessment and the Green Infrastructure Statement.
5. Prior submission of an Environmental Construction Method Statement to
the LPA.
6. Submission of a Construction Transport Management Plan.
7. Agree on the external materials for the structures.
8. Ensure a Welsh name and bilingual signage with priority given to the
Welsh language.
9. Agree on an Archaeological Work Programme
10. Submission of an Environmental Management Plan
11. Transportation and Public Protection conditions, as required
12. The site must be restored to the condition agreed with the Planning
Authority once the development's operational period has ended
Water and Environment Unit
Natural Resources Wales
Archaeological Planning Service
Proposed Energy Storage Facility, associated access, landscaping,
infrastructure, ancillary equipment, with import and export capacity to grid connection
of 57MWac.
Attention was
drawn to the late observations form which contained observations from the Transportation Unit.
Development Control Officer highlighted that this was a full application for
the installation and operation of a Battery Energy Storage System - BESS,
including energy storage units, electricity substation, site access,
landscaping and supporting infrastructure on land west of the existing Pentir electricity substation. Attention was drawn to all the application's elements, and it was noted
that the proposal would enable effective use to be made of the sustainable energy, which was already being generated. It
was reiterated that an underground cable connection to the electricity grid
would be secured via a separate planning application.
It was reported
that the site comprised 2.57 hectares of
rough pasture in an Open Countryside site outside any development boundary
and due to the size of the site, it was explained that the applicant had
undertaken a pre-application consultation as was required for the development defined as major by the Welsh Government. It was noted that
the development had been screened for the Environmental Impact Assessment and
it was considered that the impact on the environment was insufficient to
justify submitting an environmental
statement with the application.
Reference was
made to the response and observations of the Highways Unit confirming that they
had no objection in principle to the proposal, subject to conditions to ensure
that the assessment of the road's condition is completed prior to and after the
construction work, and that the Environmental Construction
Management Plan and the Construction Traffic Management Plan are
submitted and approved.
In the context of the principle of the development, it
was highlighted that justification had been given in the Planning, Design and
Access Statement to situate the resource on the proposed site based on the
proximity of the Pentir Sub-station and the complexity and impact on the landscape
of installing cables to connect the battery storage and the National Grid
network, which would therefore meet with the requirements of Policy
CYFF 1 - that the location was suitable. It was reiterated that Policy
ISA 1 was also supportive of proposals for water, electricity, gas services,
etc., to improve the provision, subject to detailed planning considerations and
noted the importance that the infrastructure provision for the development site
is located and designed in a way that reduces the impact on the natural and
built environment. By situating the development on this site close to the
existing substation, it was considered that the proposal was acceptable in
environmental terms.
It was
acknowledged that there would be some disruption during construction that would
continue for approximately 12 months, however, after this the site would be managed remotely and there would be no
staff present at the site, only occasionally for maintenance.
Based on the
information submitted it was considered that all the impacts had been
sufficiently mitigated, and that the proposal would not be detrimental to
visual amenities, to any unacceptable impacts on nearby sensitive uses, or
water quality; the location has been justified without cumulative unacceptable
impact on the landscape with the equipment being removed from the site at the
end of the scheme's life. Consequently, the proposal was considered acceptable, and it was
recommended to approve the application with conditions.
advantage of the right to speak, the applicant made the following observations.
· That the proposal was to supply an energy storage
facility that was essential for the future of low carbon renewable energy.
· That the scheme was in accordance with the requirements of the Welsh Government.
· The storage of energy was key to achieving net-zero.
· The scheme would offer work opportunities to local
· That the increase in the use of energy storage was in
response to supply and demand.
· That sufficient and established screening already
existed near the sub-station.
· That the proposal would not create an impact on the
landscape - this is hard grazing land that is low in biodiversity. Despite
this, it was intended to undertake more planting to reduce the visual
· Consultation meetings have been conducted with local residents and Pentir Community Council.
· They had worked with the planning officers and
· The scheme had community benefits.
the Local Member was not present, the member had noted in an e-mail to the
Chair that she supported the proposal on the grounds of sustainable
development, i.e. that energy storage appeared to be an essential technology when trying to deliver the net zero
ch) It was proposed
and seconded to approve the application.
To delegate powers to the Senior Planning Manager to approve the application,
subject to the receipt of observations from the Transportation Unit and the Public
Protection Service and the following conditions:
1. Five years.
2. In accordance with the plans/details submitted with the application.
3. Compliance with the landscaping scheme together with future maintenance
4. Compliance with the
recommendations of the Initial Ecological Assessment, Arboriculture Impact
Assessment and the Green Infrastructure Statement.
5. Prior submission of an Environmental Construction Method Statement to
the LPA.
6. Submission of a Construction Transport Management Plan.
7. Agree on the external materials for the structures.
8. Ensure a Welsh name and bilingual signage with priority given to the
Welsh language.
9. Agree on an Archaeological Work Programme
10. Submission of an Environmental Management Plan
11. Transportation and Public Protection conditions, as required
12. The site must be restored to the condition agreed with the Planning
Authority once the development's operational period has ended
Water and Environment Unit
Natural Resources Wales
Archaeological Planning Service
Supporting documents: