Provide an update on reports recently published by Audit Wales – ‘Financial Sustainability of Local Government’ and ‘Financial Sustainability Review – Cyngor Gwynedd’
To accept the National and Local report
To accept the Council's response to the
Following the receipt of
CIPFA support and guidance, the response Work Programme to be submitted to the
Committee by March 2026
Performance Reports to be
submitted to Scrutiny Committees to demonstrate that the statutory requirements
are being addressed
To correct the translations
of place names in the reports
Alan Hughes and
Dewi Wyn Jones (Council Business Support Service Manager)
were welcomed to the meeting.
It was noted that
the 'Local Government Financial Sustainability' (National Report and Local
Report - Cyngor Gwynedd) reports replied to the statement that 'the financial
position of local government is unsustainable in the medium-term unless action
is taken'. Over the summer 2024, Audit Wales looked at the sustainability of
each Council in Wales, focusing on the strategies to reinforce the long-term
financial sustainability of Councils, considering Councils' understanding of
their financial position and looking at Councils' reporting procedures to
reinforce regular supervision of their financial sustainability.
It was explained that the national report
provided some context for the financial challenges faced by Councils and
summarised the key findings of the work both nationally and locally.
When referring to
the main messages of the local report, a substantial increase in the number of
overspending Cyngor Gwynedd Departments was noted, and despite
the fact that the Council had started to develop a strategic method to
establish arrangements to assess the impact of services on the residents of the
County, it had not implemented a long-term strategy to support financial
sustainability. It was reiterated that the Council's use of reserves was
substantial, and that there was a need to consider whether the situation was
stable, with budgets under pressure.
Attention was drawn to the recommendation to
address the long-term financial strategy and to the Council's response form to
the review.
The Head of
Finance noted that the Council was considering the best way of spending within
the budget, whilst seeking service continuity for the County's residents.
Reference was made to the Llechen Lân
Plan's objectives as an example, which was a long-term plan and a way of
ascertaining the actual cost and practicality of providing services. It was
accepted that there was an intention to consider similar exercises, respond to
opportunities and improve efficiency. He reiterated, although the Council's
financial reserves looked healthy, he accepted that there may not be a
strategic enough view of their use and a review needed to be carried out to
consider whether the reserves responded to the demand or existed due to
historical matters.
The members thanked the officer for the
In response to a
comment regarding delivering statutory services successfully / failure within
the budget being highlighted through figures, and that success / failures to
meet statutory responsibilities would not emerge until the service would face a
challenge due to a failure to achieve, and whether it was possible to list all
of the Council's statutory responsibilities when setting the budget; it was
noted that the budget was set by prioritising what needed to be spent on the
provision of statutory services. It was reiterated, in the context of the
challenge of failing to achieve, that every department's performance reports
would be submitted to the relevant Scrutiny Committees and that it would be
possible to show that the statutory requirements were being met in this report.
In response to a
question regarding the completion date of actions to implement the long-term
financial strategy and whether March 2025 was a reasonable date, it was noted,
following support and guidance from CIPFA, that the work of starting to draw up
a work programme for the strategy would commence mid-March 2025, with the
intention of introducing a detailed work programme in March 2026.
the ensuing discussion, the following observations were made by members:
That a little more detail was needed in the
action plan.
A suggestion to trial a zero-based budget to
transform some services.
That the reports were useful and looked at the
bigger picture.
That some Councils
were better placed than others to cope with the financial challenges.
That the translation of
place names on the maps in the national report needed to be corrected.
Accepted the Council's position regarding
reserves, but for a specific purpose, and not to realise savings.
To accept the National and Local report
To accept the Council's response to the
Following the receipt of CIPFA support and
guidance, the response Work Programme to be submitted to the Committee by March
Performance Reports to be submitted to Scrutiny
Committees to demonstrate that the statutory requirements are being addressed.
To correct the translation of place names in
the reports.
Supporting documents: