To submit
the report of the Language Development Officer
Submitted - the report of the Welsh Language Development Officer by the
Senior Manager – Democracy and Delivery. Details were provided on how the audit
was undertaken and the results from the work which led to the further action
steps. It was reported that there was a
gap in some service elements which prevented a complete Welsh language service
being offered, for example, systems not available in Welsh. Nevertheless, it was reported that there
would be communication with other bodies to put pressure on them to offer a
Welsh language service.
The 'mystery shopper' exercise found that the Welsh language pattern in
youth clubs was very disappointing with the need to equip staff to be more
confident to use the Welsh language all the time.
It was reported that the Council had not prepared an explanation of what
exactly the Welsh Language Policy entailed when using the language. Consequently,
new guidelines had been produced recently which included a reference to
assistance. Reference was made to the need for contracts with external
companies to include conditions which detailed what exactly was required, for
example, installing Welsh language signs, and the need for a Welsh speaking
officer on the site.
It was noted that recruitment in some fields
was difficult and that there were arrangements in the pipeline to discuss the
matter with every Head of Service in turn as a result of previous decisions by
this Committee.
It was agreed that it was necessary to change staff and managers'
behaviour and this could be influenced by the Internal Communications
Team. It was noted that the phrase
" Always start every conversation in Welsh" was very important in
changing staff and managers' behaviour.
A member suggested that it would be very valuable to ask for feedback
regarding the Language Charter from head teachers of schools. Concern was
expressed by the member that the paperwork with the Language Charter was
becoming a burden on the schools. In
response to the member's concern, the Senior Manager – Democracy and Delivery
reported that Gwynedd Council had experimented with the Language Charter for
two years and were now examining what was good practice.
The Welsh Language Development Officer explained that the Council was in
the process of developing a language web for the office which included eight
simple questions on the use of the Welsh language, staff awareness and
confidence. With the language web, the
Welsh Language Development Officer would be hearing from the officers
themselves rather than managers as it was only the opinion of managers which
was received from the Welsh language audit. It was intended to use that for
targeting interventions in departments which needed attention.
The observation was made that staff needed encouragement and reference
was made to the unbelievable work which had been achieved recently by the Welsh
football team and Gwynedd Council could achieve similar work. It was noted that two Hunaniaith
community officers had visited Youth Clubs providing presentations on Welsh
RESOLVED to note the content of the report.
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