To submit a written report by the Maritime and Country Parks Officer.
The Maritime and Country
Parks Officer guided the members through the report, drawing attention to the
following main points:
Members were requested that any matters
relating to the Maritime Safety Code be brought to the attention of the
The Service had expected
an inspection of the code by an inspector from the Coastguard Agency in
January. However, unfortunately, due to the lack of capacity the inspection has
not taken place and the Service was awaiting for the inspection to be
re-organised. It was anticipated that the inspection would take place in
September 2017.
Following a comment made at the previous
meeting, the light on the Navigational Buoy had been changed so that it could
now be seen at a further distance from the sea. Reference was made to the
strength of the security lighting of the Blue Marine Water company, the
Maritime Traders Association Representative noted that he would raise the
matter with the company.
The Service, jointly
with the RNLI, had commenced a review of the safety signage in the Harbour area
and on Pwllheli beaches. The Service would respond to
the recommendations of the review and it was hoped that any new sign would
contribute to safety on this section of the Gwynedd coast.
· Details were given of the
Harbour and the Hafan's current financial position
and it was noted that the Service was confident that the budget would be in
accordance with the target except for an income shortfall in Hafan.
financial information is presented to the Consultative Committee would be
The Council had supported the Service's
request to reconcile the charging process in Hafan.
From 1 April onwards, the process for charging a fee for a pontoon mooring
would return to a boat Length Overall (LOA) arrangement in Hafan
Pwllheli. It
was anticipated that this would reduce the cost of an annual mooring for 95% of
the customers on a banding charging arrangement and it was hoped that this
would attract new customers to Hafan over the next
three years.
In 2017 the Council
would have to add a fee for each mooring in every Harbour under the Council's
management. It was explained that the
fee has been added by the Crown Estate who would claim £25.00 from each mooring
in the external harbour. It was noted that the Council, as the Harbour
Authority, was required to charge and collect this fee on behalf of the Crown
Estate. It was added that the additional fee was also payable for visitor
moorings and this payment would need to be funded via the Harbour budget.
An update was
given on the work to be undertaken in accordance with the Dredging Strategy, it
was noted that an inspection of the channel would be undertaken during the next
most favourable low tide and a hydrographic survey would be done to identify if
bed levelling work would need to be commissioned in the channel. It was noted
that the work of dredging the harbour mouth would be undertaken during April
prior to undertaking the bed levelling work before Whitsun, if it was required.
The Maritime and Country Parks Officer noted that he would send a copy of the Dredging
Strategy to members who had not received a copy.
In response to a
question from a member regarding increasing the size of the groin, the Maritime
and Country Parks Officer noted that it was proposed to return the groin back
to its previous form. It was noted that there would be substantial costs
involved with increasing the size of the groin due to the licences that would
have to be obtained under habitat regulations before taking action.
A member noted his
frustration regarding the speed of implementing the Dredging Strategy which was
vital to ensure future success. In response, the Senior Economy and Community
Manager noted that he accepted the comment regarding taking time to operate,
however, the dredging workload was intense and there was no simple solution. He
confirmed that the Dredging Strategy had been identified as a priority by the
Economy and Community Department for the 2017-18 financial year.
The Pwllheli Marina Berth Holders Association Representative
noted that the association had conducted a survey of their members' views and
they had highlighted their desire for more facilities such as restaurants and
public houses closer to Hafan as they felt that they
were too far to go into the town. He added that dredging was vitally important
but it was necessary to consider other matters as this alone would not attract
everyone back.
The Maritime and
Country Parks Officer referred to Area 5 of the External Harbour, it was noted
that area 5 and 6 had been combined and there had been an investment in a row
of moorings together with three stake moorings that were available for the same
fee. It was explained that the Pwllheli Harbour
Manager would consider the applications received.
In response to a
comment by the Pwllheli and District Boat Owners
Association Representative, the Maritime and Country Parks Officer noted that
the first three stakes were ear-marked for local people. It was noted that the
Council would have the right to anchor boats side by side on the first 3 stakes
in order to increase local capacity.
It was reported
that there would be no renewals for customers if their account was in debt. In
response to a comment by the Pwllheli and District
Boat Owners Association Representative, it was noted that this was not directed
to specific individuals, it was a general comment for all customers and the
Council had a responsibility to safeguard the money owed to ratepayers.
The Pwllheli Sailing Club and Plas Heli Representative noted that the arrangement with
the Council regarding boats from Area 5 mooring at Plas
Heli was still open to customers.
In response to
comments in the context of attracting people to take a mooring at Plas Heli at the expense of Hafan,
the Maritime and Country Parks Officer noted that the Council was working with Plas Heli to try to facilitate access to local people as
the Hafan fee was higher due to the additional
facilities that were available.
The Pwllheli Sailing Club and Plas
Heli Representative noted that Plas Heli had been
funded by European grant funding and that one of the aims when Plas Heli was established was to provide moorings for a
lower market price to local people.
The Pwllheli and District Boat Owners Association
Representative suggested that consideration should be given to reducing Hafan fees in order to try and fill the empty places. In
response, the Maritime and Country Parks Officer noted that the Service would
consider the matter.
It was noted that
the Service would continue to consider options and to review the night security
supervision procedure at Hafan. The Pwllheli Marina Berth Holders Association Representative
noted that the Association members were in agreement that the safety
supervision at Hafan should continue to be 24/7.
The need to use a
portion of the Hafan annual surplus towards
maintenance was noted.
It was proposed
and seconded to request that the Cabinet Member – Economy re-invests 50% of the
annual Hafan surplus in order to ensure that officers
have resources for maintenance, implementing the Dredging Strategy and to
improve resources in order to attract more customers.
to ask the Cabinet Member for the Economy to re-invest 50% of the annual Hafan surplus in order to ensure that officers have the
resources for maintenance, implementing the Dredging Strategy and to improve
resources in order to attract more customers.
The Maritime
Traders Association Representative noted the need to market that Hafan would return to an arrangement of charging a maximum
boat Length Overall (LOA) fee to attract customers. In response, the Senior
Economy and Community Manager noted that he hoped that retuning to the LOA
arrangement would attract customers. He added, that the Pwllheli
and District Boat Owners Association had been key in terms of the suggestion to
return to this arrangement.
In response to a
concern by the Maritime Traders Association Representative, that the additional
Crown Estate fee would increase, the Maritime and Country Parks Officer noted
that he hoped that it would remain static for the next five years.
The Pwllheli and District Boat Owners Association
Representative referred to the frustration of an individual who could not get
the name and address of a boat owner from the Council in the context of an insurance
claim, and he asked about the Council's insurance arrangements with owners. In
response, the Maritime and Country Parks Officer noted that the Council could
not release the name and address of an individual to others under the Data
Protection Act 1998. He explained that in the past the Council had asked
individuals for copies of their insurance policies, however, by now owners were
requested to complete a legal statement noting the sum that their boat was
insured for, in accordance with the legal guidance received. He noted that it
was the owners' insurers who would contact each other if a situation was to
arise regarding a claim.
Attention was
drawn to the fact that the numbers of visiting boats in Hafan
during the current year had increased. The Pwllheli
Sailing Club and Plas Heli Representative noted that
it would be interesting to see the statistics of visitors to the other harbours
in order to identify any trends. The Maritime Traders Association
Representative suggested that consideration should be given to reducing the fee
for visiting boats in order to try and encourage people to come to Pwllheli, as a result they may take a mooring for the
following year. The Pwllheli Marina Berth Holders
Association Representative noted that harbours did ask for the e-mail address
of individuals for marketing and a country-wide system existed regarding moving
from place to place.
RESOLVED to note and accept the report.
Supporting documents: