To consider
the report of the Deputy Leader
The annual report
was submitted by the Cabinet Member - Welsh Language. The Welsh Language
Services Manager elaborated on the contents. Welsh Government's final Strategy
would be published on 11 July 2017.
Concern was
expressed that there was so much focus on education as the only way of reaching
the aim.
Members' attention
was drawn to the fact that there was no mention of the Welsh language
strongholds, the element of social use of the Welsh language and the use of the
Welsh language in communities.
The importance of
setting milestones which had been addressed in the report was noted, but that
it was a difficult matter to measure. The education system was often used but
it would be a challenge and sophisticated ways of measuring would have to be
A member suggested
that the only way to realise the ambition was by opening more Welsh-medium
schools. There were many families where neither parent spoke Welsh therefore
there was no Welsh in the home.
A member reported that three-quarters of Welsh-speakers were produced by
the education system and a quarter by the home. If we were going to realise the
ambition, it was suggested that the way forward was by extending the education
system, particularly in the south-east. The Government should support the Local
Authorities which already implemented the requirements and the authorities
which were taking steps to extend the Welsh-medium education sector.
Disappointment was expressed that the report mentioned using the education
system only to realise the ambition and it was suggested that the planning
field should also be included. This was a field which often affected the
language. A member agreed with this comment and particularly as a result of the
decision by Lesley Griffiths, Welsh Government Cabinet Member, allowing
developers to appeal again after Gwynedd had refused an application twice on
land in Penrhosgarnedd.
A member suggested
that there was room to look at the role of Hunaniaith
in terms of the emphasis on developing the Welsh language in the community. It
was reported that Language Initiatives had a central role in communities
elsewhere and that there was room to look at the role of the Language
initiative in this county.
The Cabinet Member
- Welsh Language reported that the Council had clearly stressed that the
ambition of having a million Welsh-speakers would not be realised through one
medium, the education system, alone.
A member reported
that rural companies needed to be looked-after and that promoting the economy
was essential to keep Welsh-speakers here.
A member reported
that the goal was fine, but that the Government and the committee which had
formed the Strategy were devoid of ideas and had turned to education as if that
were the answer to everything.
It was reported
that all committee members came from the south-east.
In response to the
comment on the committee membership, the Cabinet Member - Welsh Language
reported that there was no representation from the north-west and barely any
from the north at all. She noted her intention to raise the matter with the
Chair of the committee and to seek fair representation of the speakers across
The meeting commenced at 10:30am and concluded at midday.
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