(a) Local Member:
Report on the barrier
Future of the pontoon?
Request for a ‘cordoned off’ activities area
Request to hold a local competition to design (and build) a
unique ‘beach hut’ for Barmouth (rather than using
the usual steel container).
Status of harbour resources (machinery, etc)
Lack of attendance on event dates
(b) Barmouth Town Council:
General tidiness and storage around the harbour
Income streams
Compound road parking
Mooring maintenance and report forms
(c) Arthog Community Council:
Penrhyn Point Management Update
Penrhyn Drive South Slipway
(d) Merioneth Yacht Club:
To discuss an Open swimming area in the confines of the Harbour
Very little space for Fin Keel boats
3. Possible
use of Concrete Scour matting to rectify drop at bottom of slip
(e) Barmouth Harbour Users Group:
Pontoon – transition of responsibility, care and
Moorings – advice on whether moorings should be taken ashore
every winter
Powerboat / Personal watercraft exclusion zone –
reinstating buoys to mark the bathing zone to ensure a safer area for bathing
Request for a cordoned off activities area
The Chair
reported that he had received a request to designate a cordoned off activities
area in the harbour for leisure activity use.
Resolved: To
approve that the matter is investigated and to ask the persons who made the
request to contact the Maritime and Country Parks Officer to discuss their
ideas further.
A request to hold a local competition to design
(and build) a unique 'beach hut' for Barmouth
The Chair
reported that something more aesthetic than what already existed was required
that would be of benefit to tourism.
Resolved: To
approve the idea in principle and for those interested in the above to contact
the Maritime and Country Parks Officer to further discuss any ideas that come
to hand.
General tidiness and storage around the Harbour
A complaint had
been received from a member of the public about fishing tackle in the harbour
and there was no room for children to go crabbing. The importance that fishermen store their
fishing tackle in the compound was noted.
Resolved: To
request that the Maritime and Country Parks Officer discusses the matter with
the fishermen to ensure that the pots are stored and to leave a gap for people
to be able to walk around them.
(ch) Income Streams
It was asked if
there was any way to increase the Harbour's income? It was noted that many more canoes and
kayaks were to be seen and did the authority charge them a fee?
A member stated
that there was so much coming and going by boats in the Harbour area that
increasing water use around the Harbour would create a safety risk.
In response, the
Maritime and Country Parks Officer explained that they tried to encourage
activities in the Harbour and no fee was charged as it would not be cost
effective, in light of the fact that it would cost more to administer the
arrangements to collect the fees.
Resolved: To
accept and note the above.
Parking on the road near the compound
It was noted that
the contractors would be given first choice in terms of parking on the above
Resolved: To
accept and note the above.
(dd) Mooring Maintenance
and feedback forms
It was reported
that the above matter would be discussed with the relevant staff in November.
Resolved: To
accept and note the above.
The latest regarding management of Penrhyn Point
Cllr. Julian
Kirkham reported what had been discussed at a recent meeting of Arthog Community Council and they would be making an
application to the Council's Highways Department for assistance to:
parking areas near the turning and passing area
a pay and display machine in the parking area, with the following words to be
included on the pay signs "Money from this pay and display machine will go
towards keeping Friog toilets open".
Erect a strong
height restriction barrier. It would be necessary to erect notice signs
on the road to Friog and also on
Penrhyn Drive North, for information to drivers of large vehicles.
Repair the 'Keep Clear' sign
at the top of the road down to the gate.
With the permission
of the Maritime Officer a gate was installed to close out the area
at the top of the slipway in
order to prevent vans etc. from parking on the road where people
launch boats.
A sign made specially to replace the temporary sign.
It was
further noted that residents were of the opinion that the owners of camper vans
only contribute a little or none at all to the area's local economy, and they
tend to take up two parking spaces and totally ignore the Council notice 'No
Overnight Parking' and worse than that there were no toilet facilities at Penrhyn Point. It was further noted that Fairbourne
Railway had placed gates to
prevent access to the tunnel. The Community Council felt strongly that the environment should be protected and by restricting parking where there were
no facilities the problems would be reduced.
In response, the Maritime and Country Parks Officer noted that whilst he
accepted that the above was frustrating the Maritime Service had no legal
powers to move the camper vans.
Resolved: To accept and note the above.
(f) Penrhyn Drive South Slipway
It was noted that Arthog Community Council was
of the opinion that the last thing required at this location was a slipway.
This would extend its use to allow vehicles to gain unrestricted access to the
foreshore. Generally, this section of Fairbourne beach was safe, and a safe place
to swim.
Vehicles whizzing past up
and down would be very dangerous to the public and there
would be an opportunity for the unauthorised launching of boats and personal
Access to pedestrians only
was requested in the form of a length of e.g. coconut matting,
but at a width of two pushchairs in order that
families can reach the beach. A sign would be required
e.g. "unsuitable for wheelchairs" to be erected
at the location.
It would be impossible
to have a zig-zag path due to the movement of the rough gravel.
In response to the above comments, the Maritime and Country Parks
Officer noted that a purposeful boat was available in the harbour to go out to Penrhyn Point to ensure that no boats launch from there.
Regarding the ramp, whilst accepting that improvements needed to be
made, it was explained that there were many movements on the beach and the
matter would be discussed further with Mr Julian Kirkham.
Resolved: To accept and note the above.
(g) There
was very little space for boats
It was noted that there was less space for Fin Keel boats.
(h) It was
possible to use the concrete scour matting to rectify the drop at the bottom of
the slipway
In response, the Harbour Master noted that he would consider the options
of the above suggestion.
Resolved: To accept and note the above.
(i) Moorings - a request to take the moorings ashore
every winter
Barmouth Harbour Users
Group were concerned about the number of moorings that had failed in the
harbour this season. As a result not
only did this have an impact on safety but may also have an impact on future
insurance premiums. It was asked if the
moorings should be taken ashore every winter, as in Aberdyfi
and would it be an idea to reinstate buoys to mark the bathing zone once more?
In response, the Maritime and Country Parks Officer noted that ideally
the above should occur but it was difficult in Barmouth
due to the quality of the sea bed and the fact that there was insufficient room
to store them safely.
The Harbour Master added that Aberdyfi
moorings were much smaller and lighter and traditionally the ones in Barmouth had been left in place over the winter. It was anticipated that there would be an
additional difficulty with the arrangements to put them back and to receive the
required administrative work.
Customers could be encouraged to lift them, however, they could not be
forced and the standard and quality of the moorings here already should be
improved. An appeal was made to the
organisations to emphasise to users that the moorings needed to be checked
Resolved: To
accept and note the above.
(j) Powerboat
/ Personal Watercraft exclusion zone
It was noted that at one time there was a row of buoys from Barmouth beach marking the prohibited zone to powerboats to
ensure a safer place to bathe. If there
were buoys there or not any wise mariner responsible for a boat would either
keep far enough away from the area or would proceed very carefully. Unfortunately, everyone did not do this. Therefore was there a case for reinstating
the buoys to mark the bathing zone?
In response, the Maritime and Country Parks Officer was of the view that
reinstating the buoys would not make much difference in Barmouth
and there was no risk to the public.
Resolved: To
accept and note the above.
Fin Keel moorings
In response to an enquiry by Cllr. Rob Triggs,
it was suggested that he, the Harbour Master, Mr Mike Ellis and Mr Dave Niven
should discuss the matter further.
Resolved: To accept and note the above.