To receive and confirm the minutes of a meeting of the Aberdyfi Harbour Consultative Committee held on the 28 February 2017.
Submitted: Minutes of a meeting of the Aberdyfi Harbour Consultative Committee that took place on
28 February 2017.
Resolved: To
accept and approve the minutes as a true record.
4.1 Matters arising
from the minutes - Item 4 (d) (i) Quay Wall
The Chair noted his
disappointment that an officer from Gwynedd Consultancy
could not attend the meeting to give an engineering update on the developments
with the quay wall work. The Chair had
attended a meeting recently with officers from the Gwynedd
Consultancy Unit and he reported that from his understanding the latest
position was that the estimate for the revised plans to re-develop the quay
wall was £2.2m. At present,
approximately 75% of this cost could be found via grants and European funding,
however there was a deficit of 25% that was equivalent to £500,000. At the previous meetings the possibility of
attracting a third party to contribute to the costs was discussed and it would
be possible to discuss this further at the next meeting of this Consultative
Committee. It was suggested that all Committee Members considered asking for
possible financial support and that this information was highlighted to members
of all the organisations represented on the Harbour Committee.
It was understood that concern had been highlighted by Natural Resources
Wales regarding the intention to extend the existing structure out by
approximately a metre seawards and this would have an
impact on habitats, but it was understood that they were now satisfied with the
amended plans. It was further
understood that the application would be presented and considered soon by the
National Park Authority, namely the Planning Authority for Aberdyfi.
The Maritime and
Country Parks Officer added that he would arrange for copies of the plans to be
available for inspection at the Harbour Master's
office and he would circulate notes updating on the process in the last few
weeks. It was noted that it would be
challenging to find £500,000 and it was intended to look at every possible
financial source.
In terms of the
time-schedule, it was trusted that the work could commence in April 2019.
During the ensuing
discussion the following points were highlighted:
In terms of attracting a local contribution, it was
felt that £500,000 was challenging and would it be possible for the Council to
consider sources from tourism streams.
That 2018 had been designated the Year of the Sea
and there might be financial sources available from the Welsh Government.
It had been agreed in the past that the quay was an
important resource for Aberdyfi and especially to
support businesses, RNLI etc.
That Lord Dafydd Elis-Thomas had recently been
appointed as the Minister for Culture, Tourism and Sport and it would be
beneficial to have a discussion with him regarding any assistance that he could
Doing nothing to renovate the quay wall was not an
option, as it would fall into the sea, however the path to reach this aim was
Resolved: (a)
To accept and note the above and to look forward to discuss the matter further
at the next Consultative Committee in March 2018.
That the amended plans and the latest report were available in the Harbour Master's office for further inspection by members
of this Consultative Committee and members of the public.
4.2 Item 4 (d) (ff) - Common Land / Storage, waste
It was reported
that the above land continued to be problematic with the public disposing all
types of illegal waste on the land, including fridges, freezers, asbestos etc.
The Maritime and
Country Parks Officer explained that there was asbestos on the land and this
had to be disposed by specialists and in accordance with strict guidance. It was noted that the Services had earmarked
approximately £10,000 for the clearance work with approximately £8,000 in
addition to erect a secure fence in order that no one could dispose of litter
or any illegal use of the land in the future.
It was trusted that the site would be cleared by the start of April
2018. By the end of summer, it was
hoped that there would be a tidy space available in the area to store pots and
tackle for the fishermen who work regularly from Aberdyfi
harbour. The
Service was in discussion with a waste disposal company from Caernarfon to get an estimate to dispose the waste.
The representative
from the Yacht Club noted they had a lease for a small section of the land and
the Club would be willing to contribute financially and practically to dispose
of illegal waste. The representative
was asked to circulate a copy of the lease to officers at the first
A Member noted that
once the land had been cleared, it would be a valuable and safe resource to
store official equipment and in an ideal location.
The Maritime
Officer emphasised that fishermen needed to ensure
that all their property, including fishing tackle of any type, had been stored
in a safe way. Any equipment identified
as not being used or maintained for some time would be disposed.
A Member suggested
that it could be possible to find out who had illegally dumped material by
investigating the serial numbers of the materials.
It was noted as a
matter of information that Clarach Waste Services in Aberystwyth undertook a weekly service for Tywyn and it might be worthwhile contacting them for a
price to dispose waste.
Resolved: To
accept and note the above.
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