The report was presented,
noting there had been a discussion on accountability in the previous meeting, and it was added that this report
is aligned to the accountability
The phases noted in the report were
outlined, noting that the first phase redirects Estyn to support schools and that there will
be no inspections during 2019/20. It
was explained that statutory category schools will still
have a second visit. There will be new
self-evaluation arrangements,
and a framework will be created to assist schools. It was noted that the framework will be piloted during September. It was noted that the second phase will be to start inspections again from 2020 onwards. The self-evaluation will be considered in more detail. It was explained that the third phase will
be inspections operating on the basis of self-evaluation.
The need for clarity was noted regarding phase 2 and the role of the consortia.
Comments arising from the discussion.
need for clarity in terms of everyone's role was noted.
is the timetable? - it was noted that changes are due to start during
need for a clear communication plan was noted, once there will be further
clarification on the report.
DECISION Accept the report.