1. A demand
has not been proven for erecting a new dwelling in open countryside, therefore
the proposal does not comply with the requirements of policies PCYFF 1 and PS17
of the Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local Development Plan, as well as paragraphs
4.2.37 - 38 of Planning Policy Wales and part 4.3.1 of TAN 6: Planning for
Sustainable Rural Communities which ensures that new houses in open countryside
may only be permitted in specific and exceptional circumstances.
2. This development
would have a detrimental effect on the landscape causing urban encroachment
onto a greenfield site in open countryside. It is not considered that the
proposal would add to or improve the character and appearance of the site and
it would not integrate with its surroundings. The application is therefore
contrary to Policy PCYFF 3 of the Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local Development