DECISION: To approve the application as presented, subject to
amending outdoor music conditions to 4 events each calendar year during the
time requested, namely 12:00 – 23:30
Additional Conditions to include:
· Create detailed event safety management
plans for each individual event which would be discussed with North Wales
Police and Cyngor Gwynedd, agreed with each member of the Safety Advisory Group
(SAG) and implemented by the Event Organisers.
· Each event would seek approval from North
Wales Police and Cyngor Gwynedd by presenting appropriate Risk Assessments for
events and a Management Plan.
· Measures to prevent crime and disorder and
crowd management would be agreed with the police and other members of the SAG
and incorporated in the Events Management Plan and implemented by the event
· Each event will have a specific event
safety management plan. Measures to ensure public safety will be discussed with
members of the SAG and incorporated in the Events Management Plan and
implemented by the Event Organisers.
· The
additional measures submitted in part M of the application, as conditions on
the licence.