As we now
approach a year since the war in Gaza began, Cyngor Gwynedd states that:
More than
40,000 Gaza residents have been killed by Israel security forces – the vast
majority civilians. Approximately 10,000 people – mostly civilians – remain
undiscovered but are almost certainly dead. Over 90,000 have been injured –
again with the majority of them civilians.
Close to
200,000 have died due to the indirect effects of Israel's military campaign.
The vast majority of the 2.2m people living there have lost their homes, or
have had to move out of their homes. There are people whose families live in
Gaza among the residents of Gwynedd.
In view of
this, and in view of a number of other current horrific situations such as
Ukraine, Yemen and Myanmar, the Full Council, as part of the process of the
annual review of the Investment Strategy, calls for consideration to be given
to adding a provision that meets the principles of protecting human liberties
and respecting international law.