Wales Council of the Blind is the
umbrella agency representing vision impairment within Wales. We work to
campaign, lobby and support the improvement of services for people with sight
loss. WCB provides a platform vision impaired people to raise their concerns
and wishes.
WCB's Articles of Association sets out a way of letting
their members contribute to setting priorities and work streams. An important
part of the new structure is the creation of Regional Steering Groups to inform
WCB's work. The four new Regional Steering Groups will be established across
Wales, covering North, West, South East and South Central.
Each group intends to offer a
platform for local clubs, charities, statutory services and people with sight
loss to get together and contribute to directing the work and resources of WCB.
It's likely that priorities may vary from region to region, and we want that to
be reflected in the work of WCB.
WCB's Board of Trustees will
include four representatives - one nominated from each of the four regional
steering groups - to bring the views of the regions to the table.
does Wales Council of the Blind do?
We work to assist
the Welsh Government by participating in and facilitating consultation
keep in touch with
what is happening in every area
in Wales and in the U.K.
We highlight examples
of good practice and distribute this to the eyecare sector through our SYLW newsletter, e-bulletins, quarterly 'Round-Up' Magazine, and our
professional networks
bring people together to exchange information and ideas
identify gaps in provision
encourage the development of new services where necessary
support and assist other
agencies to provide a good service
represent v.i. within Wales and at an all-Wales level
represent v.i. in Wales at a U.K. level