Decision Maker: Planning Committee
Decision status: Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To approve the application subject to the following conditions: -
1. Five years.
2. In accordance with the documents and
plans submitted as part of the application.
3. Submit details of external elevations.
4. Submission of asbestos details prior to
5. Compliance
with Part 5 (Interpretation and Advice) of the Ecology Impact Assessment
document as well as the Shadow Habitats Regulations Assessment and observations
of the Biodiversity Unit.
6. Complete the landscaping scheme within
a specific period.
7. Compliance with the contents of the
Arboriculture Assessments.
8. The
standard conditions of Gwynedd Archaeological Planning Service regarding
submission of details of an archaeological recording programme initially, and
following this, the submission of a detailed report of the archaeological work
within 6 months of completing the archaeological work at the site.
Publication date: 26/02/2024
Date of decision: 26/02/2024
Decided at meeting: 26/02/2024 - Planning Committee
Accompanying Documents: