Cabinet Member – Councillor Dyfrig Siencyn
To consider
a report on the above.
Additional documents:
To accept the report and to note the
Leader and Ambition North Wales officers were welcomed to the meeting.
– the report of the Leader on the Quarter 3 2022-23 performance of the North
Wales Growth Deal, following the committee's request.
Leader outlined the context by providing a brief update on the work of the
Growth Deal, some of the background of establishing the North Wales Economic
Ambition Board, along with details of different schemes that were relevant to
Gwynedd. The Operations Manager then
provided an overview of the Growth Deal and the main highlights of 2022-23.
were given an opportunity to ask questions and offer observations.
It was
enquired how the Ambition Board intended to draw up a language policy for the
Trawsfynydd project to ensure that the development and the workforce would not
Anglicise the area. In response, it was
That this was a project that wholly relied on UK
Government investment, and that there was no certainty on that.
In terms of a language policy, the Egino company would
soon hold a workshop to examine the social benefits, including the linguistic
It was
noted that the greatest risk in terms of delivering the objectives of the
Growth Deal was ensuring public and private sector investment, and it was
enquired what steps it intended to take should the capacity of those sectors to
invest reduce over the next few years due to the current financial
situation. In response, it was noted:-
That economic circumstances had changed immensely
since the Growth Deal was agreed in 2010, and that the financial crisis was a
challenge that faced us on a regular basis where there was a contribution from
the private sector.
The Business Delivery Board, which had representatives
from the private sector, was meeting to discuss projects regularly, under the
guidance of Askar Sheibani, who ran his own global digital business and who was
very enthusiastic for the whole of north Wales.
The only assurance that could be given at present was
that this was a matter that was being addressed, and it was believed that there
was a desire among the private sector to invest, provided that the
circumstances were right.
The North Wales Ambition Programme Office worked very
closely with the private sector on specific projects, and that the sector was
currently looking to invest.
It was acknowledged that there was a risk that the
capacity to invest could change over coming years, and the Programme Office
worked very closely with both Governments on this. More public sector investment would possibly
be required should the private sector investment not be there but, at present,
the situation seemed quite positive.
· The Programme Office was developing a strategy with the Business Delivery Board to ensure that it was possible to bring this strategy forward, and one of the specific things that had been undertaken as part of the demand for new projects to the £30m fund was to place a strong emphasis on the ability of businesses to invest as part of ... view the full minutes text for item 5