To consider
the reports.
Additional documents:
1. To accept the report and to note the observations while
welcoming the idea of a cross-departmental procedure to monitor grants.
2. To
receive a progress report on the field by the departments in 2025.
The report was
presented by expressing gratitude for the opportunity to discuss the
contribution of the third sector. It was noted that they were invaluable and it
was critical to scrutinise their work as well as to scrutinise measuring the
value of the sector. A huge debt was acknowledged for the work of the third
sector, especially with the public sector shrinking as they responded so quickly
and flexibly. It was emphasised that there was a need to ensure that the
Council received the most value for money to ensure the most effective service.
The committee members
were thanked for the enquiry to investigate this field. It was noted that it had
been an opportunity to raise awareness of the work taking place. Thanks was
also reiterated to the field, by emphasising that they were considered as an
extremely important partner to the Council.
It was expressed that
the committee's request had been very timely and had allowed the department to
review their contracts. It was emphasised that this report only looked at
organisations in the care field and organisations that only received
contributions for running costs and not for commissioning specific services.
Attention was drawn to the fact that the report highlighted matters that had
arisen over the previous years, as well as historical matters that would be
challenging to come to terms with and to look at how to build on this work. It
was noted that a meeting had been arranged a fortnight ago, where the financial
situation was discussed and it was announced that funding for 2024/25 would be
the same as what was received in 2023/24, as well as highlighting the timetable
to discuss the way forward and for future commission work.
During the discussion, the following observations were noted:-
was highlighted that the report showed the inconsistencies in terms of the
level of detail received on performance information asked about the third
sector, and it was asked whether further information had been received.
was simply noted that there was a need for organisations to report on what they
do with the funding received, it was agreed that there were inconsistencies
across the sector, and that there was a need to reconcile the information
was enquired what were the arrangements in terms of monitoring and whether the
Council received value for money.
Scrutiny Committee was thanked for bringing the matter to the attention of the
departments, it was noted that a great deal of information came back to the
Council but the discussion had motivated both departments to have a strong
system to monitor and reconcile across the sector.
was highlighted that only some of the third sector organisations were available
in the report and some organisations seemed to be missing.
o It was explained that the report focused on preventative work in the Adults Department and the Children's Department. It was highlighted that other departments such as the Housing and Property Department used ... view the full minutes text for item 6