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No. | Item |
ELECT CHAIR To elect Chair
for 2022/23 Additional documents: Decision: To elect Councillor
Edgar Owen as Chair for 2022/23 Minutes: RESOLVED to elect Councillor Edgar Owen as Chair for 2022/23 |
Chair for 2022/23 Additional documents: Decision: To elect
Councillor Elwyn Edwards as Vice-chair for 2022/23 Minutes: Two names were proposed and
seconded for the post of vice-chair, namely Councillor Elwyn Edwards and
Councillor Gruffydd Williams RESOLVED to elect Councillor Elwyn Edwards as Vice-chair
for 2022/23 |
APOLOGIES To accept any apologies for absence. Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Gareth A Roberts; Councillor
Elin Walker Jones (Local Member) |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST AND PROTOCOL MATTERS To receive any declaration of personal interest and to note protocol matters. Additional documents: Minutes: a)
Councillor Louise
Hughes in item 7.5 (C21/1183/09/LL) on the agenda, as she knew the applicant Councillor Huw Rowlands in item 7.6
(C22/0038/22/LL) on the agenda, as he knew the applicant Councillor Gruffydd Williams in
item 7.6 (C22/0038/22/LL) on the agenda, as he knew the applicant and the
objector Councillor Cai Larsen in item 7.9
(C21/1206/25/LL) on the agenda, as he was a member of the Adra Board Members were of the view that it
was a prejudicial interest, and they withdrew from the meeting during the
discussion on the application b) The following members
declared that they were local members in relation to the items noted: ·
Councillor Dafydd
Meurig (not a member of this Planning Committee), in relation to item 7.2
(C22/0134/16/LL) and 7.9 (C21/1206/25/LL) on the agenda ·
Councillor Gareth
Morris Jones (a member of this Planning Committee), in item 7.3
(C21/0734/46/LL) on the agenda ·
Councillor Anne
Lloyd-Jones (a member of this Planning Committee), in relation to item 7.5
(C21/1183/09/LL) on the agenda ·
Peter Thomas (not a member of this Planning Committee), in item 7.6
(C22/0038/22/LL) on the agenda ·
Huw Wyn Jones (a member of this Planning Committee), in item 7.7
(C21/1174/11/LL) on the agenda. ·
Kim Jones (not a member of this Planning Committee), in item 7.8
(C22/0239/15/LL) on the agenda c)
members stated that they had received correspondence regarding application 7.5
and 7.6. |
URGENT ITEMS To note any items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chairman for consideration. Additional documents: Minutes: None to
note |
Chairman shall propose that the minutes of the previous meeting of this
committee, held on the 11th of April 2022, be signed as a true
record. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair accepted the minutes of the previous meeting
of this committee, held on 11 April 2022, as a true record. |
PLANNING APPLICATIONS To submit the report of the Head of Environment Department. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the following applications for development.
Details of the applications were expanded upon and questions were answered in
relation to the plans and policy aspects. RESOLVED |
Application No C22/0251/11/DA 23 Ffordd Belmont, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2HY PDF 204 KB Non-material
amendment to the plans approved by planning permission C19/0224/11/LL to allow
the use of pvc-u cladding on the rear elevation of the
extension in lieu of the spardash render. LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Elin Walker Jones Additional documents: Decision: To approve the
application subject to the following condition: - ·
The amendment hereby permitted shall
be carried out in strict conformity with the details submitted to the Local
Planning Authority, and contained in the form of application and in any other
documents accompanying the application unless condition(s) to amend them is/are
included on this planning decision notice. Notwithstanding the amendments
hereby permitted, the remainder of the development must be completed in strict
conformity with the details and conditions included in planning permission
number C19/0224/11/LL. Minutes: Non-material
amendment to the plans approved by planning permission C19/0224/11/LL to allow
the rear elevation of the extension to be replaced with a pvc-u cover in lieu
of a pebble-dashed render. a) The Development Control Officer highlighted that this was a non-material
amendment to the plans approved by planning permission C19/0224/11/LL to allow
the rear elevation of the extension to be replaced with a pvc-u cover in lieu
of a pebble-dashed render. It was explained that the two-storey semi-detached
house was located within an established residential area to the south-west of
the city centre in ribbon form, opposite the class III county road, Belmont
Road. The application was submitted to the Committee as the applicant was a
close relative of the Dewi Ward councillor in Bangor. b) A proposal was made and seconded to approve the
application. RESOLVED: To approve
the application subject to the following condition: - |
Application No C22/0134/16/LL Plot C1, Parc Bryn Cegin, Llandegai , Bangor, LL57 4BG PDF 278 KB Development of
Bio-compressed natural gas vehicle fuelling station comprising fuel pumps,
plant compound, landscaping, creation of new accesses and associated
development LOCAL MEMBER:
Councillor Dafydd Meurig Link
to relevant background documents Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: To approve –
conditions: 1. Five years 2. In accordance with the plans 3. To complete the access in accordance
with the plans 4. No
lorries to park overnight 5. Landscaping plan 6. Compliance with lighting scheme 7. Welsh Water 8. Complete in accordance
with the requirements of the noise and light assessment Notes ·
Highways ·
SUDS Minutes: Development of a natural compressed bio-gas fuel
facility for vehicles including fuel pumps, equipment compound, creation of new
accesses, landscaping and associated development. Some members had
visited the site on 10/06/22. It was explained
that the proposal related to the development of a Bio-CNG (compressed bio
natural gas) vehicle fuel facility, including fuel pump islands, machinery
compound, creation of a new access and associated development within Bryn Cegin
Industrial Estate. It was noted that the facility would serve logistics and
distribution operators and would operate for 24 hours a day, without staff,
with drivers activating the pumps with an automatic fob. It was noted that the
proposal entailed the development of an empty plot within the Parc Bryn Cegin
Industrial Estate, which had been designated and protected in the LDP as a
Regional Safeguarded Strategic Employment Site. In the
context of planning considerations, the main concerns of the Local Member and
nearby residents was the possible impact of the proposal in terms of noise
disturbance and light pollution. It was
highlighted that the site abutted the rear of three residential houses - 1 to 3
Rhos Isaf. It was acknowledged that the houses were on a higher level and it
was intended to level the application site so that there was a retaining wall
between it and the houses with an acoustic fence on top. It was highlighted
that the noise assessment and the lighting plan had been submitted as part of
the application and the results of the assessments indicated that it was not
expected for the impacts of operational noise from the fuel filling station to
have any substantial detrimental impact, subject to the context. It was noted
that the Public Protection Unit had accepted what the noise consultant had
noted and the need to assess each site individually together with noise
levels. It was added that the site was
identified as an industrial estate and the additional information had stated
that the noise levels from the site would not have a negative impact on the
residents' dwellings. Although the score
level of 4db exceeds the existing background noise level in the worst possible
scenario, the levels would continue to conform with the levels outlined by the
World Health Organisation should all the noise mitigation measures be
implemented. As a result of the comments of the Public Protection
Service, it was recommended that a condition should be included referring to conforming
with the contents of the noise assessment and the light assessment. Having assessed the proposal in full, it was
considered that it was acceptable and complied with the requirements of the
relevant policies and guidelines. b) Taking advantage of the right to speak, the applicant
noted the following observations: ·
CG Fuels
was the leading developer in the operation of Bio-CNG (compressed bio natural
gas). · The company ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
Application No C21/0734/46/LL Tyddyn Isaf, Tudweiliog, Pwllheli, Gwynedd, LL53 8PB PDF 255 KB A
full planning application for change of use of agricultural land to form a
caravan site for 32 pitches, construction of a new amenity building and all
associated hardstanding, re-surfacing and access LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Gareth Morris Jones Additional documents: Decision: DECISION:
To approve the application contrary to the recommendation subject to the
requirements of the landscaping plan and basic conditions *To refer
the application to a cooling off period Minutes: Full
application for change of use of agricultural land to create a caravan site for
32 pitches, construction of new building to accommodate showers/toilets, all
associated hard standings, resurfacing and access. Attention was drawn to the late observations form
that highlighted additional landscaping details. Some of the Members had visited the site on
10/06/22. It was noted that the applicant had parked a car and caravan in the
field to try and highlight the impact. a)
The Planning Manager highlighted that the decision on this
application was deferred at the Planning Committee meeting held in April 2022
so that committee members could conduct a site visit. It was
explained that the site was situated outside any development boundary in an
open site in the countryside and the existing holding comprised a dwelling,
farmyard and associated buildings with a class 3 public road running past the
site separating the yard and the proposed caravan site access from the nearby
dwelling. It was added that the site and the nearby area was within the
designation of the Llŷn Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty as well as the
Llŷn and Bardsey Landscape of Outstanding Historic Interest. It was noted that since the subject of this application was a site for
touring caravans, it had to be considered under policy TWR 5 of the LDP that
sets a series of criteria to approve such developments. It was added that criterion 1 in policy TWR
5 stated that any new touring caravan developments should be of a high quality
in terms of design, layout and appearance, and well screened by existing
landscape features and / or where the units could be readily assimilated into
the landscape in a way which did not significantly harm the visual quality of
the landscape. Although accepting that a planting and landscaping plan had been
submitted by the applicant, the officers continued to recommend that the
application be refused as the site had not been well screened by existing
landscape features and was not in a location where touring units can be readily
assimilated into the landscape.
Therefore, it was considered that the development had a substantially
significant and harmful impact on the visual amenities of the local area and it
was not considered that the proposal would protect and improve the Llŷn
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It was considered that the proposal was contrary
to criterion 1 of policy TWR 5 and policies PS19 and AMG 1 of the Anglesey and
Gwynedd Joint Local Development Plan 2011-2026, adopted 31 July 2017. b) Taking advantage of the right to speak, the applicant's relative noted
the following points: ·
The family were local with firm roots
in Pen Llŷn - they had been brought up, educated and worked locally. · The proposal was a plan for the whole family with the hope of being able to develop an intrinsic, successful and long-term business in Tudweiliog; it would have numerous benefits to the local economy for shops, public houses, ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
Application No C20/0870/45/LL Land At Ysgubor Wen, Pwllheli, LL53 5UB PDF 285 KB Erection of five dwellings
with associated access, parking and landscaping. LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Elin Hywel Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: To approve the
application subject to conditions and the completion of a section 106 agreement
to secure provision of one affordable house: 1. Time 2. Compliance
with plans 3. Agree
on details of external materials including slate 4. Landscaping
/ Trees 5. Drainage
matters / SUDS 6. Biodiversity
Matters 7. Archaeological
Matters 8. Affordable
matters 9. Highways
Matters 10. Protection measures and improve the hedge 11. Boundary treatment Minutes: Erection of
five dwellings together with access, parking and landscaping a)
The Planning Manager highlighted that the application was
originally submitted to the Planning Committee on 21/06/21 when it was resolved
to approve the application, subject to determining an appropriate discount to
restrict the value of both affordable dwellings and complete a 106 Agreement to
ensure that the two houses are affordable for local need. It was added that
lengthy discussions had been held between the officers and the applicant since
the committee's decision and as a result to the submission of detailed
financial evidence, it had become evident that it would not be viable to
include two affordable houses as part of the development. In
accordance with the committee's decision to approve subject to a discussion and
agree on an appropriate discount for the affordable units, an open market
valuation was received for the affordable housing. Based on the information together with advice
from the Strategic Housing Unit, it was determined that a discount of 40% was
required to ensure that the houses were in reach of people who need
intermediate affordable housing.
Following this, an objection was received to the discount from the
applicant as such a high discount would impact the viability of the entire
plan. It was explained that the relevant requirements of the policy and the
SPG also note that if the required percentage of affordable units are not
provided within the site, then a pro-rata payment would have to be considered
rather than no affordable provision. In
this case, and having assessed the costs of the development/building as
submitted within the latest red book valuation, it was clear based on including
one affordable unit with a discount of 40%, that it would not be viable to
provide another affordable unit or to ask for a pro-rata payment in place of
the second affordable unit. Therefore, as noted in the policies and the
relevant advice, the affordable element in this case reflected the number of
affordable units in the context of the conclusions of this assessment. Consequently, a decision was made to accept
one affordable house on plot 4 with a discount of 40% to be added via a legal
agreement in order to continue to be affordable for local need. b) Taking advantage of the right to speak, the Local Member made the
following points: ·
That not much changes had been made to
the original plan and she was willing to support the application ·
Despite residents' concerns regarding sewerage, an acceptable
response was received ·
There was a housing crisis in Pwllheli and there was a need for affordable
housing ·
There was a need for the right houses
in the right place ·
There was a need to consider the
developer's viewpoint - this was a local building company - a local Welshman
employing local people and she supported
this ·
The plan was not viable - the system was failing - the process
needed to be reviewed · Concern that no language statement had been included as ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |
Application No C21/1183/09/LL Land by Mor Awelon, Tywyn, LL36 9HG PDF 283 KB Construction of one dwelling LOCAL
MEMBER: Councillor Anne Lloyd-Jones Link
to relevant background documents Additional documents: Decision: DECISION:
To refuse:- ·
The site lies in open
countryside and the proposal is not an application for a rural enterprise
dwelling and therefore it is considered that the proposal is contrary to
Strategic Policy PS 17 and Policy PCYFF 1 of the Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint
Local Development Plan, together with Planning Policy Wales and Technical
Advice Note 6: planning for sustainable rural communities. ·
The applicants have not been assessed as applicants in
need of an affordable home, the size of the property is substantially larger
than an affordable home as defined in the Supplementary Planning Guidance:
Affordable Housing; and as there is no open market valuation of the property,
it cannot be certain that the property would have an affordable price or
continue to be affordable in future.
Therefore, it is not considered that the proposal in question would
provide an affordable home on the site and that the proposal is therefore
contrary to the requirements of policy TAI 16 of the Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint
Local Development Plan that only allows proposals for schemes that are 100%
affordable homes. It is also contrary to the contents of the Supplementary
Planning Guidance: Affordable Housing Minutes: Construction
of one dwelling Attention was drawn to the late observations form. a)
The Planning Manager highlighted that this was a full application
to construct a dwelling (3 bedrooms) primarily of a two-storey design to
include a garden store underneath a section of the proposed house (that would
make that section three-storeys) on land near Môr Awelon, Ffordd Brynhyfryd,
Tywyn. As part of
the application, the following were submitted - a Welsh Language Statement,
Design and Access Assessment, Planning Statement, Initial Ecological Assessment
and a letter of further justification for a house on the site in the
countryside but exactly adjacent to the Tywyn development boundary. It was added that
the site was within the Dysynni Valley Landscape of Outstanding Historic
Interest with mainly gorse hedges and a few trees on the boundary with the A493
class 1 road and Tywyn Hospital which is a Grade II listed building on the
other side. The
application was submitted to the Committee at the request of the former Local
Member, Councillor Mike Stevens It was explained
that the proposals maps for Tywyn highlight that the site lies outside the
development boundary of the local service centre and therefore it was
considered that this was tantamount to erecting a new house in the countryside. It was noted that Strategic Policy PS 17 -
Settlement Strategy concerning the distribution of housing, in terms of a site
in open countryside notes that only housing development that complies with
Planning Policy Wales and TAN 6 will be permitted in the Open Countryside. In accordance with TAN 6, one of the few
circumstances in which a new residential development in the open countryside
can be justified is when accommodation is required to enable a rural enterprise
worker to live at, or close to, his workplace.
It was considered that the existing application was not an application
for a rural enterprise dwelling and therefore the proposal was contrary to
Strategic Policy PS 17 and Policy PCYFF 1, together with Planning Policy Wales
and TAN 6. In the
context of justifying the need for an affordable house on the site, it was
highlighted that the applicants had not been assessed as applicants in need of
an affordable home, and the size of the property was substantially larger than
the size of an affordable home. In addition, and as there was no open market
valuation of the property, it could not be certain that the property would have
an affordable price or continue to be affordable in future. It was considered that the proposal in question
would not provide an affordable house on the site and the proposal was
therefore contrary to the requirements of policy TAI 16 that can only support
as exceptions proposals for housing schemes that are 100% affordable on sites
that are directly adjacent to a development boundary and which form a
reasonable extension to the settlement and to the contents of the Affordable
Housing SPG. Following the receipt of the location plan and the amended ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |
Extend track under application reference nymber C21/1155/22/YA for a distance of 15 metres to the north of the existing entrance together with the construction of a bridge to cross a watercourse - Lôn Tyddyn Agnes, Llanllyfni. LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Peter Thomas Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: To defer
and conduct a site visit. Minutes: Extend track under application
reference C21/1155/22/YA for
a distance of 15 metres to
the north of the existing entrance along with the construction of a bridge to cross the watercourse - Lôn Tyddyn Agnes,
Llanllyfni a)
The Head of Legal
Services suggested that the
decision should be deferred in order
to consult further with nearby residents
and to conduct a site visit. The Head of Legal
Services added that it would be appropriate to conduct a site visit. b)
It was proposed and
seconded to defer and conduct a site
visit. RESOLVED: To
defer and conduct a site visit. |
Application No C21/1174/11/LL Bae Hirael, Bangor, LL57 1AD PDF 449 KB Construction
of flood defence in the Hirael area of Bangor to include:- 1.
Improvements to the cycle path. 2.
Construction of a new concrete wall to displace the existing
gabions following the footprint of the existing sea wall. 3.
Re-construct slipway. 4.
Construction of earth bund. 5.
Install 2 flood gates. 6.
Raise height of part of Glandwr Road together with erecting a new
concrete wall. LOCAL
MEMBERS: Councillor Medwyn Hughes and Councillor Huw Wyn Jones Link
to relevant background documents Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: To
delegate powers to the Senior Planning Manager to approve the application,
subject to the following conditions: 1.
Five years. 2.
In accordance with the
plans/details submitted with the application. 3.
Submission of a
Construction Environmental Management Plan to include measures to reduce noise,
dust and vibration to be agreed with the LPA. 4.
Submission of a Biosecurity Risk Assessment. 5.
Compliance with the
recommendations of the amended Habitats Regulations Assessment. 6.
Submission of a Method
Statement Plan/Risk Assessment in order to safeguard Welsh Water assets that
cross the site. 7.
Submission of the
details of the Archaeological Programme to be followed with a report of the
archaeological work carried out on the site. 8.
Restriction of the working hours which includes
operating machinery and importing materials between 08:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday
and not at all on Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays unless the extension of
these working hours has been approved in writing by the Local Planning
Authority. 9.
Safeguard public
footpath no. 28 and 29 Bangor during and after the completion of the development. Minutes: Construction
of flood defences in the Hirael area of Bangor, to include:- 1. Improvements
to the cycle path. 2. Construction of a new
concrete wall to replace
the existing gabions and follow the footprint of the existing sea wall. 3. Rebuilding of
slipway. 4. Erecting a soil embankment. 5. Installation
of two floodgates. 6. Raise the height of a part of Lôn
Glandŵr as well as erecting a new concrete wall. a)
The Development Control Officer highlighted that there were
several elements to this full application
to construct a 550m long flood
defence in the Hirael area on the northern
coastal outskirts of Bangor
and the application was submitted as Hirael, historically,
had been at risk of flooding from several
sources. It
was noted that the existing coastal defences in Hirael are restricted and the only formal
defence in the area were the existing
sea wall of deteriorated gabions. There are no
other structures that manage coastal
flooding within the area. Under the Shoreline Management Plan 2,
Hirael sees a policy change of "holding the line” in Epoch
1 and 2 to "managed realignment" by Epoch
3. It was considered that
the principle of approving
the proposal was acceptable
based on its effect on
the visual, residential and biodiversity amenities locally and nationally together with transportation
matters and the construction of a flood defence in the Hirael area of the city responds positively to the structural weaknesses identified in the existing defences. b)
Taking advantage of the right to speak, the Local Member made the following points: ·
He welcomed
the plan ·
Concern from some residents
regarding the loss of a view, however, it was a significant improvement in terms of safety
to others c)
It was proposed and
seconded to approve the application. RESOLVED: To
delegate powers to the
Senior Planning Manager to approve the application, subject to the following conditions: 1. Five years. 2. In accordance with the plans/details submitted
with the application. 3. Submission
of a Construction Environmental Management Plan to include measures to reduce noise, dust
and vibration to be agreed with the LPA. 4. Submission
of a Biosecurity Risk Assessment. 5. Compliance
with the recommendations of
the amended Habitats Regulations Assessment. 6. Submission
of a Method Statement Plan/Risk Assessment in order to safeguard
the Welsh Water assets that cross the site. 7. Submission
of the details of the Archaeological
Programme to be followed with a report of the archaeological work carried out on
the site. 8. Restriction
of the working hours which includes running machines and importing materials
between 08:00 to 18:00 Monday
to Friday and not at all on Saturday, Sunday
and Bank Holidays unless the extension of these working hours
has been approved in writing
by the Local Planning Authority. 9. Safeguard public footpath no. 28 and 29 Bangor during and ... view the full minutes text for item 14. |
Substantial demolition of the existing Electric Mountain Visitor Centre
(bar the existing electrcity sub-station), change of use of the site to form a
car park, replacement lighting, provision of electric vehicle charging points
and associated landscaping. LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Kim Jones Link
to relevant background documents Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: To defer until September
2022 to enable a further opportunity to discuss alternative uses for the
building Minutes: Substantial
demolition of the existing Electric Mountain Visitor Centre (bar the existing
electricity sub-station), change of use of the site to form a car park,
replacement lighting, provision of electric vehicle charging points and
associated landscaping. Attention
was drawn to the late observations form noting that the Community Council
confirmed that there had been lengthy consultation prior to the application's
submission and the Community Council had no objection to the demolition of the
building as the company do not offer another option, however, there was some
discontent amongst members that a car park would then be created together with
a small site for events a)
The Development Control Officer highlighted that this was a full
application to demolish the structure of the Electric Mountain Visitor Centre
(separate to the electricity sub-station) to provide a new car park, install lighting,
charging points for vehicles and associated landscaping on a site that is
located between the village and Llyn Padarn. The application was split into
several different elements, which included:- ·
Demolish 2,932m2 of the floor surface area of the existing
building, apart from 22m2 of the surface area of the electricity sub-station. ·
Provide a car park for the public that would add 110 additional
parking spaces to the existing adjacent car park, including 5 disabled spaces. ·
Provision of 12 rapid AC Charging points for vehicles together
with one rapid DC charging point for vehicles.
Access to the extended car park by using the existing access from
the adjacent class I county road (A4086). ·
Install nine 6m high columns to light the car park, of a design
that would reduce any light pollution on the land surrounding the application
site. ·
Soft landscaping scheme to include planting trees, shrubs and
meadow wildflowers. It was
suggested that the main consideration of this application, was whether the proposal
would lead to the loss of a community resource.
It was noted that Policy ISA 2 of the LDP states that the Council would
resist the loss or change of use of an existing community facility by complying
with a least one of the policy's criteria, in the case of a commercially
operated facility (as in this case). There is evidence: ·
That the current use has
ceased to be financially viable - the
applicant had stated that the visitor centre is under-used and is too large for
the the facilities accommodated inside and the condition of the construction
already creates an eyesore within the local area. ·
It could not reasonably be
expected to become financially viable - based on
the information submitted by the applicant regarding the viability of the
visitor centre, it cannot be reasonably expected that the use(s) made
previously of the building would become financially viable in the near future
or the long-term and it would not make economic sense to continue to use the
building as a community resource and visitor centre. · That no other suitable community use could be established - given the fact that the structure, in its curent condition,is unsustainable, as ... view the full minutes text for item 15. |
Application No C21/1206/25/LL Land Adjacent To Bro Infryn, Glasinfryn, LL57 4UR PDF 273 KB Residential development
comprising of 6 two storey and one single storey affordable dwellings,
associated works and creation of additional car parking (amended plans). LOCAL
MEMBER: Councillor Dafydd Meurig Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: To delegate powers to the
Senior Planning Manager to approve the application, subject to the following
conditions: 1. Five years. 2. In accordance with the plans. 3. Details of the solar panels. 4. Landscaping plan. 5. Natural slate. 6. Development to be undertaken in accordance with the
biodiversity mitigation measures. 7. Working hours limited to 8:00-18:00 during the week;
08:00 - 12:00 on Saturdays and not at all on Sundays and Bank Holidays. 8. Restrict noise levels. 9. Submit a Construction Method Statement. 10. Welsh Water condition to submit a Method Statement and
Risk Assessment regarding the main sewer that crosses the site. 11. Ensure a plan/arrangements
for providing the affordable housing. 12. Remove permitted development rights from the
affordable dwellings. 13. Ensure a Welsh name for the houses and the estate. NOTE: Inform the applicant of the
need to submit a sustainable drainage strategy plan for approval by the
Council's Water and Environment Unit. NOTE: Inform the applicant of the
need to sign an agreement under Section 38 of the Highways Act. Minutes: Residential
development including 6 two-storey houses and one single-storey affordable
house, associated works and creation of additional parking spaces (amended
plans) Attention was drawn to the late observations form. a)
The Development Control Officer highlighted that this was a full
application to erect six two-storey
houses and one single-storey affordable house along with associated
works on the western periphery of Stad Bro Infryn in Glasinfryn on a plot of
green land. The application was split into several different elements, which
included: ·
Provision of affordable units on the form of: One two-storey 2
bedroom house (3 persons), four two-storey 2 bedroom houses (4 persons), two
two-storey 3 bedroom houses (5 persons) and a single-storey 2 bedroom house (3
persons). ·
The 2 bedroom houses would be for intermediate rent and the
remainder of the houses for social rent. ·
Provision of infrastructure to include parking spaces, footpaths,
turning space, redirecting BT cable and redirecting the public sewer. ·
Erection of various fences around the site boundary and between
the houses. ·
Site bin stores in the gardens of the houses. ·
Landscaping work. It was explained that discussions had been held between the applicant,
the previous local councillor, Cllr. Menna Baines, as well as several estate
residents. As a result, the application
was amended to provide additional parking spaces in the form of laybys on the
northern and southern sides of the lawned area which is located at the centre
of the estate. It was
considered that the principle of the proposal was acceptable based on the indicative
housing supply, housing mix and the need to meet and address the need for these
types of houses in the local area. It
was noted that planning considerations such as visual residential amenities,
road safety, biodiversity and language matters were acceptable. The proposal
was not considered to be contrary to local or national policies and there was
no material planning matter that outweighed the policy considerations. To this end, it was considered that this proposal
was acceptable subject to the inclusion of the conditions. b) Taking advantage of the right to speak, the applicant noted the
following observations: ·
The application was submitted by Adra
(Local Housing Association) to construct six two-storey houses and one bungalow
- all the units were affordable houses and included a mix of intermediate
rented housing and social rented housing. ·
Pre-application discussions had been
held with the planning department to discuss the principle of the proposal and
to receive feedback on material planning matters. ·
Following the submission of the
application and during the application's determination period, there were
additional discussions with the local councillor and some of the local
residents to discuss some of their concerns having seen the application details. ·
One of the concerns raised was parking
and the pressure in the area for parking spaces. As a result of these discussions, amendments
were introduced to the plans to provide additional parking spaces on the
boundary of the nearby green space, as agreed with the Local Member and the
residents. · The residents wanted ... view the full minutes text for item 16. |