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No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To accept any apologies for absence. Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies
were received from Councillor Gareth A. Roberts and Councillor Menna Baines (Local Member) |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST AND PROTOCOL MATTERS To receive any declaration of personal interest and to note protocol matters. Additional documents: Minutes: a.
Cai Larsen (a member of this Planning Committee), in item 5.4 (C24/0205/32/LL)
on the agenda as he was a Member of the Adra Board The Member was of the opinion that it was a prejudicial interest, and he withdrew from the
meeting during the discussion on the application and did not vote on the
application. b.
The following members declared that they were local members in relation to the
items noted: ·
Arwyn Herald Roberts (not a member of this Planning Committee), in item 5.1
(C24/0363/17/LL) on the agenda. ·
Gareth Williams (not a member of this Planning Committee), in item 5.4
(C24/0205/32/LL) on the agenda ·
Gareth T. Jones (a member of this Planning Committee) in relation to
item 5.5 (C24/0478/42/DT) on the agenda
URGENT ITEMS To note any items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chairman for consideration. Additional documents: Minutes: As
a matter of order, it was reported that since the Chair was joining the meeting
virtually, the Legal Officer would announce the results of the voting on the
applications. |
Chairman shall propose that the minutes of the previous meeting of this
committee, held on, 29 July 2024, be signed as a true record. Additional documents: Minutes: The
Chair signed the minutes of the previous meeting of this committee, held on 29 July 2024, as a true
record. |
PLANNING APPLICATIONS To submit the report of the Head of Environment Department. Additional documents: Minutes: The
Committee considered the following applications for development. Details of the
applications were expanded upon, and questions were answered in relation to the plans and
policy aspects. |
Application No C24/0363/17/LL Land Adjacent To Bryn Llifon, Carmel, LL54 7RW PDF 245 KB Erection of an affordable dwelling together with a new vehicular
access onto the Public highway LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Arwyn Herald Roberts Additional documents: Decision: DECISION:
To approve contrary to the recommendation 1.
5 years 2.
In accordance with the plans 3.
Materials 4.
Withdrawal of permitted rights and
C3 use only 5.
Section 106 Affordable Housing
condition 6.
Landscaping and land drainage and
boundary details, 7.
Biodiversity condition/biodiversity
enhancements 8.
A Welsh name for the property. Minutes: a.
Planning Manager explained that this was an application to erect one
single-storey house sited on a section of an open field outside but abutting the development boundary of the village of Carmel. It was reported,
in terms of the principle of the development, that figures indicated that there was
currently capacity in Carmel for this development, however the site was outside
the development boundary, and it was
necessary to ensure that the proposal satisfied policy TAI 16 that is material
to rural exception sites. It was added that
sufficient information had been submitted as part of the application to accept that there was a
proven local need for affordable housing that cannot be delivered within a
reasonable timescale on a market site within the development boundary. An open
market valuation was received for the house shows that indicated that a discount of
40% could be imposed should the application be approved. In the context
of the dwelling's dimensions, it would measure
approximately 89 square metres with a living/dining room, two bedrooms, an
office together with a 20 square metre garage. Based on the additional
information received from the agent explaining that the applicants were a young
couple who intend to bring up a family in the near future, and this home would
enable them to stay in Carmel, it was considered reasonable to support a house
of this size as it would ensure that the dwelling would meet the needs of the
current applicants and in the future. It was noted that it was not substantially contrary to the guidance in
the affordable housing planning guidance in terms of the size of affordable
housing. In the context
of the dwelling's design it was considered that the design and the materials were fairly standard and appeared to be
acceptable. However, it was highlighted that policy TAI 16 requires proposals
to form a reasonable extension to the settlement. It was noted that the site
abuts the development boundary, the proposal involved erecting a new house in an
open field with a new access track 40m away from the highway. I was reiterated
that the boundary of the Bryn Llifon property (which is by the side of the new access) created a
natural boundary for the village and that property was close to and faced the
highway. As it was proposed to locate the house away from the highway and far behind the Bryn Llifon development line, it was considered that it did not follow
the village's natural development pattern. Reference was also made to the plot
at Mount Pleasant Terrace located away from the site and separated by an access track and
garden areas with a variety of garden buildings such as sheds and garages. It
was considered that the plot lies separate to the built form where the site
would be visible from the proposed access, it was not considered that the
dwelling would be seen in the same context as the terraced houses. In the context of ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Application No C24/0306/14/AC Bron Y Gaer Ffordd Bethel, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL55 1DY PDF 161 KB Amend condition 2 of original Planning permission C23/0122/14/DT in order to change the design of the proposal. LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Ioan Thomas Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED To approve 1. In accordance with the plans 2. Time 3. Ensuring biodiversity enhancements Minutes: Vary condition 2 of the
original planning permission C23/0122/14/DT to change the proposal's design. a.
Development Control Team Leader highlighted that the proposal was to vary
condition 2 of the original Planning Permission to change the design of
extensions from a two-storey extension to the side of the property and a
single-storey extension to the rear, to a single-storey flat roof extension only. It was explained that the existing property was a two-storey semi-detached house located within the development boundary of the town of Caernarfon
and the residential area. The application
was submitted to the Committee
as the applicant was employed in the Planning Department of Cyngor Gwynedd. In the context
of visual amenities, it was noted that a single-storey extension was situated at the back of the property, but it was visible from the front of
the property as its width was a little more than the existing house. However,
it was not considered that the visual impact was unacceptable given that the
two-storey side extension, which was part of the original permission, had by now been removed. In the context
of general and residential amenities, it was noted that the curtilage had a fairly extensive curtilage with a
large garden in the back with established shrubs, trees and cloddiau screening the rear of the site from the backs of adjacent
dwellings along with the grounds of the primary school located directly behind
the site. It was reiterated that the proposed extension was single-storey and
included openings, it was not considered that they caused an unacceptable overlooking impact to any nearby property
and would not cause an increase in disruption as the use of the site was
already residential. There was no increase in the number of bedrooms and there were sufficient parking spaces in front of the property already. When discussing
biodiversity matters, it was noted that it was proposed to install bird boxes
on the property to improve the site's biodiversity and any external lights
would be installed downwards to reduce light pollution. It was
considered that the proposal was acceptable, and it was recommended to approve the application subject
to relevant conditions. b.
Local Member had declared an interest as he knew the applicant. It was proposed
and seconded to approve the application. RESOLVED To approve 1. In accordance with the plans 2. Time 3. Ensuring biodiversity enhancements |
Application No C24/0532/25/LL Land At Pentir Substation, Pentir, Bangor, LL57 4ED PDF 235 KB Proposed Energy Storage facility, related access, landscaping, infrastructure ancillary Equipment,
with a grid connection import and export capacity of 57MWac. LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Menna Baines Additional documents: Decision: DECISION:
To delegate powers to the Senior Planning Manager to approve the application,
subject to the receipt of observations from the Transportation Unit and the
Public Protection Service and the following conditions: 1. Five years. 2. In accordance with the plans/details submitted with the application. 3. Compliance with the landscaping scheme together with future maintenance
work. 4. Compliance with the
recommendations of the Initial Ecological Assessment, Arboriculture Impact
Assessment and the Green Infrastructure Statement. 5. Prior submission of an Environmental Construction Method Statement to
the LPA. 6. Submission of a Construction Transport Management Plan. 7. Agree on the external materials for the structures. 8. Ensure a Welsh name and bilingual signage with priority given to the
Welsh language. 9. Agree on an Archaeological Work Programme 10. Submission of an Environmental Management Plan 11. Transportation and Public Protection conditions, as required 12. The site must be restored to the condition agreed with the Planning
Authority once the development's operational period has ended Notes: Water and Environment Unit Natural Resources Wales Gwynedd
Archaeological Planning Service Minutes: Proposed Energy Storage Facility, associated access, landscaping,
infrastructure, ancillary equipment, with import and export capacity to grid connection
of 57MWac. Attention was
drawn to the late observations form which contained observations from the Transportation Unit. a.
Development Control Officer highlighted that this was a full application for
the installation and operation of a Battery Energy Storage System - BESS,
including energy storage units, electricity substation, site access,
landscaping and supporting infrastructure on land west of the existing Pentir electricity substation. Attention was drawn to all the application's elements, and it was noted
that the proposal would enable effective use to be made of the sustainable energy, which was already being generated. It
was reiterated that an underground cable connection to the electricity grid
would be secured via a separate planning application. It was reported
that the site comprised 2.57 hectares of
rough pasture in an Open Countryside site outside any development boundary
and due to the size of the site, it was explained that the applicant had
undertaken a pre-application consultation as was required for the development defined as major by the Welsh Government. It was noted that
the development had been screened for the Environmental Impact Assessment and
it was considered that the impact on the environment was insufficient to
justify submitting an environmental
statement with the application. Reference was
made to the response and observations of the Highways Unit confirming that they
had no objection in principle to the proposal, subject to conditions to ensure
that the assessment of the road's condition is completed prior to and after the
construction work, and that the Environmental Construction
Management Plan and the Construction Traffic Management Plan are
submitted and approved. In the context of the principle of the development, it
was highlighted that justification had been given in the Planning, Design and
Access Statement to situate the resource on the proposed site based on the
proximity of the Pentir Sub-station and the complexity and impact on the landscape
of installing cables to connect the battery storage and the National Grid
network, which would therefore meet with the requirements of Policy
CYFF 1 - that the location was suitable. It was reiterated that Policy
ISA 1 was also supportive of proposals for water, electricity, gas services,
etc., to improve the provision, subject to detailed planning considerations and
noted the importance that the infrastructure provision for the development site
is located and designed in a way that reduces the impact on the natural and
built environment. By situating the development on this site close to the
existing substation, it was considered that the proposal was acceptable in
environmental terms. It was
acknowledged that there would be some disruption during construction that would
continue for approximately 12 months, however, after this the site would be managed remotely and there would be no
staff present at the site, only occasionally for maintenance. Based on the information submitted it was considered that all the impacts had ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Application No C24/0205/32/LL Land At Cae Capel, Botwnnog, Pwllheli, LL53 8RE PDF 312 KB Full application for the
proposed erection of 18 no. affordable dwellings together with associated
development LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Gareth Williams Link
to relevant background documents Additional documents: Decision: Referred to a cooling
off period Reasons: ·
Damaging impact on the
Welsh language ·
The lack of need within
the Botwnnog ward for affordable housing Minutes: Full application to construct 18 affordable houses with associated
developments. Attention was drawn to the late observations form
which referred to additional correspondence
received raising concern about matters raised in the report. Some members visited the site on 16-07-24. a.
Planning Manager highlighted that this was an application to erect 18
affordable dwellings offering bungalows, providing a new access off the main
road that runs through the village, creation of landscaped areas, creation of
open play areas, erection of boundary walls and fences and associated drainage
work including a sustainable surface water drainage area. In the context
of the principle of the development, it was
reported that the latest housing figures indicated that there was capacity within the indicative housing supply for the settlement. It
was reported that the site was located within the development boundary and had been designated specifically for
21 units. It was explained that the proposal had been earmarked for a specific
number of dwellings, justification was required for a smaller number. In the case of this application, the
provision was smaller due to the need to provide a play area and open space and
land to provide a sustainable land drainage system and therefore it was
considered that there was justification for a smaller number of dwellings. Although objections had been received on the grounds
of over development, given that the application was for a smaller number than
had been designated, the intention was to have 100% affordable dwellings, that
the floor area of the houses would be restricted to affordable housing
standards, that there was a provision for open spaces within the site, it was
not considered that there was any evidence of over development. It was reiterated in accordance with Policy TAI 8
statements and the evidence received noting the reasoning behind the housing
mix proposed together with confirmation from the Housing Strategic Unit, that the houses would contribute directly to the aim of
Cyngor Gwynedd's Housing Action Plan to provide more houses to meet the
existing high demand in the county, whilst also noting that the plan offered a
good mix of houses. It was noted that the LDP recognised the village of Botwnnog as a Service Village and he Affordable Housing SPG noted that 'local' refers to a 5-year connection with the relevant Authority where the application is located. Therefore, this means the entire Gwynedd planning area. It was stated that many observations had been received questioning the need for the number of houses, and the type of housing, however it was explained that the status of Botwnnog in the LDP meant that new houses were to serve Gwynedd as a whole was what was expected for this site. Reference was made to the Strategic Housing Unit's figures stating that 2374 applicants had registered on the Housing Options register for social housing, with 882 applicants registered with Tai Teg for an Intermediate property and although some applicants could appear on both registers, the figures ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
Application No C24/0478/42/DT Ty Pen Lôn Las, Morfa Nefyn, Pwllheli, Gwynedd, LL53 6BG PDF 182 KB Creation of external rear balcony with associated
privacy screening. LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Gareth Tudor Jones Additional documents: Decision: DECISION:
To refuse, contrary to the recommendation Reason: Refuse on grounds of overlooking, impact on
neighbours – contrary to policy PCYFF 2 Minutes: It was reported that most of the flat roof area at the rear of the property comprised an established
sedum roof covered by plants, and there was no intention to use all this area
as an exterior balcony area. It was added that
the existing permanent wall was approximately 1.6m high and extended 1.8m out of the property's main rear wall above the
existing flat roof extension, and the proposal would be to create the exterior
balcony area behind this wall. It was noted that it was proposed to provide a permanent
opaque glazed screen extending 1.7m beyond the wall to the furthest side of the
existing flat roof extension with a clear glazed handrail installed from the
edge of the wall and across the roof for approximately 4m long, linking to
another 2.9m long opaque glazed handrail which would link back to the rear wall
of the building so that it restricted the outdoor area behind the existing wall. In the context of visual amenities, it was considered
that the proposal was acceptable on the grounds of the design and scale and its location above the existing
flat roof at the rear of the property. It was explained that the site was located between other
two-storey residential houses with open agricultural fields to the rear. In considering the general and residential amenities,
it was noted that the location of the proposed development was
in the corner of the existing roof, with the permanent existing wall extending
partly along the roof. The proposed
balcony area would not extend beyond this wall and the ability to go beyond the
top of the wall was restricted due to the installation of a permanent glass
handrail across the roof area. It was added that it was intended to install a glazed opaque
screen that would extend out of the existing wall to the end of the existing
flat roof, together with the other side of the proposed balcony area, This
would mean that any over looking towards the property from either side would be
very limited to the furthest areas of the curtilages either side. It was
considered that the screens of opaque glass would also protect the main areas of the properties' gardens either
side; this was an established and relatively dense residential area where gardens abutted each
other and windows overlook and thus the existing disruption was
inevitable as a result. It was not believed that the development would affect
the amenities of nearby properties to an unacceptable and significant degree. Attention was drawn the fact that the proposal for a balcony ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |