Venue: Meeting Room, Frondeg, Pwllheli, LL53 5RE.
Contact: Bethan Adams 01286 679020
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Councillor Peter Read (Gwynedd Council). |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST To receive any declaration of personal interest. Minutes: No declarations of personal interest were received from any members present. |
URGENT ITEMS To consider any items which are urgent
matters in the opinion of the Chairman. |
The Chairman will propose that the minutes of the meeting of this committee, held on 18 October 2016, be signed as a true record. Minutes: The Chairman signed the minutes of the Consultative Committee meeting that took place on 18 October, 2016 as a true record. |
UPDATE ON HARBOUR MANAGEMENT MATTERS PDF 149 KB To submit a written report by the Maritime and Country Parks Officer. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Maritime and Country
Parks Officer guided the members through the report, drawing attention to the
following main points: ·
Members were requested that any matters
relating to the Maritime Safety Code be brought to the attention of the
Service. ·
The Service had expected
an inspection of the code by an inspector from the Coastguard Agency in
January. However, unfortunately, due to the lack of capacity the inspection has
not taken place and the Service was awaiting for the inspection to be
re-organised. It was anticipated that the inspection would take place in
September 2017. ·
Following a comment made at the previous
meeting, the light on the Navigational Buoy had been changed so that it could
now be seen at a further distance from the sea. Reference was made to the
strength of the security lighting of the Blue Marine Water company, the
Maritime Traders Association Representative noted that he would raise the
matter with the company. ·
The Service, jointly
with the RNLI, had commenced a review of the safety signage in the Harbour area
and on Pwllheli beaches. The Service would respond to
the recommendations of the review and it was hoped that any new sign would
contribute to safety on this section of the Gwynedd coast. · Details were given of the
Harbour and the Hafan's current financial position
and it was noted that the Service was confident that the budget would be in
accordance with the target except for an income shortfall in Hafan. ·
financial information is presented to the Consultative Committee would be
reviewed. ·
The Council had supported the Service's
request to reconcile the charging process in Hafan.
From 1 April onwards, the process for charging a fee for a pontoon mooring
would return to a boat Length Overall (LOA) arrangement in Hafan
Pwllheli. It
was anticipated that this would reduce the cost of an annual mooring for 95% of
the customers on a banding charging arrangement and it was hoped that this
would attract new customers to Hafan over the next
three years. ·
In 2017 the Council
would have to add a fee for each mooring in every Harbour under the Council's
management. It was explained that the
fee has been added by the Crown Estate who would claim £25.00 from each mooring
in the external harbour. It was noted that the Council, as the Harbour
Authority, was required to charge and collect this fee on behalf of the Crown
Estate. It was added that the additional fee was also payable for visitor
moorings and this payment would need to be funded via the Harbour budget. An update was given on the work to be undertaken in accordance with the Dredging Strategy, it was noted that an inspection of the channel would be undertaken during the next most favourable low tide and a hydrographic survey would be done to identify if bed levelling work would need to be commissioned in the channel. It was noted that the work of dredging the harbour mouth ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING To note that the next meeting will be held on 17 October 2017. Minutes: It was reported
that the Member Support Officer would write to the organisation/societies in
May to request their constitutions / annual general meeting minutes together
with confirmation of their representatives. It was noted that the next meeting would take place on 17 October, 2017. |