Venue: Committee Room, Council Offices, Ffordd y Cob, Pwllheli, Gwynedd, LL53 5AA. View directions
Contact: Bethan Adams 01286 679020
No. | Item |
CHAIR To elect a Chair for 2017/18. Minutes: RESOLVED to elect Councillor Hefin Underwood as Chair of this Committee for 2017/18. |
VICE-CHAIR To elect a Vice-chair for 2017/18. Minutes: RESOLVED to elect Councillor Peter Read as Vice-chair of this Committee for 2017/18. |
APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: David Dewsbury (Pwllheli Marina Berth Holders’ Association), W. A. Partington (Association of Maritime Traders) and Councillor Ioan Thomas (Cabinet Member - Economy Development). |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST To receive any declaration of personal interest. Minutes: No declarations of personal interest were received from any members present. |
URGENT ITEMS To consider any items which are urgent
matters in the opinion of the Chairman. Minutes: A member referred to the need to hold a meeting to discuss the condition
of the site of the former Sailing Club. In response, the Maritime and Country
Parks Officer noted that there was a need to look at the Glandon Headland in
its entirety, however it should be considered whether or not the Glandon
Headland was within the remit of this Committee. The Senior Economy and
Community Manager noted that the service would be happy to hold a meeting to
discuss the matter. The Pwllheli Sailing Club and Plas Heli representative noted that no complaints had been referred to Plas Heli regarding the condition of the site of the former Sailing Club. He noted a concern about the condition of the Glandon car park and that Plas Heli was prepared to take part in discussions regarding improving the site. |
The Chairman will propose that the minutes of the meeting of this committee, held on 21 March 2017, be signed as a true record. Minutes: The Chair signed the minutes of the previous meeting of this Committee, held on 21 March 2017, as a true record. |
UPDATE ON HARBOUR MANAGEMENT MATTERS PDF 163 KB To submit a report by the Maritime and Country Parks Officer. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Senior Manager – Economy and Community referred to the Dredging
Strategy and noted that Alan Williams (Coastal Engineering UK Ltd) had been
commissioned together with Gwynedd Consultancy to look at the options in terms
of strengthening the Crib Groyne and reducing the
sediment. A presentation was given by Alun Williams providing details about his
work in assessing and reviewing the Crib Groyne. He
drew attention to four possible options and an estimate of the cost involved,
namely: 1. Minimum maintenance of the existing structure (£10-15,000); 2. Higher level maintenance and reinstatement of the existing structure
(£35-40,000); 3. Vertical extension/encasement of the existing structure using a combination
of (a) crib steelwork or (b) sheet piling and rock armour (£125-135,000 (a) or
£225-240,000 (b)); or 4. Encasement of the existing structure in rock armour (£140-150,000). The following considerations were highlighted in terms of the options: ·
Both options 1 and 2
require minimal intervention and will provide some but little in the way of
improved performance compared to existing conditions; ·
Options 3 and 4 by
virtue of both increased elevation and improved robustness and integrity will
reduce both transmission through and movement over the structure; however ·
Over a ten year period,
the present value of costs of these options was likely to be higher than
continued practice of dredging and removal; and ·
Options 1, 2 and 4 were
the most flexible in terms of adaptability in future arrangements. Members were given an opportunity to provide observations and ask
questions to the consultant, and he responded to them as follows: ·
In regards to increasing
the length of the Crib Groyne, increasing the length
of the Crib Groyne had not been included in his brief
and more detailed work in term of modelling, assessing the impact and
environmental considerations would need to be done. He noted that work needed
to be done in the short term; ·
Could possibly consider
moving the trailing arm more to the left when assessing long term options; ·
That using heavy rock
armour or pre-fab concrete structures to reinforce, rather than a steel
structure and moving the trailing arm so that it can enter deep water, was
something to consider. ·
Agreed that option 3
would only prevent the situation from deteriorating for a period, but was
presented as not to rule it out as a possible option; ·
Annual maintenance was a
financial burden and therefore a study of the long term options was needed in
regards of the Crib Groyne and to also consider
moving the direction of the other arm. The Senior Manager Economy and Community noted that the service was
eager to implement a short term solution in the coming months. He added that a
long term solution would be a 2-3 year process, therefore, it was necessary to
implement a short term solution that would not restrict the possible long term
options. The Pwllheli Marina Berth Holders' Association Representative noted that it should be considered to increase the length of the Crib Groyne gradually in ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
ELECTING OBSERVERS To elect observers to serve on the following - a) Aberdyfi Harbour
Consultative Committee b) Barmouth Harbour
Consultative Committee c) Porthmadog Harbour
Consultative Committee Minutes: It was reported that observer(s) needed to be
elected to serve on the Aberdyfi, Barmouth
and Porthmadog Harbour Consultative Committees. RESOLVED to elect Councillor Peter Read to serve as an observer on the Aberdyfi, Barmouth and Porthmadog Harbour Consultative Committees. |
DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING To note that the next meeting of the Pwllheli Harbour Consultative Committee will be held on 20 March 2018. Minutes: It was noted that the next
meeting would be held on 20 March, 2018. |