Venue: Virtual Meeting - Zoom
Contact: Einir Rh Davies 01286 679868
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were
received from Llyr Beaumont Jones (Assistant Head – Economy and Community
Department), Councillor Gwilym Jones (Porthmadog Harbour Consultative
Committee) and Stephen Tudor (Pwllheli Sailing Club). |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST To receive any declaration of personal interest. Minutes: No declarations
of personal interest were received from any members present. |
URGENT ITEMS To consider any items which are urgent
matters in the opinion of the Chairman. Minutes: None to note. |
The Chairman will propose
that the minutes of the meeting of this committee, held on 10 October 2023, be
signed as a true record. Minutes: An update was
given of the Chair's discussions with Cyngor Gwynedd following the observations
received regarding the Urgent Items matter at the 10 October 2023 meeting. It
was explained that the Full Council had approved a policy that allows meetings
of the Full Council, the Cabinet, Scrutiny and Planning meetings to be conducted
as hybrid meetings, with an invitation for the public to attend or watch the
webcast. It was reported
that every other meeting would be held virtually only. Assurance was given that
the public could attend other meetings conducted virtually only, although it
was not possible for them to contribute to the discussions, by contacting the
Democracy Service. The Chair signed
the minutes of the previous meeting of this Committee held on 10 October 2023,
as a true record. |
UPDATE ON HARBOUR MANAGEMENT MATTERS PDF 342 KB To submit the report of the Maritime and Country Parks Officer. Decision: To note and
accept the report. Minutes: Reference was made to the report created by the Commercial Manager of Hafan Pwllheli and Harbour, and it was reported as follows: It was reported that a notice to mariners had been issued as a pre-warning that the work of dredging the channel would continue on 8 March for a period of a week. It was recognised that this work remained
a challenge for the service and that officers were working
with Gwynedd Consultancy to
find a solution to the situation. It was explained that approximately 12,000 tonnes would be removed from the harbour mouth during this
period. It was
ensured that a hydrographic survey had been completed on the appropriate area and contractors would use specialist
appliances to ensure they work in
the correct location and remove the right amount of sand from the site. It was explained that work had been
carried out on 'hen ynys' following a delay in agreeing
contractor costs. Local Councillors were thanked for
assisting in engaging with local
residents in Bron y De and
Morfa Garreg about the work
completed by officers. It
was noted that the distilling lagoon would be partly emptied. It was explained that officers had recently mown the grass on the island
and had found out that the land was too wet to place
the wet sediment on it to dry. Consequently, it
was confirmed that approximately 10,000 tonnes would
be removed from the distilling lagoon instead of emptying it completely. It was confirmed that it was desired for the work on
the island to be completed during March before moving on to dredging
sand from certain sections. It was reported that it would be possible to dredge around 10,000 tonnes from the marina basin once work on
'hen ynys' was complete. It was elaborated
that a hydrographic survey would be carried out at the site to ensure the correct works were
undertaken. It was acknowledged
that communication with neighbours about this work
had been lacking at the start of the process, but every effort
was being made to improve this in
the future. In response to a query on receiving a permit from Natural Resources Wales for pumping the sediment onto the nearest beach (Glandon beach) rather than transporting it further, the Commercial Manager confirmed that the sand had been assessed and it was clear and will be used at Carreg y Defaid beach because it is under the Council's control. It cannot be transported to Glandon beach because the beach is under the control of Natural Resources Wales and the sand does not pass their tests sufficiently to be pumped there. It was explained that the service had developed a joint plan with Gwynedd Consultancy to formulate 4 options for the future. It was confirmed that one of the strongest options was to dispose of the basin's sediment into the sea, obtaining a marine ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING To note that the next
meeting of the Pwllheli Harbour Consultative Committee will be held on 08
October, 2024 (subject to confirmation by the Full Council). Minutes: It was noted that the next meeting
will take place on 8 October
2024, subject to approval
of the committees’ calendar
by the Full Council in its meeting
on 7 March, 2024. |