Venue: Siambr Hywel Dda - Council Offices
Contact: Eirian Roberts 01286 679018
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive apologies for absence. |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST To receive any declaration of personal interest. Minutes: No declarations of
personal interest were received from any members present. |
URGENT BUSINESS To note any items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chairman for consideration Minutes: This matter had not been included on
the agenda; however, the Chairman agreed to hold a discussion on this matter as
an urgent item under Section 100B (4)(b), Local Government Act 1972, as the
matter had arisen since the last committee meeting, that the situation was
changing on a daily basis and that it was important to ascertain the formal
view of the Council’s Language Committee sooner rather than later. The Chair explained that a request had
been received from Councillor Siân Gwenllian for the
committee to discuss the matter of Plas Glynllifon’s name, and the member was invited to further
elaborate. Councillor Siân
Gwenllian referred to the recent reports in the press in relation to this matter,
and noted:- ·
Although everybody had understood
that the MBi Sales company, Plas
Glynllifon’s prospective buyer, had reconsidered its
decision to market the country house under the name of Wynnborn,
as the name had disappeared from its website for a while, that the name had now
been reinstated on its website, and the house was still being marketed under
this name. ·
She had met with a representative
from the company’s executive, who emphasised that Wynnborn
would be the name used during the initial marketing period of one or two years,
but there was a risk that the name would become established during this time. ·
She had requested a further meeting
with a representative of the company’s sales and marketing department. Hywel Williams MP intended to table a motion
in Parliament and an online petition had started. ·
The situation as it stood emphasised
the need for the inclusion of a clause relating to the Welsh Language in the
Historic Environment Bill which was currently being considered by one of the
Assembly's committees.« RESOLVED (a) To
write to the MBi Sales company to state our position
regarding the use of the name Wynnborn, and ask
whether they would be willing to receive a deputation from the Council, to
include the Leader, Deputy Leader and the local member. (b) To prepare a press release
stating our position. (c) To write to the Minister for
the Welsh Language and the Welsh Language Commissioner. (ch) To contact the Chair of the Assembly
Committee that is discussing the Historic Environment Bill to pressurise for
the inclusion of a clause in relation to the Welsh Language in the bill, and to
contact Anglesey and Ceredigion Councils on this point, and submit a report to
the next committee meeting if not sooner. |
The Chairman shall propose that the minutes of the previous meeting of this committee held on the undermentioned dates be signed as a true records:- a) 18 June, 2015 (attached) b) 8 July, 2015 (special meeting) (attached) Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman signed the minutes of
the previous committee meetings held on 18 June and 8 July 2015 (special
meeting) as a true record. |
LANGUAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT - THE USE OF THE WELSH LANGUAGE AT MEETINGS PDF 164 KB (a) To submit the report of the Investigation (attached). (b) To consider a field for the next language investigation. Additional documents:
Minutes: (a) Submitted
– Language Investigation report – The Use of the Welsh Language at Meetings.
The Chair of the Investigation, Craig ab Iago presented the report and the
response of the Cabinet Member for the Welsh Language to the recommendation was
requested. The Cabinet member thanked the
Investigation Group members for their work, and noted:- ·
He welcomed the report which
contained many very positive aspects. ·
The recommendations were ones that
he would follow, in particular number 5, regarding influencing not only other
councils, but also public bodies, and he was confident that all the
recommendations could be implemented within six months. ·
The work with the public bodies was
ongoing through the Local Services Board, and it was hoped, with the
development of this work, that the public bodies which formed the Board would
commit to the use of the language. ·
The work of undertaking an audit on
the use of the Welsh Language within the Council was due to start imminently
and a report would probably be published in due course. ·
He would be willing to submit the
report to the formal Cabinet as this would strengthen the recommendations. During the discussion, it was
noted:- ·
Before seeking to influence bodies
outside the county, there was a need to influence bodies within Gwynedd that
continued to operate through the medium of English, such as community councils
and governing bodies. ·
The response to the questionnaire by
the external bodies had been disappointing, whereas the responses to the
questionnaire for managers and members were extremely positive. ·
The investigation had produced a
good outcome, it had analysed the matters requiring attention in detail, and
presented clear recommendations to the Cabinet Member. RESOLVED to accept the recommendations of the investigation and to
formally submit them to the Cabinet Member. (b) Submitted
– two suggestions for the next investigation:- ·
Consider the extent of the
visibility of the Welsh language. ·
Consider how the planning system
promoted and safeguarded the Welsh language. The Senior Manager - Democracy and
Delivery, noted:- ·
The Communities Scrutiny Committee,
at its next meeting, would receive an overview of the position of the Welsh
Language and planning and, without presumption, this could lead to an
investigation by that committee in due course. ·
A message could be sent to the
Communities Scrutiny Committee to state that the Language Committee would be
eager to support any work undertaken by it in this area. RESOLVED to note a wish to consider the visibility of the Welsh language
and to work on a brief for an investigation.
In the meantime, to hold a discussion with the Communities Scrutiny
Committee about the next developments in relation to planning and the Welsh
Language, and to authorise officers to proceed with either, or both, if
capacity allows this. |
REPORT OF THE CABINET MEMBER - THE WELSH LANGUAGE To submit the verbal report of the Cabinet Member – The Welsh Language. Minutes: Submitted – the verbal report of the
Cabinet Member for the Welsh Language, detailing the recent developments within
the field, which included the ongoing work with the Local Services Board, the
audit on the use of the Welsh Language, the establishment of a new language
centre in Bangor, the current work in relation to a bilingual workforce, the
Language Charter, the initial response to the Language Standards, linguistic
planning and the project in Dolgellau to promote the language. RESOLVED to note the content of the report. |
UPDATE ON THE WELSH LANGUAGE STANDARDS PDF 23 KB To submit the report of the Language Development Officer (attached). Additional documents: Minutes: Submitted – the report of the
Language Development Officer noting that the final Compliance Notice on the
Language Standards had been received on 30 September, and attached, for
information, the standards requiring compliance with within 6 months, along with
a summary of the action points. During the discussion, it was
noted:- ·
The definition in the Standards
should not be the language of ‘choice’, but rather ‘the language normally
spoken’ as it is immediately obvious whether or not somebody speaks Welsh. ·
Gwynedd Council would exceed the
requirements of the Standards due to the linguistic nature of this county. ·
There was a need to improve the
language of some of Galw Gwynedd’s staff, who tended
to refer to numbers and months of the year etc. in English. ·
The Standards were aimed at other
councils that in general did not pay sufficient attention to the Welsh
language, and that consideration should be given to appealing against any
Standard that required this Council to collect information in order to prove something
that was already evident, as that this would be a waste of money for Gwynedd’s
residents, and would draw resources away from the work of promoting the
language. RESOLVED to accept the report and to present an update at the next
meeting that would also refer to any appeals lodged in the meantime against any
Standard that is deemed as continuing to be disproportionate or unreasonable. |
LANGUAGE COMMISSIONER'S RESPONSE TO THE ANNUAL REPORT ON THE LANGUAGE SCHEME PDF 19 KB To submit the report of the Language Development Officer (attached). Additional documents: Minutes: Submitted – the Language Development
Officer’s report, presenting the Council's response to the further enquiries in
the Commissioner's response to the Annual Report, and the members' response to
the following matters which arose from the report:- ·
Language complaints reporting
procedure – a recommendation that complaints should not be reported to the
Language Committee before any enquiries had been completed and a response sent
to the complainant, if appropriate. ·
Arrangements for recording the
language skills of staff – members were asked to consider to what extent the
Council should record language skills. During the discussion, it was
noted:- ·
It was beneficial for members to
hear about any language complaints that were received, and it was suggested
that two categories of complaints could be presented to the Language Committee
in future: resolved and unresolved complaints. ·
Regardless of what the Standards
stated, the arrangements for recording the language skills of staff must be as unbureaucratic as possible, while still providing a functional illustration of the linguistic
skills of staff e.g. werethey able to hold a
conversation, write a report, etc., in Welsh, and possibly ask them how
supportive they were of the Welsh Language.
The information about skills and the
softer information relating to attitude etc. could help to target the work of
the Learning and Development Service, rather than it being a purely responsive
service. The Language Development Officer was
congratulated on her thorough work in relation to this and other linguistic
matters. RESOLVED (a) To
accept the response of the Welsh Language Commissioner and the Council’s
response to the request for further information. (b) Two
categories of complaints should be presented to the Language Committee in
future, namely resolved complaints and also to report for information on those complaints
that the department are still investigating. (c) Consideration
should be given to the arrangements for recording the language skills of staff,
with as little bureaucracy as possible, while still providing a functional
illustration of the skills of staff. |
SCRUTINY INVESTIGATION REPORT - WELSH-MEDIUM EDUCATION PDF 239 KB To submit the final report of the Investigation (attached). Additional documents:
Minutes: Submitted – the
final report of the Scrutiny Investigation – Welsh Medium Education by
the Chair of the Investigation, Councillor Alwyn Gruffydd. He noted that:- ·
The investigation included the
implementation, consistency and success of the authority’s language policy in
the County’s schools, and he thanked his fellow members on the group and the
officers who had worked so hard over a period of 6-7 months. ·
The draft investigation report had
been submitted to the Services Scrutiny Committee on 22 September. The
committee had decided to accept the contents of the report, to approve the
recommendations which were submitted to the Cabinet Member for Education, and
requested that he presented a progress report on the actions in six months’
time. The Education Quality Improvement
Officer presented the response of the department to the report, and noted:- ·
The department welcomed the work and
praised and recognised the immense work that had been achieved in this field,
which underpinned all the department’s work. ·
The Cabinet Member for Education had
accepted the recommendations, and as a next step, discussions would be held
between the department and the Cabinet Member in relation to the practicality
of implementing the recommendations. ·
The scrutiny committee had reached
many of the same conclusions as the Trywydd
company who had been commissioned to undertake work on the secondary sector. In discussing the conclusions of the
investigation:- ·
Specific reference was made to the
linguistic situation in Bangor, and the positive impact of the Language Charter
on the attitudes of the area’s children towards the Welsh Language. ·
It was noted that children were
making good progress at the Latecomers Centres. However, frustration was
expressed that the drivers transporting the pupils to and from these centres
were not Welsh speakers. In response, it was noted that this observation had
also been made at the Scrutiny Committee, and it was confirmed that the
Education Service was investigating the matter. ·
The members of the investigation and
officers were thanked for their thorough work that had led to a series of clear
and far-reaching recommendations. RESOLVED to note the report. |
To submit the report of the Language Development Officer (attached). Minutes: Submitted – the report of the
Equality and Language Officer detailing the latest language complaints to hand.
Referring to a complaint about
insufficient Welsh language provision on a website which schools were directed
to by the Welsh Government for specialist information and advice on outdoor
activities (OEP website), the Language Development Officer further noted:- ·
The English-only reply from the
Government's Education and Skills Department to the complaint explained that
the Government was not of the view that it was its responsibility to pay for
the translation of the resources as it was an external website. ·
It was intended to send a complaint
to the Language Commissioner regarding the
English-only reply that was received to the complaint. A member expressed concern that
there was no translator present at a planning appeal in Porthmadog
on 13 October against the Council’s decision to refuse an application to erect
a wind turbine in Llanaelhaearn. The officers agreed to make enquiries. RESOLVED to note the content of the report. |