Venue: Siambr Hywel Dda - Council Offices, Caernarfon. View directions
Contact: Eirian Roberts 01286 679018
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: None. |
any declarations of personal interest Minutes: Councillor John Wyn Williams declared a personal
interest in item 9 on the agenda - Update on a Meeting with Cartrefi
Cymunedol Gwynedd - as he was a member of the Board
of CCG. The
member was not of the opinion that it was a prejudicial interest and he participated
fully in the discussion on the item. |
URGENT BUSINESS To note any items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chairman for consideration Minutes: None |
Chairman shall propose that the minutes of the previous meeting of this
committee held on 22 October, 2015 be signed as a true record (attached) Minutes: The Chair signed the minutes of the previous meeting
of this committee held on 22 October, 2015 as a true record. |
the verbal report of the Cabinet Member – The Welsh Language. Minutes: Submitted – the verbal report of the Cabinet Member -
Welsh Language, detailing recent developments in the field, including:- ·
The conditional
confirmation of the success of the grant to promote the use of the Welsh
language. ·
The work of
establishing the new language centre in Bangor. ·
A conference on 22
January in Llanrwst to launch the Language Charter
across the north Wales counties. ·
A conference on 13
January organised by Welsh Government as part of the consultation on a
follow-on strategic framework on the More than Just Words scheme. ·
Welsh Government
consultation on proposed changes to the Technical Advice Note (TAN) 20 in
relation to Planning and the Welsh language. ·
The intention to
build a relationship with Dr Rhian Hodges and Dr Cynog
Prys from Bangor University, who specialise in
linguistic policy and planning. ·
Discussions on the
Language Standards and their impact on the Council's Language Policy. ·
The intention to
submit the recommendations of the Language Investigation - The Use of the Welsh
Language at External Meetings to the Cabinet on 19 January for adoption and
implementation. The following matters were discussed:- (A) TAN 20 Consultation The Senior Manager – Democracy and Delivery noted:- ·
That the Planning
Department intended to arrange a seminar for members on the afternoon of 8
March in order to give members of the Communities Scrutiny Committee, this
committee and others an opportunity to influence the national guidance by
contributing their observations on the proposed changes. ·
In addition, that
local guidance was being developed and that the Cabinet Member had expressed
his intention to discuss the local guidance with the Communities Scrutiny
Committee and this committee. It was agreed, for ease, to circulate a link to the
existing TAN 20 on the Welsh Government website to committee members. (B) Collaboration with Bangor University It was asked whether it would be possible to invite
experts on linguistic policy and planning to a meeting of the Language
Committee. The Cabinet Member replied by
saying that further discussions were needed with the University first of all to
sift through academic material to see what would be relevant to the Council and
that it would be possible to come back to the Language Committee after
developing the discussion further. (C) Place Names The Senior Manager – Democracy and Delivery noted:- ·
As a result of the
decision at the previous meeting to press for the inclusion of a clause
regarding the Welsh language in the Historic Environment Bill, a response was
received by the Chair of the committee in the Senedd which discussed the bill
stating that the bill had been amended, in November 2015, to include a section
which required Welsh Ministers to create and maintain a list of historic place
names in Wales (namely the new section 33 in the Bill). · That the Bill had also been amended to make it a requirement for Historic Environment Records (which would be prepared by local planning authorities) to provide a method of obtaining the details of every historic place name in ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
PRESENTATION BY THE LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT TEAM To receive a presentation by the Learning and Development Team on the
process of developing non-Welsh speaking staff. Minutes: A presentation was given by the Workforce
Development Officer / Welsh Language Co-ordinator on the process of developing
non-Welsh-speaking staff, with reference to the existing situation, the
dispersal of staff who were Welsh-learners throughout the county, steps to
support learners and the way forward. Members were given an opportunity to ask questions and
make observations. The following was discussed:- ·
The difficulty of
identifying people in the system as managers were not always clear regarding
what the language level for the post was, and consequently the staff were not
referred to language training. ·
The difficulty in the
care field in relation to the failure to provide the service in the client's
preferred language due to difficulties with staff recruitment. It was noted
that the situation was better in Council homes than in private homes. It was
suggested that the company which provided care in Pant yr
Eithin, Harlech did not
meet the requirements of the contract and the Senior Business Manager agreed to
obtain confirmation of the situation. The importance of working with children
and young people in the schools and colleges in order to address the
recruitment crisis in the care field was emphasised. ·
The internal audit of
the linguistic skills of staff. The Workforce Development Officer / Welsh Language
Co-ordinator was thanked for the presentation and for the discussion. |
MORE THAN JUST WORDS To receive a presentation by the Senior Business Manager on the progress
of the More than Just Words Task Group. Minutes: A presentation was given by
the Senior Business Manager regarding the progress of the More Than Just Words
Task Group, with reference to:- ·
The background to Welsh Government's strategic
framework for Welsh-language services in Health, Social Services and Social
Care and the current consultation on a follow-on strategic framework which
would be a stronger foundation to empower the fields of care and health to
implement the strategy. ·
The work and findings of the Task Group and the steps
taken in response to that. It was
explained that the Task Group had not met since May 2015 as it had been waiting
for the new Language Standards in order to obtain clarity, but that the group
needed to reconvene now. It was also noted that there was a need to review the
membership of the Task Group in order to ensure that it was current. ·
Examples of good work underway in the community. ·
The need to change the monitoring procedure as only
two officers were monitoring over 60-70 homes and 100 home carers. ·
Technological developments in the field, such as a new
information technology system which recorded client information and machine
translation in the field of health and care. ·
The idea of sharing resources in terms of workers with
other councils and to see More Than Just Words being dispersed further afield. Members were given an opportunity to ask questions and
make observations. The following was discussed:- ·
The need to give
priority to addressing the need in Gwynedd for Welsh-speaking carers, or any
carers, by establishing a collaboration scheme with schools and colleges over
several years. It was noted, nevertheless, that there was much to take pride in
in Gwynedd and that this momentum needed to be maintained. ·
The need to have an
input on a corporate level to the work of the Task Group. It was noted that
there was much activity in the field on a local and regional level; however
there was no scheme in place in order to respond to the problem. ·
The need to respond
to the consultation on the follow-on strategic framework. It was noted that the
basic principles within it were very firm, but that it was the implementation
that was a problem. The Member and Scrutiny Support Officer was asked to send a
link to the document to the members and the Senior Business Manager urged
everyone to take the time to read the document and respond to it by the closing
date of 28 February. RESOLVED (a)
To ask the Cabinet Member for the Welsh Language, jointly with the
Cabinet Member for Care, to have a discussion with Morwena Edwards, Corporate
Director, who leads on this project, in order to see how More Than Just Words
could be tied-in to any other strategy that the Council has to provide in the
care field, consider what the Task Group has done to date and what it needs to
do and to submit a report to this committee. (b) That the members submit any ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
THE COUNCIL'S LANGUAGE STANDARDS AND POLICY PDF 239 KB To consider the report of the Senior Manager (Democratic and Delivery) (attached). Additional documents: Minutes: Submitted – the report of the Senior Manager
(Democracy and Delivery) inviting the committee's observations on the draft
language policy for the Council prior to it being submitted to the full Council
on 3 March for adoption. During the discussion:- ·
It was emphasised
that the minimum set by the Standards was too low to address this Council's
ambition for the Welsh language in several of the fields and it was not wished
to see the Council's current position being weakened. ·
In response to an
observation that the English version of the Council's website was the default
option when searching for Gwynedd Council on search engines, the Language
Development Officer explained that she believed that it was the individual
user's cookies which caused the website to go to the English page rather than
the Welsh. It was asked whether it would be possible to investigate this again
and the Cabinet Member agreed to make enquiries. RESOLVED (a)
As paragraphs 3.1 and 3.3 of the policy both referred to making
contributions at meetings through the medium of Welsh or English, to delete
paragraph 3.1 and insert paragraph 3.3 as the new paragraph 3.1. (b)
To ask the Senior Manager - Democracy and Delivery to enquire with the
Head of Corporate Support Department whether there is a time-frame within which
a non-Welsh-speaking person appointed to a post is expected to learn the
language and what would happen should that person not reach the requirements
within that time-frame, in order to submit the policy to the full Council in
March. |
UPDATE ON THE MEETING WITH CARTREFI CYMUNEDOL GWYNEDD PDF 111 KB To consider the report of the Language Development Officer (attached). Minutes: Submitted - the report of the Language Development
Officer presenting an update on a meeting with Cartrefi
Cymunedol Gwynedd as a result of a complaint received
by the Language Committee regarding CCG's implementation of its Language Scheme
and its intention to advertise two senior manager posts without the designation
of the Welsh language being an essential skill. During the discussion:- ·
It was emphasised
that the deputation that discussed with the Chief Executive of CCG did not
accept the difficulties, and absolute opposition to the company's decision to
contravene its own language policy and scheme was expressed. ·
It was noted that CCG
should be asked for written assurances that it would not contravene its language
policy in future; that the Welsh language will be an essential skill for the
post of Customer and Communities Director, which would be advertised shortly,
and that the two non-Welsh-speaking managers appointed in 2015 were learning
Welsh. ·
It was suggested that councillors and people in general had a
responsibility to seek to direct the right people to these types of jobs. ·
It was noted that, in
terms of the Council's perspective, any contracts with the third sector, or
whoever else, must ensure that it was explicit that those bodies were required
to adhere to their language policies and that it would be beneficial to have an
update on that as duties or responsibilities transferred to other bodies as a
result of any cuts. ·
It was noted that the
Language Commissioner's officers were undertaking a piece of work on the
implications of outsourcing services on the Welsh language and that it would be
beneficial to submit that piece of work to the committee so that it could be a
factor that would be in the forefront of the Council's mind as it was required
to make decisions to outsource. RESOLVED (a)
To ask the Language Development Officer to arrange a meeting with the
Chief Executive of Cartrefi Cymunedol
Gwynedd to discuss the aforementioned opportunities and concerns, and to ask
specifically for written assurances from them:- ·
That it will not contravene its language policy in future. ·
That the Welsh language will be an essential skill for the post of
Customer and Communities Director, which will be advertised shortly. ·
That the two non-Welsh-speaking managers appointed in 2015 are learning
Welsh. (b)
To report back to this committee on the results of the work of the
Language Commissioner on the implications of outsourcing services on the Welsh
language. |
LANGUAGE COMPLAINTS PDF 129 KB To submit the report of the Language Development Officer (attached). Minutes: Submitted – the report of the Language Development
Officer detailing the latest language complaints to hand. RESOLVED to note the
content of the report. |