Venue: Siambr Dafydd Orwig, Council Offices, Caernarfon, Gwynedd. LL55 1SH
Contact: Ann Roberts 01286 679780
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies: Councillor Gweno
Glyn and John Wyn Williams. |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST To receive any declaration of personal interest Minutes: 1. DECLARATION
OF PERSONAL INTEREST No declarations of personal interest were received
from any members present. |
URGENT BUSINESS To note any items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chairman for consideration Minutes: There was
no urgent business to discuss. |
Chairman shall propose that the minutes of the previous meeting of this
committee held on 5th July 2016 be signed as a true record Minutes: 2. MINUTES The Chair signed the minutes of the previous committee meeting held on 5 July
2016, as a true record. |
the report of the Cabinet Member – The Welsh Language Minutes: 3. REPORT
OF THE CABINET MEMBER - THE WELSH LANGUAGE Submitted – the verbal report of the Cabinet Member - the Welsh Language, detailing recent developments in the field, including:- ·
Language Audit and the action plan. The meeting
of four Heads of Departments - Economy and Community Department,
Regulatory Department, Adults, Health and Well-being Department and Consultancy Department to emphasise the importance of the
Welsh language, asking them to programme work to respond to the issues raised. ·
A meeting was attempted with Cabinet Members of nearby Councils to discuss how they intended
on responding to the requirements of the Language Standards, but that attempt was a complete fail. After a very beneficial
meeting with the Language Officer of Conwy County Borough Council, it was agreed to hold a joint meeting in
January with all of the Language Officers to discuss the Language Standards. ·
beneficial meeting had been held with
an officer from the Language Commissioner's Office to share information. ·
A Hunaniaith Strategic Group meeting had been held, and
there it was agreed to invite members from the Hunaniaith Workplaces Group and representation from Anglesey Language Forum to the next meeting in order
to discuss the Public
Services Board.
launch of Popdy - Bangor's Language Centre tomorrow with Alun Davies AM, the
Minister for Lifelong Learning and Welsh Language, Welsh Government. ·
Alun Davies AM visited Ysgol
Abercaseg and Ysgol Pen-y-bryn, Bethesda today. There, a discussion was held with Bethan Webb, Deputy Director of Welsh Language, Welsh Government who was responsible for Language Initiatives
and there would be a further opportunity to discuss successes along with issues that
were unsuccessful in being met in
a meeting that was yet to be arranged. It was asked whether preparations
were in place
for the thousands of people that would
be moving to the area due to the Horizon development. It was reported that the Horizon company had arranged a series of meetings with the services of Gwynedd Council next week. RESOLVED to note the content of the report. |
the Cabinet Member’s report and draft response Additional documents:
draft response to the consultation document was submitted: A million Welsh speakers by 2050. It was noted that the Government's previous Language Strategy had moved forward by
this Strategy in order to concentrate
entirely, more or less, on education
and growth in Welsh language education as the medium for realising
the million Welsh speakers by 2050. It was reported that there
was a need to ·
Give more referral
to strongholds of the Welsh language
and how it
was intended to strengthen
the Welsh language in those areas that
nurture the Welsh language completely naturally ·
Refer to community
planning ·
Have real commitment
that would penetrate into all of Welsh Government's work The following observations were expressed on the draft response ·
It was noted that there was no direction on
how it was intended to realise the Strategy and where
the resources would come from to ensure
its success ·
Further Education and Higher Education was referred to. A member's concern was noted regarding the financial support given to the students of Wales to go to universities
of their choice ·
The need was noted for clarity
in referring to bilingual education ·
member suggested that specific Welsh areas needed to be established ·
Economic value needed to be given to the Welsh language and planning acts
needed to be used to protect the Welsh language ·
It was noted that there was a need to attempt to persuade Welsh people to use the Welsh language ·
needed to be given consideration in the Strategy ·
need to ensure that it would
not be possible to misinterpret
the draft response under development field 3: Education, and a definition of Gwynedd Council's education language policy needed to be included It was reported that the draft response was to be introduced to the Leadership Team before the end of the month with the consultation period coming to an end on
31 October 2016.
Members were thanked for
their comments and it was reported
that it was also possible for
members to respond directly to the consultation. RESOLVED
to incorporate the additional
comments in the response to the consultation document on behalf
of Gwynedd Council. |
report by the Gwynedd Area Education Officer Minutes: 5. WELSH
IN EDUCATION STRATEGIC PLAN - DRAFT A verbal report was received from the Gwynedd Area Education Officer, explaining that the 2017-20 Plan
was being continued with five of the 2010 plan's outcomes. The intention to set ambitious but achievable targets due to the Council having to review progress against those targets
was reported. The original
intention to submit a draft response to the Language Committee was explained, but due to the substantial changes in the plan's template, it had not been possible. In addition, it
was reported that the Welsh
Government's consultation sessions across the North had not
finished until last week, with
the final session in Llandudno. The three Departments and the outcomes, along with the draft targets that
Gwynedd Council intended to
put in the action plan to respond to the requirements was reported on. It
was noted that Estyn's framework asked the question regarding the way that Gwynedd Council purposefully plans, and that would
need to be showed. The key timetable as
follows was noted:- 24 October 2016 Local authorities to launch a statutory consultation for eight weeks Mid November Send Mudiad Meithrin data to the authorities 20 December 2016 Authorities would submit the Welsh in Education 2017-20 Strategic Plan
to the Government. It was noted that, although
the timetable was tight, it was possible that the document would be prepared on time. It was reported that Welsh Government commissioned Estyn every year to inspect
based on themes, and one
of the fields of the Welsh in
Education Strategic Plan
was inspected.
Gwynedd and Flintshire
had been chosen to be inspected. It was noted that Estyn's
final report was on their website
by now and
paragraph 49 noted as follows: ‘There are a few good
examples where expertise is used effectively to develop provision across local authorities, in co-operation with regional consortia and regional networks. An example is the development of the
‘Siarter Iaith’ in Gwynedd. This
language charter aims to provide a framework to promote and increase the use of Welsh by pupils in a social
context. There are early indications
that the ‘Siarter’ is beginning
to impact positively on increasing the social use of Welsh by pupils in
Gwynedd schools. The ‘Siarter’ is currently
being introduced in schools across
Wales.' The need to ensure that pupils
following courses through the medium of Welsh in the Schools could then follow
the courses in Welsh in the Colleges was noted. RESOLVED
to hold a special meeting to discuss a draft of the Welsh in Education Strategic Plan 2017-20 during the consultation period. |
the Language Development Officer, Workplace to update the members on the
implementation of the Welsh Language Standards Minutes: 6. UPDATE ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF LANGUAGE
STANDARDS The report
of the Workplace Language Development Officer was submitted. It was noted that the work with Adults
Service focused on understanding the relationship of
Language Standards and More than Words, and ensuring that
any interventions planned
met the operational requirements
of More than Words and the internal Language Audit. The input that was given in the training sessions on the Adults Service's Language Awareness for new social
workers was explained. It was noted that the emphasis in the previous period had been on raising
awareness of staff and teams on the requirements
of the Language Standards, and that a communication
plan would be developed to spread messages on good practice.
It was also reported that
a discussion had been held with the Learning
and Development team to look at possible changes to language skills development training. |
the report of the Language Development Officer Minutes: 7. LANGUAGE COMPLAINTS Submitted – the report of the Welsh Language Development Officer detailing the latest single complaint to hand and the response. RESOLVED to note the content of the report. |