Venue: Siambr Hywel Dda - Council Offices, Caernarfon. View directions
Contact: Sioned Williams 01286 679729
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: Councillor Eric M. Jones. |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST To receive any declaration of personal interest Minutes: No declarations of personal interest were received from any members present. |
URGENT BUSINESS To note any items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chairman for consideration Minutes: No urgent items were received. |
The Chairman shall propose that the minutes of the previous meeting of this committee held on 27 February 2018, be signed as a true record (attached). Minutes: The Chair signed the minutes of
the previous committee meeting held on 27 February 2018, as a true record. |
Minutes: A draft version of the Language
Strategy, 'Welsh Language Promotion Plan for Gwynedd 2018-2023', was presented
by the Welsh Language Services Manager. It was noted that the public
consultation period on the strategy had started, and that it would end on 5 June
2018. It was noted that comments, amendments or suggestions from any
individuals or organisations would be welcomed for consideration. The final
strategy would be submitted to the Cabinet and Full Council in October 2018,
with an action plan that would be prepared during the summer. During the ensuing discussion,
responses were provided to a number of questions/observations from individual
members in relation to: §
Linguistic and mutation errors in the strategy. §
There were no actions included in the strategy
explaining what would happen, who was responsible, and how progress would be
measured. §
Some Council decisions were contrary to a number
of the objectives contained in the strategy e.g. the closure of youth clubs
that promoted the use of the Welsh language among young people. Members were guided through the
Language Strategy consultation questions. During the discussion, responses were
provided to a number of questions/observations from individual members in relation
to: A summary of the current
situation and challenges §
The 'Stealth English' that stemmed from the
technology/electronic devices that were used in schools - could this be
addressed? §
Gwynedd Council was one of the only
organisations in Wales that was progressive in its translation of 'apps', the
provision of Welsh language technology, and provision of bilingual meetings -
why did the government not contribute funding to support this exceptional work?
Was it fair to encourage young people 'to be
community leaders by organising events in their communities' when the Council
was withdrawing the facilities and funding to do this? Priority 1:
The Language of the Home §
Language transfer was weak among lone parent
families - was it possible to have a specific strategy to address this matter? §
Language transfer was weak in families where
only the father spoke Welsh. The message that fathers had an important role in
ensuring that their children grew up bilingually needed to be strengthened. §
A suggestion to establish new immersion centres
in areas where a high percentage of children were late-comers to the Welsh
language. §
Was it possible to combine the language of the
home vision with the aim of the Language Charter? Priority 2: The Language of
Learning §
There was a need to provide secondary school
pupils with a clear message that the Welsh language was a qualification for
both the public and private sectors, which could lead to further future
employment opportunities. Priority 3: The Language of Work and Services §
The workplace was a powerful place to promote
the use of Welsh - it was important to expand the workplaces that operated
entirely in Welsh. §
Was it possible to influence major banks,
supermarkets and energy companies to offer more language choices? § It was important to ensure that the ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
A REPORT OF THE COUNCIL'S POLICY ON PLACE NAMES PDF 235 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Corporate Services Project Manager
presented a research paper, outlining the Authority's statutory duties and
rights in respect of naming, recording and promoting house, street and place
names in Gwynedd. It was noted that the matter had been the subject of a number
of complaints to the Committee over recent years, and that the research paper's
purpose was to provide a clearer understanding of the situation. Members were
requested to consider the research results and recommendations, and offer their
views on the appropriate next steps. During the ensuing discussion,
responses were provided to a number of questions/observations from individual
members in relation to: §
Did the Council have the right to insist upon
Welsh names for new estates? §
Who was responsible for naming houses, developments
and streets owned by the Council? §
New developments were often more likely to be
given Welsh names, could this point be emphasised? §
The matter caused concern, not only the naming
of houses and streets, but also the naming of fields, rocks, or parts of
mountains. Was it possible to seek funding to install a plaque on them noting
the correct names, in order to promote the Welsh names? RESOLVED: To agree to
continue to work on the main purpose of the report, to gain clarity, especially
on the naming of geographic features and how we could influence the names used
by external bodies such as the Royal Mail and the Ordnance Survey, and report
back to the Committee on any developments. |
TAN20 PRESENTATION - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Minutes: The Committee received a
presentation on Technical Advice Note 20: Planning and the Welsh language (TAN
20) following a request by the Chair, and the concern that the guidance from
the government on the matter was ambiguous and weak. It was noted that the new TAN 20 had been
published since October 2017, and the similarities/differences between this
version and the previous version were highlighted. The weaknesses of the new
version were discussed, and the implications for the planning areas of Gwynedd
and Anglesey. It was explained that a response
had already been sent to the Government in December on behalf of the Plaid
Cymru Group to express concern and dissatisfaction that the Government had
ignored the observations of Gwynedd and Anglesey Councils, and had failed to: §
offer a definition of areas of linguistic sensitivity;
§ provide
guidance on the language assessment. It was reported that a response
had been received from the Minister, Lesley Griffiths AM, noting that Local
Authorities were free to expand upon national policy and develop their own
guidance to respond to local needs. It therefore placed the responsibility in
the hands of the Local Authority to determine what was appropriate for its
area. Members were asked whether they
wished to send further correspondence on the matter to the Government on behalf
of the Language Committee, or whether they were happy to wait for the outcome
of the development of the Supplementary Planning Guidance, and receive an
update at the next Committee meeting. RESOLVED: to leave the item on the agenda for an update at the next
meeting. |
GRIEVANCES AND INVESTIGATIONS Minutes: There were no complaints or
investigations to note. |