Venue: Siambr Hywel Dda, Council Offices, Caernarfon, Gwynedd. LL55 1SH
Contact: Annes Sion 01286 679490
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: Cabinet Members and officers were welcomed to the meeting. Apologies were received from Cllr John Pughe Roberts |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST To receive any declaration of personal interest Minutes: No declarations of personal interest were
received from any members present. |
URGENT BUSINESS To note any items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chairman for consideration Minutes: No urgent items were received. |
Chairman shall propose that the minutes of the previous meeting of this
committee held on xxxx be signed as a true
record (attached) Minutes: The Chair signed the minutes of the previous
meeting of this committee held on 10 July, 2018 as a true record. |
REPORT BY CABINET MEMBER FOR THE WELSH LANGUAGE To receive an update by Cabinet Member Minutes: The Cabinet Member submitted the report
noting that following a meeting of the Full Council, the Welsh Language
Promotion Plan had now been adopted. She expressed that a £2m grant for Arfor
had been announced by the Government. It was added that initial discussions on
the scheme had begun. It was reiterated that the Welsh language was central to
the Arfor Scheme. It was noted that the
Cabinet Member and the Welsh Language Service Manager were now part of the
discussions. It was noted that the Hunaniaith Scheme had
been given additional funding for two years and they were in the process of
forming a plan for 2020/21. It was expressed that the previous plan was a three
year plan and that the three year period was now drawing to an end. The need for a new plan was noted, one that
would look at long-term projects and it was an opportunity to ponder how
Hunaniaith could proceed. Observations from the discussion ·
It was noted that the Arfor
scheme had been in discussions for five years and the fact that the grant had
been announced was very pleasing. It was
discussed that the TWF Scheme and Arfor would run alongside each other, but
would not work together, and the TWF scheme should not affect the dynamics of
the Arfor Scheme. ·
It was added that the Arfor
Scheme needed to be developed and there was a need to discuss plans within the
four counties that Arfor would cover. ·
The differences between the
Arfor scheme and Twf were expressed noting that culture was not a central part
of TWF and that the Welsh language was a central part of Arfor. |
WORK PROGRAMME FOR THE GWYNEDD LANGUAGE PROMOTION PLAN PDF 34 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The report was submitted and it was
noted that this was an opportunity to look in greater detail and to hold a
discussion on the work programme. It was added that this was an initial work
programme and that developments would be carried out to the work programme once
all partners had come together to develop projects jointly. It was added that the work
programme had five priority areas and each of those priorities were considered
individually. a.
of the Family A
partnership with Mudiad Meithrin
was discussed noting that they were already collaborating but that further
discussions were required. It was added that Mudiad Meithrin were changing their projects and consequently
there had been no intensive discussions with Mudiad. It
was noted that transferring language within the family was a usual occurrence
in Gwynedd, but it was added that there was a need to understand where the gaps
were in areas where transferring the language was not as high. It was asked
whether it was possible to get data, and it was expressed that it may be
possible to get the data from the Education Department. A discussion was held
on the information collected at schools and it was noted that parents assessed
children's language levels before they started at school. It
was discussed that children absorbed language in the early years and it was
asked if there were any apps available in the Welsh language for this age. It
was reiterated that a student through the Coleg Cymraeg had undertaken research over a ten day period at
the council and that the results showed that there was a high number of apps
targeting the primary and nursery age. It was added there was a need to develop
more apps for secondary age. It was expressed that there was a need to promote
the apps more in society. It
was discussed how it could be ensured that breakfast club staff and after
school clubs adhered to the language policy. It was expressed that schools'
commitment to the language charter also involved the clubs. It was added that GwE had carried out a
language assessment on staff at schools. It was reiterated that there may be a
need to ensure that the Language Charter was included on Governing Body meeting
agendas regularly to ensure that the Welsh language could be included in all
aspects of clubs also. b.
Language of Learning It
was expressed that the education system was one that worked within the county
but two weaknesses had been identified. The first was a reduction in the number
of children speaking first language Welsh in years 6 and 7 and the second was
the reduction in the number of children who studied subjects through the medium
of Welsh. It was noted that these weaknesses had been identified under the
secondary schools Language Charter. It was expressed that an update was needed
from the department. c.
Language of Work and Services It was noted that there ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
the Welsh Language Services Manager’s report Minutes: The report was submitted noting that the item followed
on from the previous item. It was expressed that the purpose of the item was to have specific themes and areas for the Committee
to consider. Attention was drawn to workforce development noting that the plan was in action. It
was added that there were more training opportunities. It was noted that it would be possible for Hunaniaith
staff to attend the Committee
meetings often to present case studies
of the projects they were involved with.
It was added that this would raise
the Committee's awareness
of the work that Hunaniaith was doing. A question was asked about the priority of the Committee's work programme. It was expressed that it would be good to learn from others
working in the Welsh Language field. It was reiterated that it would be good to look at what other people
could learn from the Council. It was noted there was a need to develop a relationship with the Welsh Language Committees of nearby counties. It was noted that there was a need to prioritise while emphasising that some of the fields involved more work than others. The workforce's skills were discussed
noting that it would be good practice
for the Council to work through the medium of Welsh only. It was enquired whether the policy included staff who are contracted, such as taxi drivers. It was expressed that the policy did not include the staff who were contracted and maybe there was a need to highlight the policy in these
fields. DECISION The report was accepted. |
by Arwel Williams, Bangor University Minutes: A presentation was
received from Arwel
Williams who outlined the research Changing
Behaviour which investigated the use of the Welsh
Language at work. He gave details of the investigation and that they had been
focussing on changing behaviour and language practices specifically within a department of the University. Details were provided
of the research methodology
and how the data was gathered.
It was added that the Council would be the second phase of the research that would
commence in the next months. Observations arising from the discussion ¾
was noted that the research was interesting but that every workplace would be
unique as it depended on the number of people speaking the Welsh language in
the offices. It was added that there was
a tendency if someone was non-Welsh speaking for conversations to turn to
English. ¾
was expressed that there were lessons to be learnt for other locations from the
first step of the investigation. ¾
Committee noted its interest to see the results of the second part of the
investigation with Gwynedd Council and the Health Board. ¾
discussion was held on the long-term impacts of the scheme but it was noted
that the data had not been analysed in full and that the Psychology Department
would be part of the work to analyse the data. |
COMPLAINTS AND INVESTIGATIONS PDF 50 KB To receive an update from the Language
Development Officer Minutes: Submitted
- the report noting that one complaint had been received during this period
namely a household’s questionnaire. It was added that this questionnaire had
not been sent out by the Council and had been released without the Council's
knowledge. It
was added that there was one investigation currently in the pipeline and more
information would follow. The Language Commissioner's complaints procedure was
discussed, and that the Language Department was seeking to refer things to the
Commissioner to ask for support it was unable to comply with the language
requirements. An example was submitted which had been referred to the
Commissioner, namely a textbook for training in a specialist field that was
available in English only. Attention
was drawn to some specific complaints relating to the Council's Language Policy
which had been received. In the field of environment, there were some documents
that were available in Welsh only; this was because of tight schedules within
the department. It was added that when the complaint was received the English
documents were ready to be published. Attention was drawn to the fact that a 'Google'
search for the Council directed the individual to the English website. It was
noted that the department was seeking to contact Google to look at the matter
and that it had not yet been resolved. It was expressed that a complaint had
been received after the Business Loans Fund Terms and Conditions had not used
the Welsh language, but the department looked into this after receiving the
complaint and had created new terms and conditions. It was added that there was
a complaint about the lack of Welsh Language forms for Communities for Work,
but that specific location had run out of their Welsh language forms and
therefore obtained more copies from the relevant department. DECISION The
report was accepted. |
For Member’s
Information Minutes: The
report was submitted noting that the summary was a last minute appendix. It was
expressed that the report noted the outcomes for the year. It was noted that
the analysis for Gwynedd was needed and there would be a need to revisit the
item at the next meeting. |