Venue: Parlwr Mawr, Theatr y Ddraig, Barmouth Community Centre, Jubilee Road, Barmouth, Gwynedd. LL42 1EF
Contact: Glynda O'Brien 01341 424301
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Louise Hughes, Mandy Williams-Davies (Cabinet
Member - Economy), Cllr. David Richardson (Aberdyfi Harbour Consultative Committee), Cllr. R.A. Williams (BRIG), Mr
Llŷr Jones, Senior Manager Economy and
Community. |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST To receive any declaration of personal interest. Minutes: The following members declared a personal
interest in the following items for the reasons noted: (i)
Councillor Gethin Glyn Williams as he was a member of
the Yacht Club (ii)
Councillor Julian Kirkham as he was related to one of
the ferry operators |
To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting of the Barmouth Consultative Committee held on 15 October 2015. Minutes: Submitted: Minutes
of a meeting of the Barmouth Harbour Consultative
Committee held on 15 October 2015. Resolved: To accept and approve the minutes as a
true record. 2.1 Matters arising from
the minutes: (a)
Wintering Boats In response
to an enquiry regarding wintering boats on a section of the car park, the
Maritime and Country Parks Officer noted that following a discussion with Mr Colin Jones, Parking and Road Safety Manager, that the
principle was acceptable, however, discussions were required on how to
administer the arrangements, responsibility for the boats etc. There had been discussions regarding the
cost which could be in a form of a bond between £300-£500 as a deposit for any
cleaning required once the boats had been moved. As a way forward, the Maritime and Country Parks
Officer suggested that Members could ask their clubs if they were interested in
the above provision and to record their interest with the Harbour
Master and then a scheme could be undertaken by next winter. Resolved: To request that the clubs/associations
contact the Harbour Master if there is any interest
to winter boats on a section of the car park, in order to further complete the
required arrangements. (b)
Wheelchair Access to the Promenade Stemming from
the discussion regarding the submission of an application for a grant to the
Lottery Fund to provide more access locations for wheelchair access to the
promenade, an update was given by Cllr. Eryl Jones-Williams and he stated that
the Meirionnydd Access Group did not submit
applications themselves but in conjunction with other organisations. In addition, the Meirionnydd
Access Group did not currently have a Secretary or Treasurer. It was also felt that if the Town Council
established a Barmouth Access Group then this would
fragment the Meirionnydd Access Group. To add to the problem the Council had
deleted the post of Disability Officer.
It was understood that approximately 4 sections from the Black Patch to
the Arbour Hotel were inaccessible to wheelchairs. Resolved: To accept and note the above. (c)
Launching from Penrhyn Point In response
to concern regarding supervising launching from Penrhyn
Point, the Maritime and Country Parks
Officer explained that the Service did not have the capacity to send staff to Penrhyn Point and signs had been erected in the area in
cooperation with the local community. In
terms of the potential to get volunteers to assist, it was not anticipated that
there would be any problem if 3 / 4 individuals were willing to assist under
the Harbour Master's wing, dependent on insurance
terms. It would also be useful if ferry
operators could inform the Harbour Master if they see
any unregistered boats launching. The
Maritime and Country Parks Officer stressed that there was a formal system to
follow namely that it was necessary for individuals to complete forms PG1
(details of individuals) and PG2 (risk assessment). Resolved: To request that Members make enquiries with their clubs/associations to find volunteers to assist the Harbour Master with unregistered launching from ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
REPORT BY THE MARITIME AND COUNTRY PARKS OFFICER PDF 208 KB To consider a report by the Maritime and Country Parks Officer. Additional documents:
Minutes: 3. THE
MARITIME OFFICER'S REPORT Submitted: The report of the Maritime and Country Parks
Officer, Mr Barry Davies, on activities in Barmouth Harbour with specific
reference to the following:- (A) Port Marine
Safety Code Members were reminded that the Safety Code
was not statutory and any observations from Members on health and safety issues
would be appreciated. Resolved: To accept and note the above. (B) Navigation and
Moorings Reported: (i)
the service had invested substantially in aids to navigation and this included
lamps, chains etc. and as a result each aid was currently on station. (ii)
was necessary to install lights on some of the aids, however, the service was
not too concerned as the Easter holiday was early this year and there might not
be many boats on the water. However, an
assurance was given that the Senior Harbours Officer and the Harbour Master
would install these as soon as possible.
an investment would be considered next year to install a starboard buoy near
the seawall for visiting boats to navigate easily into the harbour. (iv)
House had conducted an inspection and a thorough audit and as a result it was
stressed that the administrative arrangements were up to standard. (v)
was agreed not to invest in beach buoys apart from the gateway near the railway
footbridge. (vi)
service had contacted mooring owners and of the existing customers 60
applications had been received thus far and this was a reduction compared to
previous years. However, it was noted
that the trend in every harbour was a reduced number. (vii)
was stressed that boats would not be allowed to moor in the harbour unless the
written administrative paperwork was complete and correct which included
insurance documentation, mooring certificate etc. (viii)
local contractor would be requested to take out the moorings that are not in
use and individuals could not claim specific locations. Resolved: To accept and note the above. (C) Harbour Matters Reported: (i)
approximately £8,000 had been invested to repair the pontoon last year and by
now it was part of the responsibility of the Harbour Service and it was not
known for how long it could be maintained considering the current financial
climate with so little income received.
It was emphasised that the purpose of the pontoon was for visitor use
only and the Harbour Master would monitor its use. It was further noted that arrangements would
be made to re-install the fingers on the pontoon soon. In response to enquiries
from individual members, the Maritime and Country Parks Officer noted: ·
they had to have control over local boats that moor on the pontoon · Regarding the Harbour boat moored on the pontoon, that there was a great deal of repair work to be undertaken on the boat and alternative ways would have to be considered to reach the boat such as the arrangements that exist in Aberdyfi whereby the boat is moored with a tender available to ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED AT THE REQUEST OF MEMBERS OF THE CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE PDF 70 KB To receive verbal reports from appropriate officers on the following
matters: (a)
Navigation markings (b)
Consider warning signs to point out severe change
in depth outside Yacht Club (c)
Request minutes are distributed sooner so
representatives can brief the groups they represent (d) Dangerous pole at the bottom of the slip in Aberamffra harbour (e) Sand? What can be done? Additional documents: Minutes: (a)
Navigational Marks It was reported that the above had been
discussed as part of the Maritime and Country Parks Officer's report. (b)
To consider having signs to
warn the public of the change in the depth of the Channel near the Yacht Club. Reference was made to the two photographs
attached to the agenda indicating a drop of 5-6 foot in the channel and concern
was noted regarding public safety as a result of this. Resolved: To
request that the Harbour Master erects 'Steep Banks' signs as well as notifying
mariners of safe areas to launch boats. (c)
A request was made to circulate minutes earlier in order that
representatives can brief the groups they represent. The Members' Support Officer reported that
they sought to place the minutes on the Council's website within 15 working
days of the meeting date, however this was dependent on workload. In the meantime she had sent a link to
the site where agendas/minutes were placed to Cllr. Rob Triggs
in order that he could send the link on to relevant persons. Resolved: To accept and note the above. (ch)
Dangerous pole at bottom of slipway in Aberamffra
Harbour A representative of the Yacht Club made a
request to remove the dangerous pole at Aberamffra
Harbour. It was understood that this was the remains
of an old ship and it would be necessary to get four members of staff to cut
it. There was a difference of opinion
amongst the Members if it should be removed or not, as it did not cause a
hazard in terms of navigation, however as a compromise a buoy could be placed
at the site. Following a vote on this matter: Resolved: Not to remove the pole at Aberamffra Harbour. (d)
Sand - what could be done? A representative of the Yacht Club reported
that there was a substantial amount of sand up the northern side of the
compound and so much sand had not been seen there before and it would cause
difficulties to get boats out. The Chair explained that they had to be
proactive by contacting Mr Colin Jones, Parking and Road Safety Manager who was
responsible for the car park. However,
it was trusted that the problem could be resolved in the long term. Resolved: To accept and note the above. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING To note that the next meeting of the Barmouth Harbour Consultative Committee will be held on 8 November 2016. Minutes: Resolved: It
was noted that the next meeting of this Consultative Committee would take place
on 8 November 2016. |