Venue: Siambr Hywel Dda - Council Offices, Caernarfon. View directions
Contact: Lowri Haf Evans 01286 679 878
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive
any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were
received from Councillor Sion Jones, Councillor Roy Owen (Local Member) and
Gareth Fôn Jones (Applicant) |
any declaration of personal interest. Minutes: No declarations of personal
interest were received from any members present. |
URGENT ITEMS To note any
items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chairman for
consideration. Minutes: None to note |
APPLICATION FOR A PREMISES LICENCE - TY CASTELL PDF 165 KB Tŷ Castell, 18 Stryd Fawr, Caernarfon To consider the above application Minutes: The panel and the
officers were introduced to everyone that was present and it was announced that
everyone had up to 10 minutes to share their observations on the application. On
behalf of the premises: Mr Roland Evans (applicant) Others
invited: Ffion
Muscroft (Environmental Health Officer, Public Protection - Gwynedd Council) a)
The report and recommendation of the Licensing Section Submitted – the
report of the Licensing Manager giving details of the application for a
premises licence for Tŷ Castell, 18 High Street, Caernarfon in relation to
the supply of alcohol, live and recorded music and late night refreshments. It
was highlighted that the recorded music was only intended as background music
and that the live music was occasional, acoustic music. A request was also made
for permission to serve late night refreshments and alcohol on bank holidays. Attention was drawn to the proposed hours in the report. It was noted that
the Officers of the Licensing Authority had sufficient evidence that the
application had been submitted in accordance with the requirements of the
Licensing Act 2003 and the relevant regulations. Reference was made to measures recommended by the applicant to promote the
licensing objectives along with the responses that had been received during the
consultation period. It was noted that
two letters had been received objecting to the application on the basis of the
licensing objective of preventing public nuisance. Attention was drawn to
observations submitted by Gwynedd Council’s Planning Department and
observations and recommendations of the Gwynedd Council Environmental Health
Officer. It was highlighted that discussions had been held with the applicants
and the Environmental Health Officer and that there was agreement now to reduce
the hours of licensable activities and to accept noise conditions as part of
the licence. b)
In considering the
application, the following procedure was followed:- ·
Members of the
Sub-committee and the applicant were given an opportunity to ask questions of
the Licensing Manager. ·
The applicant was invited
to expand on the application ·
Consultees were given an
opportunity to submit their observations ·
The licensee, or his
representative, was invited to respond to the observations ·
Members of the
Sub-committee were given an opportunity to ask questions of the licensee. ·
Members of the
Sub-committee were given an opportunity to ask questions of the consultees. c)
In response to the report, the Licensing Officer
was asked if the objectors were aware of the change to the opening hours. The
applicant noted that he had discussed the reduction in opening hours with one
of the objectors and consequently the objector had welcomed this decision. d)
In expanding on the
application, the applicant noted that he was happy with what had been submitted
and the following observations were added: ·
That developing Tŷ Castell had been an
opportunity to realise a vision ·
That the building had been empty since 1994 - and
was a Grade 2 listed building by Cadw. Renovating the building would
lead to rejuvenating part of the town · The intention was to create a tapas restaurant ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
APPLICATION FOR A PREMISES LICENCE - TY GLYNDWR PDF 259 KB Tŷ Glyndwr, Bunkhouse Bar and Café, 1 Stryd y Castell, Caernarfon To consider the above application Minutes: The panel and the officers were introduced to everyone that was present and
it was announced that everyone had up to 10 minutes to share their observations
on the application. On behalf of the premises: Mr Rhys Davies
(applicant) Others
invited: Ffion
Muscroft (Environmental Health Officer, Public Protection - Gwynedd Council) a)
The report and recommendation of the Licensing Section Submitted
– the report of the Licensing Manager giving details of the application for a
premises licence for Tŷ Glyndwr, 1 Castle Street, Caernarfon in relation
to the supply of alcohol, live and recorded music, dance performance and
showing films occasionally and late night refreshments. It was highlighted that
the recorded music was only intended as background music and that the live
music was occasional, acoustic music which would be played in the cellar. Attention was drawn to the proposed hours in the report. It was noted that
the Officers of the Licensing Authority had sufficient evidence that the
application had been submitted in accordance with the requirements of the
Licensing Act 2003 and the relevant regulations. Reference was made to measures recommended by the applicant to promote the
licensing objectives along with the responses that had been received during the
consultation period. It was noted that
one letter had been received objecting to the application on the basis of the
licensing objective of preventing public nuisance. Attention was drawn to the
observations and recommendations of Gwynedd Council’s Environmental Health
Officer. It was highlighted that discussions had been held with the applicant
and the Environmental Health Officer and that there was agreement now not to
allow entry to the public who were non-residents after 23:30 and to accept
noise conditions as part of the licence. Attention was drawn to the observations
of North Wales Police which had not been included in the report - the Licensing
Officer read out the observations in full. In response to a
question regarding the police observation 'that there were sufficient cameras
to record images', the applicant noted that a new CCTV system had been
installed with five cameras watching over the public areas. b)
In considering the
application, the following procedure was followed:- ·
Members of the
Sub-committee and the applicant were given an opportunity to ask questions of
the Licensing Manager. ·
The applicant was invited
to expand on the application ·
Consultees were given an
opportunity to submit their observations ·
The licensee, or his
representative, was invited to respond to the observations ·
Members of the Sub-committee
were given an opportunity to ask questions of the licensee. ·
Members of the
Sub-committee were given an opportunity to ask questions of the consultees. c)
In expanding on the
application, the applicant noted that he was happy with what had been submitted
and the following observations were added: ·
It was not intended to
create a noisy bar - the aim was to create a social bar - a safe place for a
chat ·
Accommodation would be
available ·
That substantial expenditure had been made on noise
mitigation measures · That he ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |