Venue: Ystafell Bwyllgor 1 - Swyddfeydd y Cyngor, Cyngor Mon, Llangefni LL77 7TW. View directions
Contact: Nia Haf Davies 01286 679890
No. | Item | |
APOLOGIES To receive
any apologies for absence Minutes:
any declaration of personal interest. Minutes: None to note |
items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chairman for
consideration. Minutes: No urgent items were received. |
Chairman shall propose that the minutes of the meeting of this committee held 21
September 2018 be signed as a
true record. Minutes: The minutes of the Committee held on 21 September 2018 were
accepted as a true record. |
Policy Manager’s report Additional documents:
Minutes: A
presentation was given by Nia Haf Davies with information about the public
consultation on the Guidance and highlighting the observations received,
officers' response to those observations and the amendments to the Guidance as
a result of the public consultation. No observations received during the public
consultation entailed a significant change to the draft Guidance. The copy of
the Guidance in Appendix 2 included the required amendments as a result of the
consultation. Following its adoption the Guidance will be a material planning
consideration. Nia
explained that the Guidance fell into the category of plans and programmes that
would contribute to the decision making process on planning applications. It
was resolved to go through the screening process to determine if the guidance
should be subject to a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in accordance
with European Directive 2001/42/EC and the Environmental Assessment of
Associated Plans and subject to an Appropriate Assessment under the Habitats
Regulations 2004. As the Guidance supported policies that had been subject to
ASS and that the Plan was assessed under the Habitats Regulations, the
conclusion was that the Guidance did not need to be subject to further work. This
screening assessment was confirmed by the specific environmental bodies. A
screening report will be published. The
Committee was asked to adopt the Guidance. Matters
raised: ·
4.5 - that the median housing price was lower than the price of affordable
housing in Llanengan. ·
1.6 - reference was made to a comment received from a Local Housing Campaign
Committee - how was it possible for the Authorities to allow developments that
do not provide affordable housing as part of the development? Response: ·
note the point and the comment was factually correct. The purpose of the table
was to give an overview of the situation at a County level. It indicated that
affordability, namely the difference between housing prices and income, and
drew attention to the importance of promoting affordable housing in the plan
area. ·
section of the Guidance states clearly that support for these types of
developments will only be exceptions. The Plan's affordable housing policies
are clear that having affordable housing is the starting point and evidence
will be required from the developers in the form of a viability assessment to
justify another method of developing sites. The alternative method could mean
receiving a financial contribution from developers. Reference was made to the
Affordable Housing Guidance that was being prepared, which will give more
details about expectations in terms of providing evidence. The role of this
Guidance is to give advice regarding the expectations associated with having a
mix of housing - type, size and standard. Decision: It was
resolved to adopt the Supplementary Planning Guidance: Mix of Housing. |
To submit a Senior
Planning Policy Officer’s report Additional documents: Minutes: A
presentation was given by Linda Lee highlighting the observations received
during the public consultation period for this draft SPG. A table was presented
that was part of the consultation report (Appendix 1) stating this comments
together with a response and the Officers' recommendation. It was
noted that the observations had highlighted the need for minor amendments and
two more significant amendments to the SPG namely: ·
should an 'excess' of holiday accommodation in an area be defined? It was noted
that some responses asked for a specific figure or percentage. The situation
differs across the Plan’s area and therefore it is not possible to give one
figure as a threshold that would be relevant to everywhere within the Plan's
area. It was suggested that the best way forward would be to highlight the
specific considerations to establish those circumstances when there is
sufficient serviced or self-serviced holiday accommodation in an area and where
adding to them would be problematic. ·
More information and guidance was required in
the SPG regarding how to deal with applications for change of use of hotels to
residential use. A Policy in the JLDP protected hotels, however, it was
necessary to provide further information for this. It was suggested that the
best way forward would be to include a new section in the SPG to explain the
evidence that would have to be submitted to prove that the hotel was no longer
viable. Support for the proposed responses
was requested and the right to conduct a public
consultation regarding the two amendments described above and in row 1 and 2 of the public consultation
report. Matters
raised: ·
dealing with planning applications for self-service holiday accommodation would
all types of holiday accommodation be included, including holiday homes, in the
equation to assess if there is an excess in the area? ·
were two different opinions about the need or otherwise to try and retain
hotels: (i) In the Victorian age going on holiday was
very popular but due to changes in visitors' aspirations, frequency of holidays
and holidays in this country, staying in a hotel was not as popular and many
hotels were closing. It was difficult to think how this could be prevented;
(ii) Some visitors still like to stay in good quality hotels. Response: · To note the comment that there are several types of accommodation in the Plan area for visitors, - holiday homes (when their owners come to stay at different times of the year); holiday accommodation (when their owners let them to different visitors at times of the year or throughout the year); hotels; caravans and similar types of places to stay. Policy TWR 2: Holiday Accommodation, in JLDP only deals with serviced and self-serviced accommodation. Other policies exist within the Plan to control the location of types of accommodation that require planning permission, namely the policies that deal with caravans and alternative holiday accommodation, in order to avoid harm to communities. Policy TWR 2 controls the impact of ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |