Venue: Ystafell Glyder Fawr, Council Offices, Penrallt, Caernarfon, Gwynedd. LL55 1BN
Contact: Nia Haf Davies 01286 679890
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive
any apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies were received from
Cllr Robin Williams (IACC), Cllr Richard Owain Jones (IACC), Cllr. Nicola
Roberts (IACC), Cllr Bryan Owen (IACC), Cllr John Griffith (IACC), Cllr. John
Pughe Roberts (GC), Cllr John Brynmor Hughes (GC) |
any declaration of personal interest. Minutes: None to note |
items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chairman for
consideration. Minutes: No urgent items were received. |
Chairman shall propose that the minutes of the meeting of this committee held
26.10.2018 be signed as a true record. Minutes: The minutes of the Committee held on 26 October 2018 were accepted as a true record. |
To submit the
Planning Policy Manager’s report Additional documents:
Minutes: Nia Haf
Davies presented the report and the appendices, which contained an amended consultation
draft of the Supplementary Planning Guidance (consultation draft) –
'Maintaining and Creating Unique Communities'. She noted that the decision of
this Committee in April had led to appointing a partnership to undertake a
critical appraisal of the consultation draft Guidance. She drew attention to
the qualification and experience of both companies, noting that Owain Wyn (Burum) was present to discuss the work (Appendix 1) and to
answer questions. Nia drew attention to the type of changes needed in order to
be able to implement the recommendations by Burum and
Cwmni Iaith. She noted that
the Joint Planning Policy Unit and the Planning Services were entirely
supportive of the recommendations of the companies and the changes. While going
through Appendix 3, she drew attention to the main changes which improved the
flow of the document and gave more clarity about expectations linked with the
process of giving consideration to the Welsh language from the screening stage to
the decision-making stage. Owain Wyn
drew the Committee's attention to the following: i. That
they had adapted tests that planning inspectors would use to assess the soundness
of the development plan; ii. That they
had identified improvements which would mean that the linguistic assessment
is more similar to other forms of assessments (environmental and business)
which looked at risk (not danger), the likelihood of
the risk, and how serious the risk is; iii. That it
was linguistic assessments that were needed for Statements and a report for Impact
Assessments; iv. That
the need to undertake public consultation prior to submitting a planning application
for 'major' developments was an important step because it would mean that it
would give applicants a clear opportunity for this type of development to engage with
communities and others prior to submitting planning applications regarding
the nature of the development and its impact on communities, including the Welsh language; v. That the
impact matrix was a visible method of reaching a conclusion about the impact of
the development; vi. More
assessments would be a way of developing an evidence base and understanding about
the field. The Committee was reminded that scrutiny of the Guidance would happen in Gwynedd earlier than in Anglesey. She drew attention to the report of the Chair of Communities Scrutiny Committee Investigation Working Group (Appendix 2 and 2a) which referred to feedback received during the informal engagement period in 2016 regarding including Guidance on development and the Welsh language which currently existed in both Counties. She noted that the Working Group had requested a brief response to the matters raised at 3 that time. She referred to the draft response in column C and column Ch as a starting point, and that there was an opportunity for the Committee to enquire or make observations about the response prior to it being referred to the Working Group. Reference was made to the recommendations and in doing so, she ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
from the Planning Policy Team Leader Additional documents: Minutes: A presentation
by Bob Thomas highlighting the role of the Supplementary Planning Guidance and
explaining the steps taken to date as part of the work of preparing the
Guidance in question. It was noted that the Guidance, in draft form, had
already been before the Panel in July this year. The amendments made to the
Guidance following the input received during the Panel meeting and as a result
of internal discussions since then were highlighted. Matters
raised: ·
exactly was the definition of an affordable house? Response: ·
definition in terms of what was considered to be an affordable house was
contained in National Planning Policy Guidance. Different considerations for
different areas. Affordability was considered as 3.5 times the income of the
residential unit. In terms of the need, consider which individuals were listed
and assessed on the Tai Teg register. Decision Resolved to release the Supplementary Planning
Guidance: Affordable Housing for a public consultation period. |