Venue: Virtual Meeting - Zoom (For public access to the meeting, please contact us)
Contact: Annes Sion 01286 679490
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive
any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Professor Iwan Davies (Bangor University),
Yana Williams (Coleg Cambria), Iwan Evans (Monitoring Officer - Host
Authority), Dafydd Gibbard (Gwynedd Council), Alwen Williams (Portfolio Director)
and Sheryl Le Bon (Senior Executive Officer). |
any declarations of personal interest. Minutes: No
declarations of personal interest were received. |
items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chair for consideration. Minutes: None
to note. |
shall propose that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 24th
June, 2022 be signed as a true record
(to follow) Minutes: The Chair
signed the minutes of the meeting held on 14 June 2022, as a true record. |
Hedd Vaughan-Evans (Operations Manager) Additional documents: Decision: To note and accept the Quarter 1 Performance Report and updated Portfolio Risk Register.
To note the work to reprofile the delivery plan as part of the Portfolio Business Case update and that this information will be available for the Quarter 2 report.
To approve the submission of the Quarter 1 Performance Report to Welsh Government and UK Government as well as the local authority scrutiny committees. Minutes: The report
was submitted by Hedd Vaughan-Evans (Operations Manager). RESOLVED To note and accept the Quarter 1 Performance
Report and updated Portfolio Risk Register. To note the work to reprofile the delivery plan
as part of the Portfolio Business Case update and that this information will be
available for the Quarter 2 report. To approve the submission of the Quarter 1
Performance Report to Welsh Government and UK Government as well as the local
authority scrutiny committees. REASONS FOR THE DECISION Quarterly
and annual reporting on progress against the North Wales Growth Deal is one of
the requirements of the Final Deal Agreement. Following the North Wales
Economic Ambition Board's consideration, the reports would be shared with Welsh
Government, UK Government as well as the local authority scrutiny committees. DISCUSSION The report
was submitted noting the NWEAB's highlights for the first quarter of the
year. It was noted in relation to the
Digital Programme that the first claim for the DSP Project was about to be
submitted. It was explained that an Outline Business Case (OBC) for the
Connecting the Last Few % project would be presented to the Board today. It was
highlighted in relation to the Low Carbon Energy Programme that a request to
change the Morlais project had been supported by the Programme Board, provided
that the contractual constraints associated with the Morlais’ WEFO funding are
appropriately addressed. In terms of the Egni project, it was noted that Bangor
University had requested a delay to the business case timetable to allow for a
review of the project. When drawing attention to the highlights of the Land and
Property Programme, it was explained that Wrexham County Borough Council had
approved funding to develop a Master plan for the Western Gateway Project. In
addition to this, it was noted that a delivery mechanism had been agreed for
the Former North Wales Hospital, Denbigh project which shared the risk of
developing with an in principle three step development. In relation
to the Agri-Food and Tourism Programme, it was noted that Grŵp Llandrillo
Menai had confirmed the structure of the Tourism Talent Network between the
college and partners in the private sector, and that they were preparing to
submit a pre-planning application for the Glynllifon Rural Economy Hub. It was stated that four projects were reporting red at present, which is one fewer than last reported upon at the end of the last financial year. Firstly, it was noted that the Low Carbon Energy Centre of Excellence Project (Egni) is under review by Bangor University due to the proposed changes to capital and revenue projections and the delay caused by the review of the project. It was explained that outline planning permission for the Bodelwyddan Key Strategic Site had lapsed, and a request had been made for additional information on the likely planning policy position of the site to Denbighshire Council. It was noted in relation to the Glynllifon Rural Economy Hub that planning permission needed to be secured and ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Dewi A.Morgan (Statutory Finance Officer) and Sian Pugh (Group Accountant). Additional documents: Decision: To accept
and note the NWEAB’s Draft Statement of Accounts (subject to audit) for
2021/22. Minutes: The report
was submitted by Dewi Morgan (Statutory Finance Officer - Host Authority). DECISION To accept and note the NWEAB’s Statement of Accounts (subject to audit)
for 2021/22 REASONS FOR THE DECISION There is no
statutory requirement for the Board to approve the draft Statement of Accounts
of the Joint Committee, but we consider that the submission of the draft
statement for information is good practice to follow. It was
noted that the Board will need to approve the final version in October
following receipt of the Audit report, and it was explained that the submission
of the draft now is an opportunity for Board members to consider the content
and to equip themselves with relevant information. DISCUSSION The report
was submitted and it was noted that this year for the first time, the Board had
prepared a full set of Statement of Accounts, rather than the annual return
used in previous years. It was explained that this was because the Accounts and
Audit Regulations (Wales) noted that a local authority body was a "larger
relevant body" when the annual income or expenditure was over £2.5m. It was
reported that the annual Statement of Accounts had been prepared in accordance
with the Code of Practice on Local Authority Accounting. It was explained that
the NWEAB had received the information in a much more useful way when the
Revenue and Capital Out-turn Position had been submitted in April. The decision
made during that meeting was noted. It was explained that the figure which
appeared in the statement were consistent with the report back in April. It was
stressed that this year was the first year for the department to have prepared
a report in this format, and consequently they had had to go back and re-set
the 2020/21 position in order to include it in the document for comparison. It
was noted that reserves appeared that could not be used, and it was explained
that these dealt with matters such as future pension commitments. It was noted
that the Statutory Finance Officer had signed the minutes of the accounts back
in June and had certified that he was of the opinion that the Statement of
Accounts had been prepared in accordance with the appropriate practice as set
out in the CIPFA/LASAAC Code of Practice on Local Authority Accounting. It was
noted that he believed that the Statement presented an accurate and fair
picture of the North Wales Economic Ambition Board Joint Committee's financial
position as at 31 March 2022 and the Joint Committee's income and expenditure
for the year ended at that time. It was
explained that the statements would go on to be reviewed by Audit Wales, the
NWEAB's external auditors, and the final accounts, together with the audited
returns, would be submitted in the autumn. Observations
arising from the discussion ¾ The department was thanked for all
their work in preparing the documents and that the word 'draft' should be added
to the decision. |
by Audit Wales. Decision: To accept
the Audit Wales report which highlighted the NWEAB's Audit Plan for 2022. Minutes: The report
was submitted by Sioned Owen (Audit Wales). DECISION To accept the Audit Wales report which
highlighted the NWEAB's Audit Plan for 2022. REASONS FOR THE DECISION Though the
North Wales Economic Ambition Board Joint Committee (the Joint Committee) had
been preparing the Smaller Joint Committee Annual Returns in previous years,
this would be the first year for the Joint Committee to prepare the full
financial statements. Audit Wales would audit the financial statements to
ensure that a proper account was given of public money. This
document outlined the work that Audit Wales intended to undertake during 2022
as a means of fulfilling their statutory responsibilities as an external
auditor and to fulfil their obligations under the Audit Code of Practice. DISCUSSION The report
was submitted, noting that as this year was the first time for the NWEAB to be
submitting full statements of accounts, it was believed to be appropriate for
the NWEAB to receive an individual audit plan rather than be included within
the Gwynedd Council plan. A significant risk was highlighted that management
override of controls was present in all entities, and it was explained that
this risk was present in all audit plans. It was noted that the Joint Committee
had prepared full financial statements for the first time this year, and there
was a risk that the statements were more likely to include relevant
misstatements. Attention
was drawn to the Audit Timetable by the performance team which had also been
included. An update was given on the staff members table as the Performance
Audit Manager had now left the organisation, and it was explained that the
department would be notified when an individual had been appointed. It was
explained that the plan noted that Audit Wales hoped to complete the work by
July / August but that they were negotiating across all authorities to push
this date on to September / October. Observations
arising from the discussion |
EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC The Chairman shall propose that the press and public be excluded from the meeting during the discussions on the following items for the reasons noted:- Item 9 – Due to the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information). There
is an acknowledged public interest in openness in
relation to the use of public resources and related financial
issues. It is also acknowledged that there are occasions,
in order to protect the financial and commercial interests that matters related to such information need to be discussed without being publicised.
The reports deals specifically with financial and business
matter and related discussions. Publication of such commercially sensitive information could adversely affect the interests of the bodies and the Councils and undermine
the confidence of other Growth Deal participants
in sharing sensitive information for consideration. This would be contrary
to the wider public interest of securing the best overall outcome. Item 10 – As information contained in the
report is confidential as defined in section 100A(3)
of the Local Government Act 1972 on the basis that it was provided by a
Government Department on terms which forbid its public disclosure. The public must be excluded from meetings
whenever it is likely in view of the nature of the business to be transacted,
or the nature of the proceedings, that confidential information would be
disclosed. Minutes: DECISION Resolved to
exclude the press and public from the meeting during the discussion on the
following items for the reasons stated:- Item 9- due to the likely disclosure of
exempt information as defined in paragraph 14, Schedule 12A of the Local
Government Act 1972 - information about the financial or business transactions
of any specific person (including the authority that retains that information). There is an
acknowledged public interest in openness in relation to the use of public
resources and related financial issues. It is also acknowledged that there are
occasions, in order to protect the financial and commercial interests that
matters related to such information need to be discussed without being
publicised. The report is specifically
regarding financial and business matters together with associated discussions.
The publication of such commercially sensitive information could adversely
affect the interests of the bodies and the Councils and undermine the
confidence of other Growth Deal participants in sharing sensitive information
for consideration. This would be contrary to the wider public interest of
securing the best overall outcome. Item 10 – The public must be excluded
from meetings whenever it is likely in view of the nature of the business to be
transacted or the nature of the proceedings that confidential information will
be disclosed. |
be circulated to Board members only. Decision: To approve the Outline Business Case for the Connecting the Last Few % project subject to Welsh and UK Governments’ approval of the assurance process undertaken, and the Portfolio Management Office addressing the matters set out in the report, as set out in Section 7 request that a Full Business Case is prepared for the Board to consider following the confirmation of the outcome of the Open Market Review (OMR) Public Review and the completion of the procurement process.
To note that the current number of white premises to be targeted within the OBC are provisional pending the outcome of the Public Review and that the final procurement approach will be confirmed following the outcome of the Public Review and the Market Engagement.
To delegate to the Portfolio Director in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair final approval of the procurement approach incorporating the findings of the Public Review and the Market Engagement and the final approval of the procurement specification and social value criteria prior to commencing procurement.
To note that the final funding arrangements for the project will be agreed at the Full Business Case stage and authorise the Portfolio Director in consultation with the Host Authority Section 151 Officer and Monitoring Officer to agree draft terms for approval by the Board. Minutes: The report
was submitted by Elen Edwards, Stuart Whitfield (Digital Program Manager) and Kirrie Roberts (Project Manager) DECISION To approve the Outline Business Case for the
Connecting the Last Few % project subject to Welsh and UK Governments’ approval
of the assurance process undertaken, and the Portfolio Management Office
addressing the matters set out in the report, as set out in Section 7 request
that a Full Business Case is prepared for the Board to consider following the
confirmation of the outcome of the Open Market Review (OMR) Public Review and
the completion of the procurement process.
To note that the current number of white
premises to be targeted within the OBC are provisional pending the outcome of
the Public Review and that the final procurement approach will be confirmed
following the outcome of the Public Review and the Market Engagement. To delegate to the Portfolio Director in
consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair final approval of the procurement
approach incorporating the findings of the Public Review and the Market
Engagement and the final approval of the procurement specification and social
value criteria prior to commencing procurement.
To note that the final funding arrangements for
the project will be agreed at the Full Business Case stage and authorise the
Portfolio Director in consultation with the Host Authority Section 151 Officer
and Monitoring Officer to agree draft terms for approval by the Board. REASONS FOR THE DECISION The NWEAB's
support was needed for the Outline Business Case (OBC) for the Last Few %
project in order to proceed with the project. DISCUSSION The report
was discussed. |
be circulated to Board members only. Decision: To support the principle of a Joint Venture Agreement with Welsh Government for the delivery of advance employment Units on Plot C3 Parc Bryn Cegin, Bangor as shown on the attached Estate plan (Appendix A).
To delegate the work of negotiating a Joint Venture Agreement in accordance with this report to the Portfolio Director in consultation with the Monitoring Officer and to ask for the final version to come back to the Board for approval. Minutes: The report
was submitted by Hedd Vaughan-Evans (Operations Manager). DECISION To support the principle of a Joint Venture
Agreement with Welsh Government for the delivery of advance employment Units on
Plot C3 Parc Bryn Cegin, Bangor as shown on the
attached Estate plan (Appendix A). To delegate the work of negotiating a Joint
Venture Agreement in accordance with this report to the Portfolio Director in
consultation with the Monitoring Officer and to ask for the final version to
come back to the Board for approval. REASONS FOR THE DECISION In order to
enable the project to proceed to the next phase, there is a need to secure a
Joint Venture Agreement to clarify the roles of both parties. It was explained
that a draft agreement has been developed subject to review and negotiating a
final agreement by both parties. DISCUSSION The report
was discussed. |