Venue: Cyfarfod Rhithiol / Virtual Meeting. View directions
Contact: Eirian Roberts 01286 679018
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive
any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from:- ·
Councillor Dyfrig
Siencyn (Cyngor Gwynedd), with Councillor Nia Jeffreys deputising; ·
Councillor Llinos Medi Huws
(Isle of Anglesey County Council) with Councillor Gary Pritchard deputising; ·
Councillor Ian Roberts
(Flintshire Council) with Councillor David Healey deputising; ·
Dafydd Evans (Grŵp Llandrillo Menai); ·
Yana Williams (Coleg
Cambria); ·
Professor Edmund Burke
(Bangor University) with Professor Bryn Jones deputising; ·
Dafydd Gibbard (Cyngor
Gwynedd) with Sioned Williams deputising; ·
Ian Bancroft (Wrexham
County Borough Council) with David Fitzsimon deputising. The Chairman welcomed the deputies to the meeting. |
any declarations of personal interest Minutes: Bryn Jones declared a
personal interest in item 7, as Bangor University was a sponsor of the Egni Project. He believed it was a prejudicial interest and
withdrew from the meeting for the entire item. |
items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chair for consideration. Minutes: No urgent matters were raised. |
shall propose that the minutes of the meeting held on 17th November,
2023 be signed as a true record. Minutes: The Chair signed the minutes of the previous meeting held on 17 November, 2023 as a true record. |
shall propose that the press and public be excluded
from the meeting during the discussions on the following items due to the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph
14 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information). There
is an acknowledged public interest in openness in
relation to the use of public resources and related financial
issues. It is also acknowledged that there are occasions,
in order to protect the financial and commercial interests that matters related to such information need to be discussed without being publicised.
The reports deal specifically with financial and business
matters and related discussions. Publication of such commercially sensitive information could adversely affect the interests of the bodies and the Councils and undermine
the confidence of other Growth Deal participants
in sharing sensitive information for consideration. This would be contrary
to the wider public interest of securing the best overall outcome. Minutes: RESOLVED to exclude the press and public from the
meeting during the discussion on the following items due to the likely
disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 14, Schedule 12A of
the Local Government Act 1972 – information about the financial or business
transactions of any specific person (including the authority that retains that
information). There is an acknowledged public interest in
openness in relation to the use of public resources and related financial
issues. It is recognised, however, that there are occasions in
order to protect public financial and commercial interests, where such
information must be discussed without being publicised. The reports relate
specifically to financial and business matters and related discussions.
Publication of such commercially sensitive information could adversely affect
the interests of the bodies and the Councils and undermine the confidence of
other Growth Deal participants in sharing sensitive information for
consideration. This would be contrary to the wider public interest of securing
the best overall outcome. |
Roberts (Low Carbon Energy Programme Manager) to present the report (which has
been circulated to members separately). Decision: 1.
the Board approve the Outline Business Case for the Deeside Anaerobic Digestion
Plant project subject to The Circular Economy Development Ltd addressing the
matters set out in the report, as described in Section 7, and recommend to the
Economic Ambition Board that a Full Business Case is prepared for the Board to
consider following the completion of the procurement process and the consenting
processes. 2. That
the Board notes that the primary procurement for the project has already been
completed on approval of the Outline Business Case it is intended that the Full
Business Case would be presented to the Board in February 2024 for approval. 3.
the Board, noting that the proposed funding model for the project is 50% grant
and 50% loan subject to confirmation of the subsidy control position at Full
Business Case, approve the principle that the interest from the loan once the
cost of borrowing charges for the loan element have been covered is allocated
to a reserve to be used to fund the Portfolio Management Office in future
years. 4. That
the Board authorise the Portfolio Director in consultation with the Host
Authority Section 151 Officer and Monitoring Officer to agree draft funding
terms in accordance with this report as a basis for approval by the Economic
Ambition Board as a basis for the final funding arrangements for the project to
be agreed by the Board at the Full Business Case stage. 5.
the Board designate the decision as an urgent matters which can be implemented immediately
in accordance with paragraph 29 of the Scrutiny Protocol in Governance
Agreement 2. Minutes: The report was presented by Elgan Roberts (Energy
Programme Manager) and Hedd Vaughan-Evans (Head of Operations). RESOLVED 1.
That the Board approves the Outline Business
Case for the Deeside Anaerobic Digestion Plant project subject to The Circular
Economy Development Ltd addressing the matters set out in the report, as
described in Section 7, and recommends to the Economic Ambition Board that a
Full Business Case is prepared for the Board to consider following the
completion of the procurement process and the consenting process. 2.
That the Board notes that the primary procurement for the project has
already been completed, and on approval of the Outline Business Case it is
intended that a Full Business Case will be presented to the Board in February
2024 for approval. 3.
That the Board, noting that the proposed
funding model for the project is 50% grant and 50% loan subject to confirmation
of the subsidy control position on approval of the Full Business Case, approves
the principle that the interest from the loan once the cost of borrowing
charges for the loan element have been covered is allocated to a reserve to be
used to fund the Portfolio Management Office in future years. 4.
That the Board authorises the Portfolio Director in consultation with
the Host Authority's Section 151 Officer and Monitoring Officer to agree draft
funding terms in accordance with this report as a basis for the final funding
arrangements for the project, to be agreed by the Board at the Full Business
Case stage. 5.
That the Board designates the decision as an
urgent matter which can be implemented immediately in accordance with paragraph
2.9 of the Scrutiny Protocol in Governance Agreement 2. REASONS FOR THE
DECISION To seek the Portfolio Board’s approval of
the Outline Business Case for the Deeside Anaerobic Digestion Plant project. DISCUSSION The item was discussed. |
Roberts (Low Carbon Energy Programme Manager) to present the report (which has
been circulated to members separately). Decision: 1. That
the Board approve the Outline Business Case for the Egni project subject to
Bango University addressing the matters set out in the report, as described in
Section 7, and recommend to the Economic Ambition Board that a Full Business
Case is prepared for the Board to consider following the completion of the
procurement process and the consenting processes. 2. That
the Board delegate final approval of the procurement strategy and the
procurement specifications and social value criteria to be included by Bangor
University in their procurement to the Portfolio Director in consultation with
the Chair and Vice Chair. 3. That
the Board authorise the Portfolio Director in consultation with the Host
Authority Section 151 Officer and Monitoring Officer to agree draft terms in
accordance with this report as a basis for the final funding arrangements for
the project which will form the basis of funding to be agreed by the Board at
the Full Business Case stage. Minutes: The report was presented by Elgan Roberts (Energy
Programme Manager) and Hedd Vaughan-Evans (Head of Operations). RESOLVED 1. That
the Board approves the Outline Business Case for the Egni
project subject to Bangor University addressing the matters set out in the
report, as described in Section 7, and recommends to the Economic Ambition
Board that a Full Business Case is prepared for the Board to consider following
completion of the procurement and consenting processes. 2. That
the Board delegates final approval of the procurement strategy and the
procurement specification and social value criteria to be included by Bangor
University in their procurement process, to the Portfolio Director in
consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair. 3. That
the Board authorises the Portfolio Director in consultation with the Host
Authority's Section 151 Officer and Monitoring Officer to agree draft terms in
accordance with this report as a basis for the final funding arrangements for
the project, which will determine the funding to be agreed by the Board at the
Full Business Case stage. REASONS FOR THE
DECISION To seek the Portfolio Board’s approval
of the Outline Business Case for the Egni project. DISCUSSION The item was discussed. |
propose that the press and public
be re-admitted to the meeting.
Minutes: RESOLVED to re-open the
meeting to the press and public. |
Williams (Portfoli Director) and Hedd Vaughan-Evans (Head of Operations) to
present the report. Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the Board support the
action plan developed by the Portfolio Director and timescales for
Implementation in response to the 2023 Gateway Review (PAR) recommendations. 2. That the Board note that
there may be a requirement to amend the action plan following the follow up
Assurance of Action Plan (AAP) review in December and that in such an instance
the Portfolio Director would consult the Chair and Vice-Chair on those
amendments. Minutes: The report was presented by Alwen Williams (Portfolio
Director) and Hedd Vaughan-Evans (Head of Operations). RESOLVED 1. That
the Board supports the action plan developed by the Portfolio Director and
timescales for implementation in response to the 2023 Gateway Review (PAR)
recommendations. 2. That
the Board notes that there may be a requirement to amend the action plan in
light of the follow-up Assurance of Action Plan (AAP) review in December and
that in such an instance the Portfolio Director would consult the Chair and
Vice-Chair on those amendments. REASONS FOR THE
DECISION The North Wales Growth Deal was required
to respond to the recommendations set out in the Gateway Review report. DISCUSSION A member expressed fierce
objection to the comment in the Gateway Review that the Business Delivery Board
did not challenge the projects, and emphasised that the recommendations should
not be blindly accepted as the way forward. It was questioned who would
pay for the Non-Executive Director for the Ambition Board, and what kind of
person would be sought for the role, bearing in mind that the expertise already
existed within the partnership. It was suggested that all
this bureaucracy held things back, and that we should have greater autonomy so
that we could proceed more quickly. Members welcomed the fact
that additional extraordinary meetings of the Board could be convened if urgent
decisions were required. It was noted that although
the action of implementing the recommendation to appoint a Non-Executive Director
to the Board had been designated to the Chair of the Board, it would be
beneficial if the six Leaders were involved in the discussion regarding this,
as it was not clear from the report what the options would be etc. In terms of the recommendation
regarding training around social procurement in the public sector, a member
noted that it was not clear what was lacking here since everyone around the
table was very well versed in those matters, and questioned whether there was
anything we could have done differently or better. It was noted further that the bar had been
set high in terms of social value requirements, and there were also
requirements in terms of net zero. It
would not be an easy matter to find tenderers that reached all those thresholds,
and it was enquired whether this had been considered as part of the
discussions. In response to some of the
observations and questions, the following was noted:- ·
the action of implementing the recommendation to appoint a Non-Executive Director
to the Board had been designated to the Chair of the Board, the document
highlighted that the appointment was a matter for the whole Board. ·
the Board and Portfolio Management Office had access to procurement expertise
as required and that our processes were scrutinised at a professional level
before reaching the Board to ensure that those processes were followed
properly. · That we were not just accepting the recommendations and were taking our time to consider how best we as a Board, and ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
Williams (Portfolio Director) to present the report. Decision: 1. That the Board support the
founding principles which will underpin the strategy to achieve the investment
objectives for the North Wales Growth Deal. 2. That the Board note that the
detailed investment strategy, comprising the principles and plan, will be
presented to the Board in February 2024. Minutes: The report was presented by Alwen Williams (Portfolio
Director). RESOLVED 1. That
the Board supports the founding principles which will underpin the strategy to
achieve the investment objectives for the North Wales Growth Deal. 2. That
the Board notes that the detailed investment strategy, comprising the founding
principles and the delivery plan, will be presented to the Board in February
DECISION To underpin the development of the
detailed strategy that will build on assurance that our collective ambition to
deliver the £1bn Growth Deal for North Wales can be achieved. DISCUSSION The Monitoring Officer noted,
having heard the presentation and on the understanding that a detailed report
would be submitted to the Board in February, that he did not have comments to
add. The Head of Finance
reiterated the comment, noting that any financial information would be
considered later on, therefore he had nothing to add at present. |