Erection of 10 intermediate affordable dwellings and associated works.
MEMBER: Councillor Gareth A Roberts
delegate powers to the Senior Planning Manager to approve the application,
subject to the following conditions:
1. Five years.
2. In accordance with the plans/details submitted with
the application.
3. Compliance with the landscaping plan along with future
maintenance work.
4. Secure a plan/arrangements to provide the affordable
units, e.g. occupancy criteria, timetable and arrangements to ensure that units
are affordable now and in perpetuity.
5. Compliance with the recommendations of the Ecological
Appraisal and Arboricultural Impact Assessment.
6. Agree on details regarding a Welsh name for the
development and the dwellings within the development before the residential
dwellings are occupied for any purpose along with signage advertising and
informing and promoting the development.
7. Working hours limited to 8:00-18:00 Monday to Friday;
08:00-13:00 Saturday and not at all on Sunday and Bank Holidays.
8. Submission of a Construction Method Statement to the
LPA to include measures to reduce noise, dust and vibration, parking of
development operators’ vehicles, loading/unloading goods, storage of equipment
on the site, security fences, facilities to wash wheels and a recycling/litter
disposal plan.
9. Relevant conditions from the Transportation Unit
including ensuring visibility of 33m to the south-west from the main
10. Agree on the external materials for the dwellings.
11. Natural slate roofing.
12. Agree on an acoustic fence.
13. Agree on children's play equipment.
Note: Need
to submit a sustainable drainage system application to be agreed with the
To erect 10 intermediate
affordable dwellings and associated works.
Attention was drawn to the
late observations form.
The Development Control Officer highlighted that this was a full
application to erect 10 intermediate affordable houses and associated work. The
site was described as the former site of Coed Mawr Infants School to the south of Bangor city centre;
within a residential area between Caernarfon Road and Penrhos
Road and within the development boundary of Bangor as included in the LDP. It
was reiterated that it had not been designated for any specific use. The
application was split into a number of different elements, which included:
• Providing intermediate affordable housing
in the form of: Four semi-detached, two bedroom houses (4 person); Four
two-storey three bedroom semi-detached houses (5 person) and two two-storey
three bedroom houses (5 person) with shared equity tenure.
• Provision of off-road parking spaces.
• Creating garden areas, pavements and private curtilages.
• Alterations to existing access and
provision of a road and paths for pedestrians within the site.
• Hard and soft landscaping including planting a variety of trees
and shrubs.
• Creating a play area for children.
• Installation of a foul water drainage
system to serve the dwellings together with a surface water system.
It was
explained that the site currently included the remains of the former school
building, which includes hard surfaces (concrete) and soft surfaces (grass). Reference was made to the relevant policies that had
been noted in the report.
In the context of the principle of the development,
it was noted that the principle was acceptable based on location, need, housing
mix, use, affordable housing and density, along with the additional information
submitted by the applicant. It was considered that the proposal was acceptable
on the basis of visual amenities and it was anticipated that it would,
ultimately, create a positive contribution to the character of this part of the
In the context of the general and
residential amenities, it was noted that a number of objections had been
received from some of the occupants of Lôn Bedw and Bron y De relating to
loss of privacy and noise nuisance that could derive from using the proposed
play area located in the south-western corner of the site. However, given that
vegetation already exists between the backs of Lôn Bedw and Bron y De dwellings and
the application site; the previous site use for educational use; the intention
to erect a timber 1.8m high fence around the site's external boundary; that the
parcel of land was chosen on the basis of promoting passive public surveillance
together with the intention to plant more vegetation nearby and within the play
area. As a result, it was considered that the proposal to locate the play area
within this part of the site will substantially disrupt the residential or
general amenities of nearby occupants. It was reiterated that the applicant had
noted the intention of installing an acoustic fence, which would reduce noise
and that it would be possible to impose a relevant condition to ensure this.
When assessing the current proposal as a
whole, no substantial harmful impact that would be contrary to relevant local
planning policies and national advice was identified. To this end, it was considered that the proposal
was acceptable, subject to the inclusion of relevant conditions.
b) Taking advantage of the right to speak, the
Local Member made the following points:
He was supportive of the application.
Disappointed that no bungalows had been included in the plan.
c) It was proposed and seconded to approve the
d) In response to a question regarding
demolishing the former school, it was noted that a demolition notice had been
approved and implemented.
In response to a question regarding
evidence of the need, it was noted that evidence had been submitted about the
need for intermediate housing and that the plan filled a void in the need for
this type of housing.
In response to a question regarding the
meaning of intermediate housing, it was noted that intermediate housing were houses
for those who were unable to buy a house on the open market and not eligible
for social housing. In response to a supplementary question regarding the
definition of an affordable house considering the increase in living costs, it
was noted that the definition of an affordable house had been adapted, but that
applicants were being assessed on salary levels and house prices - living costs
were not being considered at this point in time.
In response to a question regarding the
lack of detail about the open space / playing field and the statutory
requirement to provide equipment, it was noted that it was possible to impose a
condition ensuring the need to provide appropriate equipment on the open plot.
Reference was made to the current information submitted by the Policy Unit,
confirming that a provision of 70m² was provided as a part of the development,
which more than meets the need for play areas an play equipment for children
within the area.
RESOLVED: To delegate powers to the Senior Planning
Manager to approve the application, subject to the following conditions:
1. Five years.
2. In accordance with the plans/details submitted with
the application.
3. Compliance with the landscaping plan along with future
maintenance work.
4. Secure a plan/arrangements to provide the
affordable units e.g. mix, tenure, occupancy criteria, timetable and
arrangements to ensure that units are affordable now and in perpetuity.
5. Compliance with the recommendations of the Ecological
Appraisal and Arboricultural Impact Assessment.
6. Agree on details regarding a Welsh name for the
development and the dwellings within the development before the residential
dwellings are occupied for any purpose along with signage advertising and informing
and promoting the development.
7. Working hours limited to 8:00-18:00 Monday to
Friday; 08:00-13:00 Saturday and not at all on Sunday and Bank Holidays.
8. Submission of a Construction Method Statement to
the LPA to include measures to reduce noise, dust and vibration, parking of
development operators’ vehicles, loading/unloading goods, storage of equipment
on the site, security fences, facilities to wash wheels and a recycling/litter
disposal plan.
9. Relevant conditions from the Transportation Unit
including ensuring visibility of 33m to the south-west from the main
10. Agree on the external materials for the dwellings.
11. Natural slate roofing.
12. Agree on an acoustic fence
13. Agree on children's play equipment.
Note: Need to submit a
sustainable drainage system application to be agreed with the Council.
Supporting documents: