Removal of
the existing helicopter landing pad and construction of two new landing
pads to support
the existing
Works will
re grading
the soft
to accommodate
a new
access road, landing pads inclusive
of all surface
water drainage,
and barriers,
secure fencing
and enclosures
to support the aircraft.
MEMBERS: Councillor Menna Baines and Councillor Gareth Roberts
to relevant background documents
To approve the
application subject to conditions relating to the following:
Time (five years)
In accordance with the plans
The recommendations of the Arboriculture
Assessment and Method Statement and Ecological Appraisal must be followed.
Welsh Water
Condition to protect the sewerage system.
Welsh Water
Natural Resources Wales
Land Drainage Unit
Removal of the
existing helicopter landing pad and construction of two new landing stages to
support the existing hospital. The work will include re-grading the soft
landscape to include a new access road, landing pads including all surface
water drainage, markings and illuminated landing barriers, new safety fences
and enclosures to maintain the helicopters.
The Development
Control Team Leader highlighted that this was a full
application for the creation of a new landing facility for helicopters near
Ysbyty Gwynedd in Bangor. The work would include:
removing the existing helicopter landing pad
creating two
new landing areas by:
o re-grading the landscape and creating two
embankments with a circular shaped flat plot behind them
o installation
of hard standings for landing pads
surface water drainage work
installation of new illuminated landing barriers
erection of security fencing
creation of enclosures in order to maintain the helicopters
associated engineering work.
It was explained that the landing pad was located
approximately 150m to the east of the hospital, on a plot of sloped land on an
elevated site above the city, which, according to the Civil Aviation Authority,
offers very good flight paths into and out of the hospital grounds. The
hospital stands on the southern peripheries of Bangor Subregional Centre in the area of Penrhosgarnedd. The
site is also partly located within the buffer zone of Crug
Goetre Uchaf Registered Monument.
In the context of the principle of the development, it
was considered that this was a scheme to enhance an essential service offered
to the communities of Gwynedd and that it met the relevant criteria as listed
under Criterion 1, Policy ISA 2 of the LDP and, therefore, the principle of the
application was acceptable.
In the context of general
amenities, it was noted that this development would be in a concealed location
from the majority of nearby viewpoints. Public
footpath number 39 in the Community of Bangor ran past the northern boundary of
the site, however, there was a mature hedge between this path and the site. The majority of the views from the site were from a distance
and in the context of the existing developed site and the hospital nearby. When
considering the local landscape and existing trees and hedges surrounding the
site, it was not believed that there would be a significant change to the view
of the site as observed from the outside.
It was noted that there was potential for noise and
disturbance to emanate from this type of facility but
this was unlikely to be significantly worse than what already happened. There
would not be a significant increase in the use made of the site, instead, it
would be possible to deal more efficiently with the transport that needed to
use the landing pads, particularly in an emergency when more than one
helicopter would need to land in a short space of time.
It was highlighted that the site was approximately
200m from the nearest residential houses and it was not believed that there
would be a significant additional harm caused to the amenities of local residents deriving from the development and,
therefore, the proposal was acceptable in terms of the requirements of policies
PCYFF 2 and PCYFF 3 of the LDP.
In the context of biodiversity matters, it was noted
that an ecological assessment of the site had been submitted, which concluded
that there was no special biodiversity interest to the site itself, although
the boundaries were of significance to wildlife and were visually important.
The report recommended safeguarding biodiversity features by drawing up a
Conservation Building Control Plan and Biodiversity Management Plan for the
It was not considered that the proposal was contrary
to any relevant planning policy within the LDP, that the proposed development
was appropriate for the site and that it would help achieve an objective of
strategic importance.
Taking advantage of the
right to speak, the Local Members made the following points:
Cllr Gareth A Roberts
The proposal was of
essential importance to the Service
The existing provision
was insufficient
Supported the application
Cllr Menna Baines (not present at the meeting, but she had sent an
e-mail message)
'No objection to the
proposal - deemed it a necessary development'
It was proposed and
seconded to approve the application
To approve the application subject to conditions relating to the
Time (five years)
In accordance with the plans
The recommendations of the Arboriculture Assessment and Method Statement
and Ecological Appraisal must be followed.
Welsh Water Condition to protect the sewerage
Welsh Water
Natural Resources Wales
Land Drainage Unit
Supporting documents: