Application to vary condition 1 on planning
permission C18/0993/26/LL (which extended permission
C09A/0412/26/LL for the erection of 12 dwellings and
associated works) in order to extend the time granted to commence work for
another five years.
Local Member: Councillor Menna Trenholme
To delegate the power to the Head of Planning to
approve the application
1. 5
2. In
accordance with the plans
3. Slate
on the roof
4. Highway
conditions - entrance, estate road, turning space, kerbs, footway, height of
5. Details
of fencing and flooding diversion
6. Plan
of system to control surface water
7. Environmental
Management Plan - to include lighting scheme and biodiversity improvements
8. Construction
Environmental Management Plan
9. The
applicant should adopt and comply with plan number TR-01-VR in the Tree
Restrictions Preliminary Report (03.06.13) submitted with application number
CO9A/0412/26/LL, and to also appoint a tree specialist and ensure that the
obstructions are removed
10. All the
work on the trees must be carried out in accordance with British Standard 5837:
11. Landscaping
12. Removal
of permitted delegated rights for the affordable units
13. To
agree on external finish
14. The
southern gable-end window of dwelling 5 on plan number BP/CB/12 submitted as
part of application number C09A/0412/26/LL must be of opaque glass and
permanently closed
15. Welsh
names must be used for the development hereby permitted to include the name of
the houses and the streets
16. The
houses hereby permitted must only be used for residential use within the C3 Use
Class as defined by the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as
amended) and not for any other use, including any other use within C Use
Affordable Housing Scheme agreement condition
Biodiversity Condition
Application to vary condition 1 on planning
permission C18/0993/26/LL (which extended planning permission C09A/0412/26/LL
to erect 12 dwellings and associated works) to extend the time granted to
commence the work for another five years.
Attention was drawn to the late observations form
which contained observations regarding the Affordable Housing arrangement,
residential use, Biodiversity matters and further comments from the Language
Unit responding to the revised language statement.
The Development Control
Team Leader highlighted that it was an application to vary condition 1 on
planning permission C18/0993/26/LL to extend the period of the planning
permission on the site for another 5 years.
The site was located on a plot of land within the development boundary
of Caeathro Local Village as defined in the LDP and
it was reiterated that there were no changes to the original plan.
It was explained that the development of the site had
been prevented in the past due to the concerns of Welsh Water regarding the
capacity of the sewerage system to cope with the foul water that would derive
from the site. The concerns had now been
resolved. It was highlighted that the
proposal consisted of five types of houses ranging from two-bedroom
semi-detached houses to detached four-bedroom houses, satisfying the recognised
need for housing within the local area; four of the 12 dwellings would be
affordable (a 106 Agreement was already in place to control their occupation).
The importance of considering whether local and national planning policy
circumstances or the policy position had changed since the original application
was granted was noted. The proposal
could only be considered differently if there was evidence of a substantial
change in circumstances in the context of relevant policies.
Application C09A/0412/26/LL (the original application) was assessed
against the policies in the Unitary Development Plan, i.e., the Development
Plan in effect at that time and later application C18/0993/26/LL extending the
original consent was assessed against the policies within the LDP. As the LDP remained in force, there was no
change in the local planning policy position since the time the previous
application had been assessed.
It was explained that the application site as a whole
was located within the Caeathro development
boundary as contained in the LDP and the proposal complied with the
requirements of Policy PCYFF 1 which aimed to locate new developments within
the development boundaries. It was
expressed that Policies TAI 4 and TAI 15 were the relevant policies in terms of
housing development within the boundaries of a Local Village such as Caeathro. These secure open market housing with a
percentage of affordable housing, provided that the size, scale, type and
design of the development were in keeping with the settlement's character.
In the context of visual amenities, it was noted that the site was
identified as being in a fairly prominent spot in the
centre of the village and adjacent to a busy road. Most of the houses would be visible from
nearby public places but they would not be noticeable from afar as they would
be seen in the context of existing housing developments within the village. The
design, elevations, materials, layout nor the form of the houses have not
changed since the previous application was approved in 2014. It was therefore
considered that the proposal remained acceptable based on the requirements of
Policy TAI 4, PCYFF 3 and PCYFF 4 of the LDP.
In the context of general and residential amenities, the development was
not considered to create any significant amenity harm to the amenities of
nearby residents in terms of impacts such as over-looking, loss of privacy or
creating dominant structures and therefore was acceptable on
the basis of the requirements of policy PCYFF 2 in the LDP.
In considering
biodiversity matters, no significant change had occurred in the nature of the
site's habitat since the previous applications were granted; the current
conditions of introducing an Ecological Construction Management Plan and an
Ecological Management Plan could be reiterated to protect existing biodiversity
features and bring about improvements.
Although the site was not situated within a flooding zone due to
concerns that the site had been flooded in the past, a Flood Consequence
Assessment was received with the previous application which included mitigation
measures (which included surface water management) and a plan to redesign and
re-route an existing culvert running through the site. The Land Drainage Unit
had confirmed that they had no further comments to that proposed on the
previous application, and an existing condition required the submission of a
comprehensive drainage scheme for the development; the proposal was acceptable
based on Policy requirements ISA 1, PCYFF 5 and PCYFF 6 of the LDP.
In the context of educational provision issues, it was noted that the
latest SPG: Housing Developments and
Educational Provision superseded the previous SPG which meant that the figure
per pupil had been reduced, and based on the information in the current SPG
there would be an expectation for a total contribution of £50,480, which was
less than the figure in the existing 106 agreement condition. To this end, it
would be possible for the applicant to amend the 106 agreement
later on the grounds of the current information at the time. It was reiterated that in the context of
amenity open spaces, as there was no change in the scale or type of development
from what was previously approved, along with the fact that a children's
playground existed in the village and there was no change in the relevant
planning policy, there was no justification for providing amenity spaces as
part of the proposal.
The Local Planning Authority considered that the proposal met the
requirements of the local and national policies and recommended that the
application should be granted.
advantage of the right to speak, the agent noted the following observations:
In the past, the Watkin
Jones Group had been prevented from developing the site due to Welsh Water's
concerns about the capacity of the sewerage system in the area. These concerns
had now been resolved, and had recently led to a
condition relating to the drainage system.
This would mean that should the application be approved,
the site would be developed.
They were working in
partnership with local builders and affordable housing providers to ensure that
the site was being developed. It would not be possible to start the development before the existing
permission expired at the end of the summer, and therefore an application had
been made to extend the consent.
That the company was
committed to providing homes on this site.
A request was made for
the Committee to support the officers' recommendation and to approve the
It was proposed and
seconded to approve the application in accordance with imposing an agreed
condition and the affordable housing scheme.
ch) In response
to a question as to why there was no reference to a contribution for playground
equipment or a contribution towards the maintenance of an existing playground,
it was noted that as there was no change in the scale or type of development
from that previously approved along with the continued existence of a
children's playground in the village. There was no justification for providing
an amenity area as part of the proposal.
In response to a comment that neither the Community Council
nor the Local Member had commented and if the Local Planning Authority had
re-consulted them, it was noted that officers would re-consult those Councils
who respond consistently, but if they do not receive a response they would not
re-ask. In response to an accompanying question that the boundaries of this
ward had changed recently and that there was a different Local Member from the
one consulted during the previous application. It was noted that the officers
had consulted with the current Local Member.
RESOLVED: To delegate the power to
the Head of Planning to approve the application
1. 5 years
2. In accordance with the plans.
3. Slate on the roof
4. Highway conditions - entrance, estate
road, turning space, kerbs, footway, height of wall/hedge/fence
5. Details of fencing and flooding
6. Plan of system to control surface
7. Environmental Management Plan - to
include lighting scheme and biodiversity improvements
8. Construction Environmental Management
9. The applicant should adopt and comply
with plan number TR-01-VR in the Tree Restrictions Preliminary Report
(03.06.13) submitted with application number CO9A/0412/26/LL, and to also
appoint a tree specialist and ensure that the obstructions are removed.
10. All the work on the trees must be
carried out in accordance with British Standard 5837: 2012
11. Landscaping.
12. Removal of permitted delegated rights
for the affordable units
13. To agree on external finish
14. The southern gable-end window of
dwelling 5 on plan number BP/CB/12 submitted as part of application number
C09A/0412/26/LL must be of opaque glass and permanently closed
15. Welsh names must be used for the
development hereby permitted to include the name of the houses and the streets
16. The houses hereby permitted must only
be used for residential use within the C3 Use Class as defined by the Town and
Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended) and not for any other
use, including any other use within C Use Classes
17. Affordable
Housing Scheme agreement condition
18. Biodiversity
Supporting documents: