Full renovation of the existing house, proposed new garage, proposed photovoltaic array, landscaping and flood mitigation measures in addtion to demolition of exsisting outbuilding.
LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Ioan Thomas
To approve with conditions
1. Five years to commence the work.
2. In accordance with plans.
3. Slates to match.
4. Opaque
glass to be installed along the side of the balcony that borders with number 6
Marine Terrace
5. In accordance with the ecology
6. Welsh Water condition
Note: Welsh Water/Natural Resources Wales and Biodiversity
Full renovation of existing
house, proposed new garage, proposed photovoltaic system, landscaping and flood
alleviation measures as well as demolition of existing outbuilding.
Attention was drawn to the late observations form
which noted: a) that the proposal did not reach the thresholds to submit a
Welsh Language Statement or a Welsh Language Impact Assessment; b) that it was
intended to impose a planning condition to ensure that the proposed garage was
only used as ancillary to the main property.
a) The Planning Manager highlighted that this was an application for
alterations and modifications to a property by extending the eaves of a section
of the existing roof, extending the existing balcony at the rear of the
property, adding slate diamond pattern finish on the side of the property and
providing two open porches; demolition of existing outbuilding and erecting a
double garage, installation of four lines of solar panels, landscaping work and
installing floodgates along the boundary of the property with the Menai
Straits. It was added that the
site was located outside the development boundary of the town and within the
boundary of flood zone C2/Zone 2 and 3 of the flood maps.
It was noted that the application had been submitted to the Planning
Committee due to a family connection with one of the planning officers.
It was considered that the modifications and alterations to the property
were minimal, and suitable in terms of size, design
and layout. It was added that the proposal to extend the existing balcony at
the rear of the
property would lead to it being closer to the property next door.
Although other houses in the terrace with balconies offered an element of
overlooking into the rear gardens of the houses, the appropriateness of
imposing a condition was considered to ensure that a privacy screen was
installed on the side of the balcony that faced the property next door to
alleviate the direct impact of the balcony extension.
It was noted that the proposal involved converting an existing garage that
was ancillary to the property into a kitchen and dining room, but it was not
proposed to increase the number of bedrooms. It was added that it was intended
to demolish the existing outbuilding and erect a double garage in its place
near the access to the property - the garage of usual design for a garage and
the proposal was acceptable.
In terms of the landscaping work, the footpaths and vehicular road and
the flood prevention measures, it was considered that these elements were
acceptable. NRW nor the Transportation Unit had no objection to the proposal,
and the Biodiversity Unit was satisfied with the ecological report provided,
along with the biodiversity improvements proposed in the form of bird and bat
boxes. Confirmation was also received that the proposal would not have an
impact on the nearby Special Area of Conservation.
It was considered that the proposal was acceptable, subject to the
inclusion of a condition to ensure ancillary use for the proposed garage. It
would not have a significant visual impact on the landscape, the amenities of
nearby residents, road safety, biodiversity or the
Welsh language. The Local Planning
Authority recommended approving the application.
b) Taking advantage of the right to speak, the Local Member made the following
That the application
had been submitted to the Planning Committee due to a family connection with a
staff member.
There were a few
modifications and alterations here.
Two additional
photographs of the property site on the banks of the Menai Straits had been
submitted highlighting that flooding would occur under extraordinary
circumstances of high tide and strong winds.
There were 7 houses in the terrace and 5 of them had a balcony.
Imposing a condition for
opaque glass would be reasonable.
Recommend approving
c) It was proposed and seconded to approve the application
An observation was made that it would be possible for the new double
garage adjacent to the property to be converted into another dwelling - not
enough enforcement officers in the Council to check future modifications.
RESOLVED To approve with conditions
1. Five
years to commence the work.
2. In
accordance with plans.
3. Slates
to match.
4. Opaque glass to be installed along the side of
the balcony that borders with number 6 Marine Terrace
5. In
accordance with the ecology report
6. Welsh
Water condition
Information note: Welsh
Water/Natural Resources Wales and Biodiversity
Supporting documents: