Erection of
10 industrial units,new access,parking
and landscaping
Member: Councillor Dafydd Meurig
to relevant background documents
DECISION: To approve the application subject to material planning conditions
relating to:
Compliance with the plans
All materials to be agreed
Permitted use of Units for any purposes within Use Class B1, B2 or B8
Landscaping / biodiversity enhancements condition
Opening hours: 06:30 to 18:00 Monday to Friday, 06:30 to 17:00 Saturday
and 08:00 to 16:00 Sunday / Bank Holidays
The details of any external equipment installed on the building must be
No unit should be brought into use until the connection with the public
sewer has been completed
To operate in accordance with the submitted Construction Traffic
Management Plan
10. Welsh Water Condition
11. Ensure Welsh / Bilingual
1. Welsh Water
2. Land Drainage Unit
3. Language Unit
Erection of 10
industrial units, new access, parking and landscaping
Attention was drawn to the late observations form
a) The Planning Manager highlighted that this was a full application to
erect a building on a vacant plot of land within the Bryn Cegin
Business Park, Llandygai. It was noted that the building would be split into ten
units, with the intention of obtaining consent for Use Class B2, namely General
Industrial. Despite not being completely relevant to the
application, it was noted that there were no specific users for the
units yet.
In terms of
the principle of the development, it was reported that the site was located
outside the development boundary but was part of a site protected as a
Strategic Regional Business site within the LDP for B1, B2 and B8 use. It was
noted, as the intention was for class B use, it would comply with policy CYF 1
that related to protecting, allocating and reserving land and units for
employment use.
It was
noted that the plot of land surrounding the building would include 31 parking
spaces and the access would be provided through the existing vehicular entrance
that provided access from the inner road that serviced the broader business
Although fairly large, (floor area of 995m2 and 8.2m to
the roof ridge), the new building would be of a size, design and materials that
would be expected for contemporary industrial buildings. It was considered that
the design and appearance was acceptable and complied with policy PCYFF 3. In
addition, impact on amenities could be managed with conditions that related to
opening hours and any external machinery e.g.
extraction systems.
A statement relating to the Welsh
Language had been submitted and, as part of the consultation process,
observations had been received highlighting concern about the impact of the
development on the Welsh language. In response, an explanation was received by
the applicant noting that the units could not be advertised to tenants until
the application received Planning permission. To promote the Welsh language,
the applicant stated his willingness to collaborate with the Language Unit and
create a transfer file for the units that would commit the tenants to the Cynnig Cymraeg (Welsh Offer) that was in accordance with
the Language Unit's advice.
It was
reported that late observations had been received from the Transportation Unit
confirming that there was no objection to the proposal and that a green
infrastructure statement had been received that complied with the requirements
of Planning Policy Wales. As a result, it was not considered that the proposal
was contrary to any material planning policy within the LDP
and the proposed development was appropriate for the site and likely to be of
strategic importance to the county as a starting point for business
developments on the site. The Planning Authority recommended approving the
application with conditions.
b) The Chair noted that the Local Member had apologised that he could not
be present, but he had sent the following observations via e-mail:
I have no objection in
principle to the proposal as there is local demand for industrial units of this
size, but I am concerned that the developer has not provided sufficient
evidence to show how this development would increase the use of the Welsh
However, I note the willingness
of the developer to collaborate with the Council's Language Unit to create a
transfer file for the units that would commit the tenants to the Welsh
Commissioner's "Cynnig Cymraeg", and I look
forward to seeing the outcome of this work.
c) It was proposed and seconded to approve the application. Welcoming a
development on the site that had been dormant for some time
RESOLVED: To approve
the application subject to material planning conditions relating to:
1. Time
2. Compliance with the plans
3. All materials to be agreed
4. Permitted use of Units
for any purposes within Use Class B1, B2 or B8 only
5. Landscaping / biodiversity enhancements
6. Opening hours: 06:30 to
18:00 Monday to Friday, 06:30 to 17:00 Saturday and 08:00 to 16:00 Sunday /
Bank Holidays
7. Details of any external
equipment installed on the building must be submitted.
8. No unit should be
brought into use until the connection with the public sewer has been completed.
9. Act in accordance with
the submitted Construction Traffic Management Plan.
10. Welsh Water Condition
11. Ensure Welsh / Bilingual signs
Welsh Water
Land Drainage Unit
Language Unit
Supporting documents: