Full planning application for improvements to
the site to include minor amendments to the location and design of the
previously approved services building along with extending existing tracks and
other environmental improvements.
Local Member: Councillor John Brynmor Hughes
DECISION: APPROVED with conditions
1. Time
2. Compliance with plans
3. Carry out the development in accordance with an ecological report
4. Carry out the development
in accordance with a Construction Environmental Management Plan
5. Carry out the development in accordance
with a lighting plan
6. Restrict the number of caravans
7. Restrict the period of site use
8. Remove all caravans from the site outside
the period of site use
9. Restrict caravan/boat/vehicle storage
outside the formal pitches
10. Restrict the use of the caravans to holiday
use only
11. Bilingual signage
12. Welsh name
13. Materials.
14. Landscaping plan
15. Drainage matters
Fferm Fronhyfryd, Bwlchtocyn,
Pwllheli, Gwynedd, LL53 7EU
Full application for improvements to the site to include minor
amendments to the location and design of the previously approved service
building along with extending existing tracks and other environmental improvements
Attention was drawn to the late
observations form.
a) The Planning Manager highlighted that this was a full application
involving improvements to a touring caravan and camping site, including
amending the location and design of the previously approved service building
along with extending existing access roads within the site and undertaking
environmental improvements. There would be no increase in the number of touring
caravans on site from the 24 that had previously been approved. The caravans
would remain sited around the site boundary near the existing hedgerows that
surrounded the site.
terms of visual amenities, it was noted that it was intended to carry out
additional landscaping by planting new trees and hedges on the land. It was reported that the proposal was not
likely to create an intrusive and prominent feature in the landscape within the
AONB designation. Similarly, it was noted that the site was located within the Llŷn and Enlli Landscape of
Outstanding Historic Interest and in terms of location and size, it would not
have a wider impact on the historic landscape and would therefore comply with
Policy AT1
terms of the principle of the development, it was considered that the design of
the services building was acceptable and in keeping with the area and that the
proposals to improve biodiversity were acceptable and in line with relevant
was made to a letter of objection that had been received noting an increase in
the number of seasonal caravans in the local area. It was noted that the number
of caravans would be managed through conditions and it
was emphasised that this was an application for improvements only and that the
lawful use already existed.
Given the local and national policies and guidance,
the Officers recommended approving the application.
Taking advantage of the
right to speak, the applicant’s agent noted the following points:
The main purpose of the
proposal was to move the services building away from the public sewer.
The applicant wanted to
improve the site
The site had a Welsh
name and bilingual information on their website along with bilingual signage on
the site.
Should it be approved,
it was hoped to complete the work before the beginning of the 2025 summer
Taking advantage of the
right to speak, the Local Member made the following observations:
He did not have a
personal opinion on the matter
Potential problems were
that the road was narrow (traffic), noise and the old rubbish tip.
In response to an
observation from the Licensing Unit for the need to ensure 3m between the
caravans and the hedgerow and whether this could be conditioned, it was noted
that there was no need to include a condition, rather the applicant had to
ensure compliance by seeking a permit.
It was proposed and seconded to approve the application
RESOLVED To approve subject to conditions
1. Time
2. Compliance with plans
3. Carry out the
development in accordance with an ecological report
4. Carry out the
development in accordance with a Construction Environmental Management Plan
5. Carry out the
development in accordance with a lighting plan
6. Restrict the number of
7. Restrict the period of
site use
8. Remove all caravans from the site outside the period of site
9. Restrict caravan/boat/vehicle storage outside the formal
10. Restrict the use of the
caravans to holiday use only
11. Bilingual signage
12. Welsh name
13. Materials
14. Landscaping plan
15. Drainage matters
Supporting documents: