Approval was received for the Corporate
Joint Committee (CJC) delivery model for statutory functions.
To approve the initial staff structure set out in Appendix 2 of the
To delegate authority to the Interim CJC Chief Executive, in
consultation with Cyngor Gwynedd Human Resources Service, and in accordance
with the Corporate Joint Committee's Pay Policy Statement and in relation to
the Planning and Transport posts:
· Complete the necessary Job
Descriptions and Personal Specification for the posts
Confirm the evaluated salary scale
· Advertise and recruit the posts
To endorse a virement of the remained transport
staffing budget equivalent to 1 x FTE Transport Officer approved in January to
costs associated with the consultative requirements of the Regional Transport
Planning process.
To agree for the Corporate Joint Committee to receive a future paper to
recommend a preferred option for the delivery of an ‘Economic Wellbeing’
function, which will include the option for the transitioning of staff
associated with the current Ambition North Wales Portfolio Office.