To disseminate information regarding the Cambrian Coast Line between
Machynlleth and Pwllheli
To obtain long-term financial security for the line.
To seek improvements to the train service.
To encourage greater use of the line.
To consider complaints regarding the line.
Such other objectives
connected with the line on which
the Committee may from time to time
The Committee shall meet each Spring and Autumn in
each year and at such other
time as the Chairman shall determine. Additionally, in July each year
there shall be a joint meeting with
the Shrewsbury-Aberystwyth Railway
Committee to be hosted in alternate years
by the Cambrian Coast Railway Liaison
The proceedings shall be conducted in accordance
with the Standing Orders of Gwynedd Council insofar as they
are applicable.
A Chairman and Vice-Chairman
shall be appointed at the Autumn meeting each year.
The Committee shall meet at Y Ganolfan, Porthmadog, unless
the Chairman determines otherwise.
The meetings shall be convened and minuted
by Committee Officers within the Democratic
Services of Gwynedd Council.
Committee Officer