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Contact: Lowri Haf Evans 01286 679 878 Email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To accept any apologies for absence. Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were received by
Councillors Gareth A Roberts, Louise Hughes, John Pughe Roberts
and Cai Larsen |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST AND PROTOCOL MATTERS To receive any declaration of personal interest and to note protocol matters. Additional documents: Minutes: a)
The following member
declared that she had an interest in relation to the item noted: Councillor Elin Hywel (a member of this Planning Committee), in item 5.1
(C22/0898/42/LL) on the agenda due to a family connection. The Member was of the opinion that it was a
prejudicial interest, and she withdrew from the meeting during the discussion
and did not vote on the application. b)
The following member
declared that she had an interest in relation to the item noted: Miriam Williams (Legal Services) in item 5.4 (C24/0011/30/AM) on the agenda, as she knew the applicant. The Officer was of the opinion that it was a
prejudicial interest, and she left the Chamber during the discussion. c)
The following members declared
that they were local members in relation to the items noted: ·
Councillor Gareth
Morris Jones (a member of this Planning Committee), in item 5.1
(C23/0898/42/LL) on the agenda ·
Councillor Gareth
Williams (not a member of this Planning Committee), in item 5.4
(C24/0011/20/AM) on the agenda |
URGENT ITEMS To note any items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chairman for consideration. Additional documents: Minutes: None to
note |
Chairman shall propose that the minutes of the previous meeting of this
committee, held on the 18th of March 2024, be signed as a true
record. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair signed the minutes of the previous meeting
of this committee, held on 18 March 2024 as a true record. |
the report of the Head of Environment Department. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee
considered the following applications for development. Details of the
applications were expanded upon and questions were
answered in relation to the plans and aspects of the policies |
Erection of
Chapel of Rest Local
Member: Councillor Gareth Tudor Morris Jones Additional documents: Decision: DECISION:
To approve – conditions 1. 5
years 2. In
accordance with the plans and the green infrastructure plan and statement 3. Agree
on external finish 4. Welsh
Water condition 5. Parking 6. External appliances may not be
installed in relation to the refrigerator without prior agreement with the
Local Planning Authority. Notes: SUDS Biodiversity
supervision note Minutes: Construction of Chapel of
Rest Attention
was drawn to the late observations form a)
The Development Control
Team Leader highlighted that this was an application that involved constructing
a new building to be used as a Chapel of Rest. It was noted that the floor plan showed that there would be an office, cold
store, toilet, loading and unloading area for vehicles and space for a Chapel
of Rest within the building. It was explained
that the location of the proposal was in the middle of the village of Morfa Nefyn, located adjacent to the B4417 highway, approximately
50m away from the crossroads with the B4412. It was highlighted that there were
no other buildings on this side of the road in this location (except for the
funeral director's building and existing public toilets). It was noted
that the application was a re-submission of a proposal that was refused under
reference C22/0568/42/LL and that the agent of the application had provided a
statement in response to the refusal reasons for that application. Originally,
it was unclear how the proposed building would operate with the existing
building and no information was presented with the application regarding the
exact current and proposed use of the existing workshop. Further information had now been received, confirming that the applicant
was one of three on the coroner/police list for dealing with emergency calls in
the Pen Llŷn area. The new building would be
used to store a hearse, providing a temperature-regulated area and room for the
family/doctor to visit the deceased. It was explained
that the existing building was not accessible as there was a staircase down to
the part currently used as a temperature-regulated area and therefore a trolley
could not be used in compliance with health and safety requirements. In
addition, it was proposed to purchase a new hearse and it would not be possible
to park this within the existing building as the new hearse was bigger, this
meant that the hearse would have to be loaded outside in a location open to the
public. The applicant confirmed that the business would work effectively by
using both buildings and the proposal provided showed how the existing building
would be used as well as how it would be used should the new building be
approved. It was also noted that a revised site plan had been submitted which
extended the application site to improve access into the site, provide three
additional parking spaces together with a turning area within the site and to
keep the vehicular access doors into the building clear. A Green Infrastructure Plan and Statement proposing hedge planting and
installing nesting and bat boxes on the proposed building had also been
submitted. It was highlighted that the application had been submitted to the Planning Committee at the request of the Local Member. The application was deferred at the Planning Committee on 28.11.2022 (at the request of the applicant) to try and solve highways matters and to present further ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Erection of
10 industrial units,new access,parking
and landscaping Local
Member: Councillor Dafydd Meurig Link
to relevant background documents Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: To approve the application subject to material planning conditions
relating to: 1.
Time 2.
Compliance with the plans 3.
All materials to be agreed 4.
Permitted use of Units for any purposes within Use Class B1, B2 or B8
only 5.
Landscaping / biodiversity enhancements condition 6.
Opening hours: 06:30 to 18:00 Monday to Friday, 06:30 to 17:00 Saturday
and 08:00 to 16:00 Sunday / Bank Holidays 7.
The details of any external equipment installed on the building must be
submitted 8.
No unit should be brought into use until the connection with the public
sewer has been completed 9.
To operate in accordance with the submitted Construction Traffic
Management Plan 10. Welsh Water Condition 11. Ensure Welsh / Bilingual
signs Notes 1. Welsh Water 2. Land Drainage Unit 3. Language Unit Minutes: Erection of 10
industrial units, new access, parking and landscaping Attention was drawn to the late observations form a) The Planning Manager highlighted that this was a full application to
erect a building on a vacant plot of land within the Bryn Cegin
Business Park, Llandygai. It was noted that the building would be split into ten
units, with the intention of obtaining consent for Use Class B2, namely General
Industrial. Despite not being completely relevant to the
application, it was noted that there were no specific users for the
units yet. In terms of
the principle of the development, it was reported that the site was located
outside the development boundary but was part of a site protected as a
Strategic Regional Business site within the LDP for B1, B2 and B8 use. It was
noted, as the intention was for class B use, it would comply with policy CYF 1
that related to protecting, allocating and reserving land and units for
employment use. It was
noted that the plot of land surrounding the building would include 31 parking
spaces and the access would be provided through the existing vehicular entrance
that provided access from the inner road that serviced the broader business
park. Although fairly large, (floor area of 995m2 and 8.2m to
the roof ridge), the new building would be of a size, design and materials that
would be expected for contemporary industrial buildings. It was considered that
the design and appearance was acceptable and complied with policy PCYFF 3. In
addition, impact on amenities could be managed with conditions that related to
opening hours and any external machinery e.g.
extraction systems. A statement relating to the Welsh
Language had been submitted and, as part of the consultation process,
observations had been received highlighting concern about the impact of the
development on the Welsh language. In response, an explanation was received by
the applicant noting that the units could not be advertised to tenants until
the application received Planning permission. To promote the Welsh language,
the applicant stated his willingness to collaborate with the Language Unit and
create a transfer file for the units that would commit the tenants to the Cynnig Cymraeg (Welsh Offer) that was in accordance with
the Language Unit's advice. It was
reported that late observations had been received from the Transportation Unit
confirming that there was no objection to the proposal and that a green
infrastructure statement had been received that complied with the requirements
of Planning Policy Wales. As a result, it was not considered that the proposal
was contrary to any material planning policy within the LDP
and the proposed development was appropriate for the site and likely to be of
strategic importance to the county as a starting point for business
developments on the site. The Planning Authority recommended approving the
application with conditions. b) The Chair noted that the Local Member had apologised that he could not be present, but he had sent the following ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Full Application for the erection of a new
workshop/office building, a workshop/welding building, and a vehicle wash unit
together with a private fuel storage tank and other ancillary spaces Local Member: Councillor Dewi Jones Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: To
approve 1. 5 years 2. In accordance with the plans and
documents submitted as part of the application 3. Colour of finish to be agreed 4. PV panel details to be agreed 5. Carry out landscaping in
accordance with the plan contained within the LVIA (Landscape Visual Impact
Assessment) 6. The Biodiversity
improvements must be completed in accordance with the contents of section 4 of
the ecological report 7. Welsh Name 8. Welsh Signs 9. Condition for discovery of unidentified
pollutants 10. Welsh Water conditions 11. The equipment/material to
be stored in the external storage area to be no higher than 4m. Notes: Nature Conservation SUDS Major applications Welsh Water Letter Natural Resources
Wales Letter Minutes: Full application for the erection
of a new workshop/office building, a workshop/welding building
and a vehicle wash unit together with a private fuel storage tank and other
ancillary spaces a) The Development Control Team Leader highlighted that this was a full application
with the intention to include the following elements: ·
Workshop and Office Building ·
Workshop and Welding Unit ·
Vehicle Wash Unit ·
External Storage Area ·
15 HGV parking spaces ·
40 parking spaces including 3 disabled and 8 EV charging points. ·
Bike storage area It was reported that the site was located on Lôn Cae Darbi
(unclassified road) on the eastern periphery of Cibyn
Industrial Estate and within the Caernarfon development boundary and designated
employment site. It was reiterated that the site had been used as an abattoir
until recently and the buildings had by now been demolished under advance
notice C22/0431/14/HD. It was noted that rubble waste and skips remained on the
site following demolition and the vegetation around the site had been cut or
removed. The proposal meant erecting buildings as well as using them to service
and repair commercial vehicles. In the context of visual amenities, it was
acknowledged that the proposal meant constructing substantial buildings on the
site, that was now visible from the Caernarfon bypass. It was also acknowledged that
the site was located within an existing Industrial Estate and formed part of a
designation for safeguarding B1, B2 and B8 employment uses. The buildings
associated with the employment uses would be substantial in terms of their
nature and the cross-section plans confirmed that the proposal in question
would cause a similar visual impact to that which previously existed on the
site. It was reiterated that the proposal provided an external storage area on
the site, and the height of what would be stored here could be restricted to 4m
by means of a Planning condition; most of the trees and hedges that surrounded
the site had been felled but it was proposed to landscape the site to compensate
for the loss of this vegetation. In
the context of general and residential amenities, it was noted that the site
was located at least 170m away from any residential property, with the nearest
houses either located on the Industrial Estate, or on the opposite side of the
bypass which ran past the outskirts of the site. On this basis, and that the
site was located on an existing Industrial Estate, adjacent to other existing
industrial units, it was not considered that the proposal was likely to have a
significantly detrimental impact on any nearby residents. It was reported, in addition to the servicing and repairing commercial vehicles use, that it was proposed to provide 15 HGV parking spaces, 40 general parking spaces (including three disabled and eight EV charging points) and a bike storage area. It was highlighted that a Construction Traffic Management and Environmental Management Plan had been submitted as part of the application that showed that it was proposed to use the site's existing accesses and ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Application No C24/0011/30/AM Bodernabwy, Aberdaron, Pwllheli, Gwynedd, LL53 8BH Outline
application with some matters reserved (appearance, landscaping) for the
provision of 5 self-build plots for affordable dwellings. Local
Member: Councillor Gareth Williams Additional documents: Decision: DECISION:
Defer in order to conduct a site visit and request more information from the
applicant Minutes: Outline application with some reserved matters (appearance, landscaping)
to create five self-build plots for affordable housing
a) The Planning Manager highlighted, that an outline application was in
question to consider the principle of the proposal, and details of the access, landscape and scale of the development. The appearance and
landscape did not form part of the application. It
was explained that the existing site was open agricultural land with the
surrounding boundaries in a mix of natural hedgerows, earth banks and post and
wire fencing - the whole site was outside the existing development boundary of
the village of Aberdaron and was therefore a site to
be considered in open countryside, with parts of the site's southern boundary
partially abutting the development boundary. It was reiterated that the site
was within the Llŷn AONB and the Llŷn and Bardsey Landscape of Outstanding Historic
Interest designations. In terms of the development's principle, it was noted that Aberdaron had been defined as a rural / coastal village in
the LDP with approximately 95 houses and some facilities within the development
boundary - the latest housing figures showed that there was capacity within the
Aberdaron supply level for a development of this
scale. With
the site being outside the development boundary, it was highlighted that Policy
TAI 16 was the relevant policy and consideration needed to be given to the
acceptability of the site as an exception site. It was noted in the formal
response given to the pre-application enquiry that evidence was needed in the
form of a Housing Statement to include an assessment of the need of eligible
applicants for affordable housing. Despite this, information was received in the form of a questionnaire
completed for local connection for 5 people/couples. It was highlighted that this information, in addition to a chapter
within the Planning Statement, was the justification for the need of these five
houses, and although there was also reference noting that these individuals had
registered with Tai Teg, no evidence had been submitted in the form of an
assessment to prove that these individuals had a real need for affordable
housing or the type of houses that they needed. The officer noted that it was completely essential that applicants for
affordable housing were assessed fully for their needs and that 'desire' was
not a sufficient reason for the need for affordable housing. Reference was made to the Housing Unit's observations
where it was noted that six people were on the Tai Teg register for
intermediate properties, but Tai Teg had confirmed that the six, who were on
their register for intermediate properties, had not been fully assessed for a
self-build plan. As a result, it was not considered that the need had been
proven and therefore the proposal did not comply with policy TAI 16. Reference was made to Policy TAI 8 that also required a housing statement for an application of this size to ensure an appropriate mix of housing. It was reported that no statement ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |