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No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To accept any apologies for absence. Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Gareth Coj Parry and Councillors
Rheinallt Puw and Dafydd Meurig (Local Members) |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST AND PROTOCOL MATTERS To receive any declaration of personal interest and to note protocol matters. Additional documents: Minutes: a)
The following member
declared that he had an interest in relation to the item noted: Councillor
Cai Larsen (a member of this Planning Committee), in item 5.5 (C22/0256/13/LL)
on the agenda as he was a Member of the ADRA Board The Member was of the opinion that
it was a prejudicial interest, and he withdrew from the meeting during the
discussion on the application. b)
The following members
declared that they were local members in relation to the items noted: ·
Councillor Elin Walker
Jones (not a member of this Planning Committee), in relation to item 5.1
(C23/0179/11/DT) on the agenda ·
Councillor John Pughe
(not a member of this Planning Committee), in item 5.6 (C23/0116/09/LL) on the
agenda |
URGENT ITEMS To note any items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chairman for consideration. Additional documents: Minutes: None to note |
Chairman shall propose that the minutes of the previous meeting of this
committee, held on, 20 March 2023, be signed as a true record. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair accepted the minutes of the previous meeting
of this committee, held on 20 March 2023, as a true record. |
the report of the Head of Environment Department. Additional documents: Minutes: The
Committee considered the following applications for development. Details of the
applications were expanded upon and questions were answered in relation to the
plans and policy aspects |
Application No C23/0179/11/DT 33 Bryn Eithinog, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2LA PDF 241 KB Extension and alterations
to property, plus the conversion of the roof space to a bedroom & bathroom
and annex to the rear of the dwelling. LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Elin Walker Jones Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: To refuse Reason: The proposed development would be tantamount to
an over development of a residential domestic property and due to its scale, setting
and height it would create an oppressive element that would dominate nearby
private property and would harm the amenities of local residents
contrary to the requirements of Policies PCYFF 2 and PCYFF 3 of the Anglesey
and Gwynedd Joint Local Development Plan. Minutes: Extension and alterations to a
property, together with conversion of the roof space into a bedroom and
bathroom and an annexe to the rear of the dwelling. a) The Planning Manager highlighted that this was an
application to undertake alterations to an existing two-storey house. The work
would include: - erecting a first-floor extension above the existing single-storey
garage at the front of the property - erecting a single-storey front extension with a
lean-to roof beside the existing garage - converting the roof space in the existing dwelling
into additional living space, and - erecting a two-storey rear extension as an annexe to
the main house. It was explained that the site was within the curtilage of 33 Bryn Eithinog, which was a detached property within the
development boundary of the Bangor Sub-regional Centre, as defined by the
Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local Development Plan (LDP). The property would be
increased from a four-bedroom house to a house with an annexe and a total of
six bedrooms. It was reiterated that the proposal was a revised plan to the
previously refused plan, when the Committee had considered that the proposal
would equate to an over-development of the property and that due to the scale, layout and height of the extensions, it would create an
oppressive element that would dominate nearby private properties (planning
application C22/0608/11/LL). The application had
been submitted to the Committee at the Local Member’s request. Reference was made to the main changes to the plans - a reduction in the
width of the ground floor of the annexe; removal of dormer windows from the
southern aspect and installing roof lights in their place; installing an
additional rooflight in the rear (northern) slope of the annexe roof. It was considered that the proposal was acceptable in relation to
visual amenities, private amenities and general amenities and it was
recommended to approve the application subject to relevant conditions. b) Taking advantage of the right to speak, the Local
Member made the following comments: ·
the extension was slightly smaller, the reasons for refusal remained the same ·
neighbours' concerns remained the same ·
The scale
and layout of the proposal was oppressive ·
The change
was too insignificant - not enough to appease nearby residents ·
that the annexe would be used as an Airbnb - this was not needed in a
residential area ·
That the
proposal was on the main access route to Ysgol Friars ·
Increase in
traffic c) It was proposed and seconded to refuse the application
as the scale and size of the proposal was excessive for the site
ch) During
the ensuing discussion, the following observation by a Member
was noted: ·
Concerns that the house was used as a house in multiple occupation
although there was no formal evidence of this. RESOLVED
TO REFUSE The proposed development would be tantamount to an over development of a residential domestic property and due to its scale, setting and height it would create an oppressive element that would ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Application No C22/0950/11/LL 340 Stryd Fawr, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 1YA PDF 328 KB Change of use of former night club to 9 self contained 1 bed flats LOCAL MEMBERS:
Councillor Dylan Fernley and Councillor Nigel Pickavance Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: To approve subject to
conditions: 1. Time - Five years 2. In accordance with the plans 3. Restrict the use to C3 use class
residential dwellings only Note: Welsh Water Minutes: Change of use of a former nightclub to 9
self-contained one-bedroom flats a)
Planning Manager highlighted that this was a full application to convert the three top floors of a four-storey building, that was
formerly a nightclub on Bangor High Street, into nine one-bedroom flats - the
ground floor would be retained as a retail unit. It was explained that
permission had been granted in 2017 to change the use of the former nightclub
into a shop on the ground floor and three self-contained flats and student
accommodation with 11 bedrooms (House in Multiple Occupation - HMO) on the
higher floors - the work on this development had commenced and therefore the
planning permission remained extant. The building was located within the Sub-regional Centre's development
boundary as defined in the LDP. The application was submitted as it involved
five or more new dwellings. The principle of developing the site was considered
against Policy PCYFF 1 and Policy TAI 1 of the LDP. It was noted that the
application had been before the Committee meeting held on 20/03/23 when the
discussion had been postponed in order to hold a
consultation with a third party who had not been notified of the application. It was considered that the proposal to create nine flats was acceptable
in terms of its use, location, scale and potential
impacts on the general amenities of the area and on the amenities of
individuals. The development would contribute towards the LDP's housing targets
in a way that responded positively to the requirements of the local housing
market. In the context of affordability, having considered the size and
location of the flats, it was not expected that prices would increase out of
the reach of local residents and all of these flats
would be 'affordable by design'- therefore it was not considered that a formal
arrangement was required as justification to secure the affordability of a
proportion of these units. b) It was proposed and seconded to approve the application. c) During the ensuing discussion, the following
observation by a Member was noted: ·
There was no other use
for the High Street nowadays RESOLVED: To approve subject to conditions: 1. Time
- Five years 2. In
accordance with the plans 3. Restrict
the use to C3 use class residential dwellings only Note: Welsh Water |
Application No C23/0072/16/LL Plot C6, Parc Bryn Cegin, Llandegai, Bangor, LL57 4BG PDF 267 KB Erection of building
for Use Classes
B1/B2,/B8 (with Trade Counter in any
B8 units) and a building for use
as a Builders' Merchant (storage,
distribution, trade counter, offices and ancillary retail)
with associated external storage, display area, access,
parking, lighting, fencing, hard and
soft landscaping. LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Dafydd Meurig Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: To delegate powers to the Senior Planning
Officer to approve the application subject to completing discussions regarding
highways and archaeology matters as well as material planning conditions
relating to: 1. Time 2. Compliance with the plans 3. The development shall be implemented in accordance
with the recommendations in the ecological report / landscaping plan 4. Archaeology conditions 5. Permitted use of units 1 - 6 (Building 1) for any
purpose within Use Class B1, B2 or B8 6. Ensure Welsh / Bilingual signs 7. Opening Hours: 06:30 to 18:00 Monday to Friday, 06:30
to 17:00 Saturday and 08:00 to 16:00 Sunday / Bank Holidays Notes 1. Welsh
Water 2. Land
Drainage Unit 3. Network
Rail Minutes: Erection of a building for Use Classes B1/B2/B8
(with a Trade Counter in any B8 unit) and a building to be used as a Builders’
Merchant (storage, distribution, trade counter, offices
and ancillary retail), with an associated external storage area, showroom area,
access, parking, lighting, fences, hard and soft landscaping. a)
The Planning Manager
highlighted that this was an application for full planning permission to erect
two buildings on one of the vacant plots within Bryn Cegin
Business Park, Llandygai. One of the buildings (Building 1) would be split
into six units, with the intention of obtaining flexible consent to allow for
uses within Use Classes B1 (Business), B2 (General Industrial) or B8 (Storage
or Distribution Services) within the units. The second building (Building 2)
would be for use by a builders' merchant business (Unique Use). It was explained that Parc
Bryn Cegin was protected as a Strategic Regional
Business Site for businesses in Use Classes B1, B2 and B8 by policy CYF 1 in
the LDP - the
proposal for Building 1 was consistent with this policy and the use of Building
2 as a builders' merchant was a unique use as it did not fall under any
specific use class. Policy CYF 3 encouraged
protecting specified business sites for the use earmarked unless there were
exceptional circumstances for alternative use. The policy set out four criteria
to assess such proposals: ·
that there was overwhelming justification for the development ·
that the scale of the plan mainly corresponded with the workforce needs on
the employment site ·
that the proposed development would not undermine the function of the
employment site ·
that the development
would not lead to an under-provision of B1employment use land. Having considered the importance of
the scheme in securing the development of a business on a strategically
important site which had been empty for many years, it was considered that
there was exceptional justification to grant the proposed development on the
designated employment site in accordance with Policy CYF 3 of the LDP. In terms of archaeological matters, it was noted that
the Bryn Cegin site had been the subject of extensive
archaeological excavation which had been identified as a location of historic
importance, with evidence dating from the Iron Age, and of the relationship
with the Roman Occupation. For practical reasons, not all parts of the site
with archaeological potential had been excavated during the previous work and
reference was made to a strip of land on the periphery of the site which had
potential for important archaeological material. The Gwynedd Archaeological
Planning Service (GAPS) had suggested that a planning condition was needed to
ensure that appropriate investigation work was carried out before this land was
affected by development. In the context of infrastructure and sustainability matters it was noted that Bryn Cegin had been earmarked as a sustainable location for business and had been developed with the plots served by appropriate utilities for the expected businesses. Natural Resources Wales did not have any objection to ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Application No C23/0122/14/DT Bron Y Gaer Ffordd Bethel, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL55 1DY PDF 218 KB Householder application for the demolition of existing rear extension, conservatory, garage and outbuilding and erect a two-storey side and single rear extension in its place. LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Ioan Thomas Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: To approve with
conditions 1. Commence within five years. 2. In accordance with the plans 3. Slate roof 4. Materials to be in-keeping. 5. Surface
Water Drainage condition Minutes: Householder
application to demolish existing rear extension, conservatory and outbuilding
to be replaced with a two-storey side extension and a single-storey extension
to the rear of the property. a) The Development Control Team Leader highlighted that this was a householder
application for the erection of a two-storey side extension and a single-storey
rear extension. The work would involve demolishing the existing outbuilding in
the rear garden and demolishing the existing single-storey rear extensions and
replacing them with a two-storey side extension and a single-storey extension
to the rear. It was explained that the property had quite a substantial curtilage
with a large garden to the rear of the property itself screened by
well-established shrubs, trees and cloddiau -
located within the town development boundary and within an established
residential area on the outskirts of Caernarfon. The application was submitted to the Committee as the applicant was
employed by the Planning Department. It was noted that the principle of building an extension on the site was
acceptable, subject to a series of criteria. It was considered, in the context
of location, design and visual impact that the submitted plan, its scale,
materials and design, were appropriately in keeping with the existing property
and therefore complied with the requirements of policy PCYFF 3. b) It was proposed and seconded to approve the application. RESOLVED: To approve with conditions 1. Commence
within five years. 2. In
accordance with the plans 3. Slate
roof 4. Materials
to be in-keeping. 5. Surface
Water Drainage condition |
Application No C22/0256/13/LL Brig Y Nant, Coetmor New Road, Bethesda, LL57 3LU PDF 451 KB Erection of
18 dwellings, new road and landscaping. LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Rheinallt Puw Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: To delegate powers to the Senior Planning
Manager to approve the application subject to the applicant signing a Section
106 agreement to ensure an educational and open spaces financial contribution
and the following conditions: - 1. Five years. 2. In accordance with the plans/details submitted with
the application. 3.
Submit and agree on soft
and hard landscaping plans that confirm tree species. 4.
Secure a
plan/arrangement to provide the affordable units e.g. mix, tenure, occupancy
criteria, timetable and arrangements to ensure that units are affordable now
and in perpetuity. 5.
Compliance with the
recommendations of the following documents: Preliminary Ecological Assessment;
Reptile Survey; Arboriculture Impact Assessment; Trees Survey and Botanical
Survey Report. 6.
Agree on details
regarding Welsh names for the development before the residential units are
occupied for any purpose along with advertising signage informing and promoting
the development. 7.
Working hours limited to
8:00-18:00 Monday to Friday; 08:00-13:00 Saturday and not at all on Sunday and
Bank Holidays. 8.
Submit and agree with an Environmental Construction
Management Plan to include measures to reduce noise, dust and vibration to be
agreed with the LPA. 9.
Relevant conditions from
the Transportation Unit regarding improvements to the access and parking
spaces. 10.
Submit and agree to
samples of materials and colours for the residential dwellings. 11.
Submit and agree to a
biodiversity improvement plan to include details on lighting and bat roosts. 12.
Submit and agree to a
Biosafety Risk Assessment to eradicate Japanese Knotweed that is located in
parts of the site. 13.
Submit and agree on
solar panel details. 14.
Submit and agree on the
details of Land Survey Part 2 to assess the stability of the site. 15.
Create access from the
site to the footpath Note - need to submit a sustainable drainage system
application to be agreed with the Council. Note - refer the applicant to Welsh Water observations
and amended advice. Note - refer the applicant to
observations and advice from Natural Resources Wales Minutes: Erection of 18
dwellings, new road and landscaping a)
The application was
deferred at the Planning Committee on 20.03.23 to undertake a site visit. A
site visit was held on the morning of 17-04-23 when some of the Members had an
opportunity to view the site within the context of its environment and the
local roads network. In accordance with the request of one of the Members
an aerial photo of the site was submitted to the Committee. The members were reminded that this was an application
to erect 18 affordable homes, a new estate road and landscaping on a dormant
site within the Bethesda development boundary. It was also noted that the Strategic Housing Unit had
confirmed that the proposal met the need for affordable housing in the area and
that it was a 'previously developed' site and was suitable for erecting 18
affordable homes there. In terms of visual matters, it was explained that the
site was located on a plateau that was dormant although it could be described
as a brownfield site. It was noted that the proposal was acceptable in terms of
the impact on visual amenities and that the proposal would create a positive
contribution to the built character of this part of the streetscape. In terms of general and residential amenities,
objections had been received from some occupants of nearby dwellings in terms
of amenities relating to overlooking, loss of privacy and noise disturbance. It
was not considered that the proposal would lead to loss of privacy or create
substantial or significant overlooking to the rear of Rhos
y Coed houses that backed onto the application site.
It was acknowledged that there would be some increase in noise and disruption
deriving from this development, but that it would be no different to any noise
disruption deriving from general residential areas, e.g. domestic activities
and associated traffic. However, conditions could be included to limit work
hours and the applicant had already confirmed that any contractor would work to
the requirements of the Environmental Building Control Plan. In response to local concerns, and the concerns of the
Transportation Unit and Local Planning Authority, a
Transportation Statement had been submitted in response to the concerns raised
based on road safety which referred to specific matters. · The junction to the A5 was an existing junction that operated efficiently and safely according to an assessment of Crash Map data. Although the Local Member had drawn attention to the fact that an accident had occurred near the junction at the beginning of the year, the agent along with the applicant's transport advisors had researched newspaper articles and it did not appear that the accident had taken place on the junction between the A5 and Coetmor New Road and that it was a one-off incident where one car had lost control. In addition, the consultant had said that it could not be stated that the junction itself operated unsafely as only one accident had occurred there within the last five years ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
Application No C23/0116/09/LL 1 Idris Villas, Tywyn, Gwynedd, LL36 9AW PDF 270 KB Re-submission:
Chane of use of land to create storage/sales yard associated with the existing commercial premises, together with the erection of security fence, install hard standing area and alterations to the agricultural access to create vehicular access to the yard . LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor John Pughe Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: To defer in order to
conduct a site visit Minutes: Resubmission: Change the use of land to create storage/sales yard
associated with the existing commercial premises, together with the erection of
security fence, install hard standing area and alterations to the agricultural
access to create vehicular access to the yard Attention was drawn to the late observations form that referred to
amended plans that had been submitted. a)
The Development Control Team Leader highlighted that this was a full
application (and not a householder application as stated on the front of the
report) for the change of land use to create a storage/sales yard on land
adjacent to Idris Villas, Tywyn that would be linked to the existing commercial
premises located on the High Street. The proposal would include erecting a
security fence, installing a hard standing area and alterations to the existing
agricultural access to create a suitable vehicular access. It was reported that
the application site was agricultural land located outside but adjoining the
Tywyn development boundary and was therefore considered as a site in the
countryside. Policy PCYFF 1 of the LDP stated that outside
development boundaries, proposals would be refused unless they were in
accordance with specific policies in the Plan or national planning policies or
that the proposal showed that its location in the countryside was essential. It was proposed to establish an external
retail yard to the rear of a former furniture store in order
to further expand the business. Policy MAN 6 stated that proposals to
develop small-scale shops or extensions to existing shops outside development
boundaries would be approved if they complied with six relevant criteria. Nevertheless it was highlighted that the proposal did not
comply with three of those criteria: ·
The proposal did not comply technically with criterion 1 as the proposal
did not involve a business that already existed on the site. ·
The proposal to relocate the business and use a commercial building that
was currently empty would be favoured; however, the need to extend the use to
greenfield land in the countryside was a concern. ·
Extending industrial retail use to the countryside would have a
detrimental impact visually and on the amenities of neighbouring adjacent
residents, and this was discussed further in the report's amenities section. In terms of flooding issues, it was
highlighted that most of the application site was within a C1 flooding zone as
indicated in Welsh Government's Flood Risk Maps. Criterion 4 of Strategic Policy PS 6 stated that new developments should
be located away from areas where there was a flood risk, unless it could be
shown clearly that no risk existed or that it was possible to control the risk.
The acceptability of the proposal must be assessed under national policy
considerations, Technical Advice Note (TAN) 15 Development and Flood Risk in
this case. A Flood Consequence Assessment (FCA) was submitted as information on the application and Natural Resources Wales (NRW) were consulted. It appeared that the Flood Consequences Assessment had considered the impact of the development on flooding risks and to consider ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |