Venue: Cyfarfod Rhithiol / Virtual Meeting. View directions
Contact: Lowri Haf Evans 01286 679878
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from y Councillors Rob
Triggs, Menna Baines and Arwyn Herald Roberts |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST To receive any declaration of personal interest. Minutes: None to note |
URGENT ITEMS To note any items which are urgent business in the opinion of the Chairman so they may be considered. Minutes: None to note |
The Chairman shall propose
that the minutes of the meeting of this committee, held on 23rd May 2024, be
signed as a true record. Minutes: The Chair accepted the minutes of the previous meeting of this committee,
held on 23 May, as a true record. |
IMPLEMENTING THE DECISIONS OF THE COMMITTEE To consider the report and offer comments Decision: DECISION: To accept the contents of the report. Note: Add to the decision notice: ·
That an information session on the field of
homelessness needs to be held for Committee members to better understand the
field and to understand the reasons why costs in the field are so high. ·
Committee's desire to receive Ffordd Gwynedd training. Minutes: DECISION: A report was
submitted providing an outline of how the Council's departments had responded
to the decisions of the Governance and Audit Committee so that Members could be
assured that their decisions were being addressed. It was noted that the report
gave Members an opportunity to consider the decisions made with the intention
of removing the item / decision when the action had been completed. Attention was drawn to a request made at the last meeting to hold an
information session on homelessness. The member needed assurance that the
matter would not go amiss and suggested including the matter in the agenda if
not in the record of resolutions. It was highlighted that a request had been made for Committee Members to
receive a training session on Ffordd Gwynedd principles RESOLVED To
accept the contents of the report. Note: ·
That an information
session on the field of homelessness needs to be held for Committee members to
better understand the field and to understand the reasons why costs in the
field are so high. ·
The Committee's desire to receive Ffordd
Gwynedd training. To accept the contents of the report. Note: Add to the decision notice: · That
an information session on the field of homelessness needs to be held for
Committee members to better understand the field and to understand the reasons
why costs in the field are so high. ·
Committee's desire to receive Ffordd Gwynedd training. |
STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS 2023/24 To consider
the the Statutory Statement of Accounts (subject to audit draft) for
information Additional documents: Decision: Minutes: DECISION: The Assistant Head of Finance Department - Accountancy and Pensions
explained that the accounts had been completed and released for audit by Wales
Audit, our external auditors, since mid-June. It was added that there had been
an extension again this year to the statutory timetable to audit accounts, with
the intention of completing the audit and this Committee approving the accounts
on 28 November 2024. Members were
reminded that the end of year financial position for 2023/24 had been submitted
to the Committee o 23 May in the form of a simple out-turn report, but the
Statement of Accounts, for external and governance purposes, had to be
completed in CIPFA standard form. It now appeared as a lengthy and technically
complex document. The content of
the report was reported upon explaining that six sets of accounts for 2023/24
were being completed: 1. Gwynedd
Council 2. Gwynedd
Pension Fund 3. GwE
(substantially-sized joint committee and therefore Full Statements had been
prepared) 4. North
Wales Ambition Board (substantially-sized joint committee and therefore Full
Statements had been prepared) 5. Gwynedd
Harbours and 6. North
Wales Corporate Joint Committee Reference was made to the Narrative Report that provided
information about the Accounts and on the vision and priorities of Gwynedd, the
Financial Strategy and the financial performance measures. Members were guided
through the report and details were provided on some elements: · Summary
of capital expenditure. Expenditure amounted to £57 million during the year
compared to £37 million in the previous year. · The
main financial statements included Income and Expenditure Statement, Balance
Sheet, Cash-flow etc. · Movement
in Reserves Statement which was an important statement and summarised the
Council's financial position. It was highlighted that the Council's general
balances were £7.9 million at the end of March 2024, namely the same level as
March 2023 and March 2022. That Reserves highlighted a reduction in the £104
million funds at the end of March 2023 to £102 million by the end of March
2024. · School
balances where a reduction was seen in school balances - £17 million at the end
of March 2024 compared to £12 million by the end of March 2023 and £9 million
by the end of 2024 which highlighted a picture that was nearer to pre-Covid
balance levels. It was explained that this was the general picture in Wales as
school balances had been high due to a number of grants provided in light of
Covid. · In relation to the balance sheet and the change in pension figures, it was noted that 2022 / 23 was a year where a situation of pension asset rather than commitment was seen, an unprecedented situation, due to market conditions and high inflation. It was explained that the actuary's valuation used corporate bonds, and because these had yielded high, it had led to high accounting discount rates, which made the pension liability values substantially less. It was reiterated that the situation was not unique to Gwynedd but meant there had been considerable discussions on its treatment ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
CYNGOR GWYNEDD'S ANNUAL GOVERNANCE STATEMENT FOR 2023/24 To consider and approve the Statement
so that it can be signed by the Council Leader and the Chief Executive Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: To accept the report To approve the Annual Governance Statement and recommend that it is
signed by the Council Leader and Chief Executive. Note: Need to re-consider the Lawfulness likelihood score. Need to
consider reviewing the questions and adapting the document to be clear to
Gwynedd residents - although compliant with CIPFA guidelines, a suggestion to
consider combining with the assessment of governance arrangements which is
included in Gwynedd Council's Self-Assessment to avoid duplication of work Minutes: The Statement was
presented by the Head of the Finance Department. He explained that the
statement, although not part of the accounts, was a statutory document which
needed to be published with the accounts.
In accordance with the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations and the
CIPFA Code of Practice, all Local Authorities must ensure that a statement of
internal management is in place. It was reported that
the Chief Executive and the Council Leader were required to sign the statement,
although the Governance and Audit Committee's approval was needed. Some of the
background to the statement was given. The statement which was based on the
CIPFA/SOLACE Framework identified seven core principles for good governance and
these had been divided further into sub-principles. It was highlighted that the
Governance Arrangement Assessment Group had considered these principles and
sub-principles and had created a Governance Risk Register, which was part of
the Council's Corporate Risk Register.
Risks had been identified in 24 different areas of governance, identifying
the controls that the Council had in place to mitigate these risks. It was reported that risk management arrangements had given
consideration to two factors when scoring the extent of the risk, namely the
impact of the event should the risk be realised and the likelihood of the risk
being realised. Attention was drawn to
the changes since the 2022/23 statement highlighting risk score adjustments in
Finance and in Health, Safety and Well-being and it was reported that the
Assessment Group had concluded there was one field with very high risks, 4 high
risk fields, 10 medium risk fields and 9 low risk fields. The members expressed their thanks for the
report. Reference was made to each risk in turn giving Members an opportunity
to enquire about that area. During the ensuing discussion, the following
observations were made by members: Finance - that the 2022/23 risk score had been
too low. Welcomed the adjustment and was satisfied with the assessment - it
would be fair to retain the risk score at 20. Finance - there was
a need to amend the English report to reflect the 'very high risk' rather than
'medium risk' Lawfulness - the
likelihood of 1 was misleading Health - suggested
that the risk should be greater than 15? Had staff been fully trained? General - that the headings
were 'scholastic' suggesting that some were more important than others. Should
the focus be on the matters that are of central importance rather than on the
'soft industrial'? General - there was
a need to use headings that referred to the conclusion. E.g. Finance matters
clear and explanatory but with elements such as Housing and / or Growing Older,
more background or a summary of areas within the field was needed. Need to consider
reviewing questions and amending the document to be clear to Gwynedd
residents. In response to a comment on the risks in Health, the Head of Finance noted that the score was a general one and had been scored by Health ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
TREASURY MANAGEMENT 2023/24 To consider
the report for information Decision: Minutes: DECISION: The Investment Manager presented a report on
the actual results of the Council's treasury management during 2023/24, against
the strategy approved by the Full Council on 3 March 2024. It was reported that
it had been a very busy and prosperous year for the Council's treasury
management activity as the activity had remained within the constraints
originally set. It was confirmed that there were no defaults by institutions in
which the It was reported that £3.5m in interest had been received on investments,
which was higher than the £3.2m included in the budget. It was noted, at the start of the financial
year the Bank Rate had been set at 4.25%, however the Bank of England's
Monetary Policy Committee increased the Bang Rate to 5.25% in August 2023 and
the Bank Rate was kept at 5.25% until March 2024. On 31 March 2023, the Council was in a very strong position with net
investments, which had resulted from a high level of investments and
operational capital. This included £56 million of the Ambition Board's funding
and £31 million of the Pension Fund. It was reiterated that the lending
activity had been very quiet in the year with only loan repayments taking
place. It was
reported, in the context of investments, that the Council had continued to
invest with Banks and Housing Associations, Financial Market Funds, Pooled
Funds, Local Authorities and Debt Management Office which was consistent with
the type of investments made for a number of years now. It was noted that the
pooled funds were mid/long-term investments which brought in a very good income
level, and with the Council's funding levels healthy, the Investment Unit was
considering a further investment in these funds in the near future. In the context
of the compliance report and indicators, it was reported that all activities
had complied in full with the CIPFA code of practice and the Council's treasury
management strategy - this was good news and showed that there was robust
management of the funding. Reference was made to the indicators where it was
highlighted that every indicator complied with the expectation except for one
(Interest Rates Disclosure). It was explained that this indicator had been set
during low interest conditions in March 2023 and, therefore, it was reasonable
that the amounts were slightly higher than expected. The members
thanked the officer for the report. In response to a question regarding selling or disposing of investment
before the maturity date (pooled investments) and although it seemed to
highlight a loss of £70K on the face of things, it still paid a good interest
rate of 5.8%, the Investment Manager noted that these investments were medium
term / long-term investments with significant interest income and performed
very positively at the end of their term. Although no profit had been received
to date, the situation was being monitored continuously and regular advice
provided by Arlingclose. DECISION: To accept
the report for information To accept the report for ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
AUDIT WALES - Quarter 1 Update To consider
the report Additional documents: Decision: Minutes: Alan Hughes and
Yvonne Thomas from Audit Wales Office were welcomed to the meeting to present
the report. Submitted - a
quarterly update (up to 30 June 2024) on the work programme and timetable of
Audit Wales. A discussion was held on the financial audit and local performance
audit work, highlighting that the Annual Report would be published in November
2024. Reference was made to the Thematic Review - Unscheduled Care and the Thematic
Review - Financial Sustainability highlighting an intention to submit the
conclusions to the Committee soon. Reference was made to planned local
government national studies, along with national reports and other outputs that
had been published by Audit Wales since June 2023. The members
thanked the officer for the report. In response to a question about Audit Performance Work 2023/24 - Local
Project - Waste and Recycling, it was confirmed that the timetable continued to
be in a 'to be confirmed' status but that discussions were being held to find a
way forward. It was reiterated that this was a project that was local to the
Council and that Audit Wales would review the Council's arrangements to improve
its waste management service and meet statutory recycling targets. In response to the Officer's comments, the
Member noted that the field had received a lot of attention by the Committee
and there was a need to press on completing the review. DECISION: To accept the
report and it was noted that the content of the work programme was interesting Note: Performance Audit
Work of 'Local Project – Waste and Recycling' – pressure needed to confirm
timetable. |
AUDIT WALES - Cyngor Gwynedd Annual Audit Summary 2023 and Detailed Audit Plan 2024 To consider
the report Additional documents:
Decision: DECISION: To accept the 2023 Summary To accept the Detailed Plan Minutes: Cyngor Gwynedd - Annual Audit Summary 2023 A report was submitted by the Wales Audit Officers summarising the
findings and conclusions for the work completed since April 2023 in Cyngor
Gwynedd. It was reiterated that the
summary was part of the duties of the Auditor General for Wales. Reference was made to the Auditors' work of auditing the Council's
financial statements annually and it was reported, again this year, that the
Auditor-General had given an unqualified accurate and fair opinion on the
Council's financial statements, on 22 January 2024. It was noted that the accounts complied with
appropriate practices and that Audit Wales worked to a level of 'relevance'. The members thanked the officer for the report. Cyngor Gwynedd's Detailed Audit Plan 2024 A report was submitted by the Audit Wales officers detailing the work
Audit Wales intended to do to address the audit risks for Cyngor Gwynedd
2024/25. It was stated that an audit of the financial statements would be
completed along with performance audit work to assess assurance and risk. In the context of the relevance of financial statements it was noted
that relevance was calculated using gross 2023-24 of £570.3 million and
reference was made to the significant risk and audit risks. It was reiterated
that the significant risk of override controls by management was one that was
included in each Authority's detailed plan. It was also stated that the audit
risk of the pension fund net liability and valuation of land and buildings were
also generic risks. It was highlighted that certification work on Cyngor Gwynedd's grant
claims, which would include Housing Benefits, Teachers' Pensions and
Non-Domestic Rates would also be carried out. Attention was drawn to the fees, stating that Internal Audit would make
no profit from the work and referred to the names and contact details of
members of the team who would audit Gwynedd. The members thanked the officer for the report In response to a question regarding a reference to 'several legal LGPS
cases that can affect the valuation of the Pension Fund' and whether a new case
other than the Mc Cloud Case had come to light, the Head of Finance Department
confirmed that the Mc Cloud Case was the historical case and that no other case
existed at the moment. He reiterated that Cyngor Gwynedd's Pensions Department
had been doing a lot of work with the recommendations of the McCloud Case. In response to a question regarding why the fees did not include VAT
given that all businesses were required to pay VAT, the Head of Finance
Department noted that although the Council paid the VAT it had the legal right
to reclaim the tax and therefore as it was the fee before VAT that hit the
revenue expenditure it was more meaningful to show that in the document. RESOLVED: ·
To accept
the 2023 Summary · To accept the Detailed Plan |
REPORT ON THE INSPECTION OF GWYNEDD AND YNYS MÔN YOUTH JUSTICE To consider the report in relation to the conclusions and
recommendations from the Youth Justice Service’s inspection. Additional documents:
Decision: Minutes: A
report was submitted by the Head of Children and Supporting Families Department
and the Manager of Gwynedd and Anglesey Youth Justice Service updating the
Committee on the findings and recommendations of the Inspection of the Service
carried out in November 2023. It was reported that The Gwynedd and Anglesey
Youth Justice Service (YJS) Management Board was extremely pleased with the
overall 'Good' rating issued following the Inspection and thanked partners of
both Local Authorities, the Local Criminal Justice network, and the Voluntary Sector
for their support during the preparation work and during the Inspection week.
It was noted that the inspectorate identified many areas of good practice
including strong partnership arrangements that inform and provide resources for
working effectively with children and families; a group of staff who are well
supported and supervised, and evidence that children and parents are actively
involved in planning and delivering support.
Reference was made to the areas for improvement, the improvement plan
drawn up in response to the seven inspection recommendations along with the
next steps. It was noted that the Improvement Plan in collaboration with
members of the Management Board, Executive Management Group and Service staff
following a meeting at the end of January to review the draft report and
initiate the process of formulating a response so that the ownership to
implement the Improvement Plan is accepted throughout the Service and partners. Officers were thanked for the report and staff were congratulated on the
encouraging and positive results of the inspection – it was a pleasure to read
the report. The inspection highlighted a good, caring outcome with dedicated
staff. In response to a comment regarding who would monitor the progress of the
Improvement Plan, it was noted that the Improvement Plan had been approved by
the Management Board in April 2024 and would be reviewed regularly at meetings
of the Management Board. Although praising that the score for the planning (domain 3:
Out-of-Court disposals) on the element that the 'planning focused on supporting
the child's desistance' was 100%, concern was highlighted that 'planning is
focused sufficiently on keeping the child safe' received a score of 58%. In
response to a question of whether the 58% reflected a percentage that the
processes did not pose a risk and whether it was a risk of administrative work
or a risk of care work, it was noted that the element expressed that sufficient
work was being done to keep the child safe but that staff needed to improve the
safeguarding plan records attached to the child's case. It was reiterated that
the matter had been addressed in the implementation plan. It was suggested that in the Information and Facilities - Staff Diversity and Children domain, it was necessary to include details of the percentage of staff who spoke Welsh and the percentage of children who requested a service in Welsh. In response, it was noted that around 95% of service staff spoke Welsh and 60% of children received a service in Welsh. It ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT AND SELF ASSESSMENT REPORT 2023-24 To consider the contents of the draft
document for 2023/24 and propose any comments and recommendations. Additional documents: Decision: To accept the Annual Performance Report and
Self-assessment (draft) 2023/24. Note: Need to consider
appropriate consultation arrangements for the future to ensure Gwynedd
residents' input in the process. Need to involve the
Committee earlier in the process – a suggestion to hold a workshop with Members
so that the Committee has input and a better opportunity to offer
recommendations. When presenting data –
need to ensure a full explanation e.g., avoiding linguistic categories in
secondary schools. Increasing Housing Supply for Local People -
need to highlight the impact and not numbers only. Gwynedd Yfory Projects ·
of Buildings and Learning Environment – to add that a RAC inspection had been
undertaken. ·
the Well-being of Children and Young People – to add that schemes / campaigns
are in place by the Education Department to improve pupil attendance. ·
Opportunities for Play and Socialising – to add that additional financial
support has been provided by the Council to Byw'n Iach Centres – this has been a positive decision. Minutes: Cllr Dyfrig Siencyn (Leader of the Council), Cllr Nia Jeffreys (Deputy
Leader of the Council) and Dewi Jones (Council Business Support Service
Manager) were welcomed to the meeting. A
draft of Cyngor Gwynedd's Annual Performance Report and Self-Assessment 2023/24
was submitted for the Committee's consideration asking them to provide comments
and recommendations on the content of the report. It was reported that the
Self-Assessment was a statutory requirement under the Local Government and
Elections (Wales) Act 2021 which also states that the Committee needs to be
involved in the self-assessment process. Attention was drawn
to the fact that the Council was already collecting a lot of evidence and
published documents containing the type of information expected to be included
within the self-assessment – documents such as (but not limited to) the annual
reports on Performance, Equality, Director of Social Services and Annual
Statement of Accounts. It was also noted that this document was closely related
to the Annual Governance Statement (see item 7) and as a result, an effort had
been made to keep the self-assessment document relatively concise with
reference to a number of the documents where further information could be
obtained to try to avoid duplication. The
members gave thanks for the report. During the ensuing discussion, the following
observations were noted: ·
That the Committee needed to be involved
earlier in the process - the suggestion of holding a workshop in the future so
that Members had the opportunity and time to discuss the report and offer input
and recommendations was made ·
That the format of the report was clear and
easy to understand – orderly and neat ·
That the report gave an honest picture of the
situation ·
That the assessment was very detailed,
difficult to review without a full understanding of areas ·
That it needed to be ensured that residents
received information about the services - needed to ensure good communication ·
Words such as 'strategy has been formulated'
– needed to see more action ·
Active travel - clearly more resources for
urban / highly populated areas, but needed to see more effort on rural active
travel issues across the County ·
When presenting data - needed to ensure that
a full explanation was given e.g., avoid linguistic categories in secondary
schools ·
Increasing Housing Supply for Local People -
needed to highlight the impact and not numbers only. ·
Gwynedd Yfory Projects -
Modernisation of Buildings and Learning
Environment - add that a RAC inspection had been undertaken. -
Promoting the Well-being of Children and Young
People - add that schemes / campaigns are in place by the Education Department
to improve pupil attendance. -
Extending Opportunities for Play and
Socialising – add that additional financial support has been provided by the
Council to Byw'n Iach Centres – this has been a positive decision. In response to a question if consultation had been undertaken with local people, local businesses, staff and trade unions, it was noted that a specific consultation on performance had not been undertaken but feedback and information ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |
the work programme Decision: To accept the Work Programme for September 2024
- September 2025 Note: To consider
when it would be suitable to review the Committee's Self-Assessment Work
Programme Minutes: A forward work programme of items were submitted for the Committee
meetings up to February 2025. DECISION: To
accept the Work Programme for September 2024 - September 2025 Note: Consider when it
would be suitable to review the Committee's Self-Assessment Work Programme |