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No. | Item |
Chair for 2023 - 2024 Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: RESOLVED TO RE-ELECT COUNCILLOR EDGAR OWEN AS CHAIR
FOR 2023 / 2024 Minutes: RESOLVED
ELECT VICE CHAIR To elect Vice-chair
for 2023 - 2024 Additional documents: Decision: Minutes: Two names were proposed and seconded for the post of vice-chair, namely
Councillor Elwyn Edwards and Councillor Gruffydd Williams In accordance with Procedural Rules, the following
vote was recorded on the proposals:- In favour of Councillor Elwyn Edwards: (10) Councillors:- Elwyn Edwards, Elin Hywel, Huw Wyn Jones,
Edgar Owen, Huw Rowlands, Delyth Lloyd Griffiths, Gareth Tudor Jones, Cai
Larsen, Gareth A Roberts, Gareth Coj Parry In favour of Councillor Gruffydd Williams: (4) Councillors:- Anne Lloyd-Jones, Gruffydd Williams, Elwyn
Jones, John Pughe Roberts Abstaining (0) RESOLVED to re-elect Councillor Elwyn Edwards as
Vice-chair for 2023/24 |
APOLOGIES To accept any apologies for absence. Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor John Pughe (Local Member) |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST AND PROTOCOL MATTERS To receive any declaration of personal interest and to note protocol matters. Additional documents: Minutes: a)
The following member
declared that he had an interest in relation to the item noted: Councillor
Huw Wyn Jones (a member of this Planning Committee), in item 8.4
(C23/0148/17/LL) on the agenda as he knew the family. The Member was of the opinion that
it was a prejudicial interest, and he withdrew from the meeting during the
discussion on the application. Councillor John Pughe Roberts (a member of this Planning
Committee), in item 8.1 (C23/0116/09/LL), because he had shares in the Wynnstay
company. The Monitoring Officer noted that there was no
reference to the Wynnstay company in the report for planning application 8.1
and therefore the Councillor decided that it was not a prejudicial interest and
therefore he did not have to withdraw from the meeting. b)
The following members
declared that they were local members in relation to the items noted: ·
Councillor Dewi Jones
in item 7 on the agenda ·
Councillor Anwen Davies
(on behalf of Cllr Gareth Williams) and who was not a member of this Planning
Committee, in item 8.2 (C23/0212/30/LL) on the agenda. ·
Councillor Arwyn Herald
Roberts (not a member of this Planning Committee), in item 8.4 (C23/0148/17/LL)
on the agenda. |
URGENT ITEMS To note any items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chairman for consideration. Additional documents: Minutes: None to
note |
Chairman shall propose that the minutes of the previous meeting of this
committee, held on 20th April 2023, be signed as a true record. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair accepted the minutes of the previous meeting
of this committee held on 17 April 2023 as a true record. |
the report to approve the introduction of no waiting at any time ‘Double Yellow
Lines', on A Class 1 Road A4086 - Llanberis Road, Rhosbodrual Additional documents: Decision: To approve the
introduction of 'no waiting at any time' Double Yellow Lines on a Class 1 Road
A4086 – Ffordd Llanberis, Rhosbodrual, Caernarfon Minutes: CYNGOR GWYNEDD ORDER
(ARFON AREA NUMBER 20) (CAERNARFON) 2023 a) The Traffic and Projects Service Manager highlighted that the Service
had received a complaint from nearby property owners regarding vehicles parking
on the pavement and on a grassed area adjacent to the property of Tanffordd, Llanberis Road, Caernarfon. After inspecting and
assessing the situation, the Service carried out a consultation on introducing
a recommendation to extend the double-yellow lines in order
to prevent vehicles from parking on the pavement and grassed area. During the consultation period (March 2022),
one objection was received to the proposed plan. Consequently, the plan was
reviewed in August 2022 and it was resolved not to
amend the proposal since there was acceptable justification to proceed with the
plan. The proposed plan to prohibit parking on Llanberis Road was introduced as
PARKING) (ARFON AREA NUMBER 20) (CAERNARFON) ORDER 2023' and an objection was
received for the second time. The order was submitted to the Committee for
approval. The Officer was of the
opinion that introducing yellow lines in the location would prevent
vehicles from driving over the pavement to park on the grass near the Tanffordd property. In turn, this would reduce the number
of cases where mud would be carried onto the pavement and the road, which led
to safety issues for road users. Yellow lines would also keep the visibility
splay clear for the residents of Stad Llain y Felin, as well as the Tanffordd property. b) The Local Member highlighted the following observations: ·
That he sympathised
with the objector since this would cause him difficulties, but he was confident
that the benefits would outweigh the negative impacts. ·
It was important to note that the department had carried out an equality
impact assessment and this had come back clear. ·
A health and safety matter was under
consideration here. The yellow lines intended to prevent vans and other
vehicles from parking on a plot of land, as was currently the case. This was a
problem because: §
It is a relatively fast road - the vehicles prevent the traffic from
seeing the road ahead. §
The vehicles that park here carry mud onto the road, which is dangerous
and creates a skid hazard. §
Parking here destroys the grassed area; it is mud, and not grass, that is
here now. ·
It is also important to note that many local residents
have supported these steps during the consultation process. c) It was proposed and seconded to approve the
order. d) During the ensuing discussion, the following
observation was made by Members: ·
That there
was a need to ensure safety on a fast section of road ·
That there
was mud on the pavement and therefore you had to walk on the road ·
That the
height of a camper van, when parked on the grass, concealed a 40mph sign e) In response to a question ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
the report of the Head of Environment Department. Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: To approve the introduction of 'no waiting at any
time' Double Yellow Lines on a Class 1 Road A4086 – Ffordd Llanberis,
Rhosbodrual, Caernarfon Minutes: The Committee considered the
following applications for development. Details of the applications were
expanded upon and questions were answered in relation
to the plans and policy aspects: |
Application No C23/0116/09/LL 1 Idris Villas, Tywyn, Gwynedd, LL36 9AW PDF 281 KB Re-submission: Change
of use of land to create storage/sales yard associated
with the existing commercial premises, together with the erection of security fence, install hard standing area
and alterations to the agricultural access to create vehicular access to the yard. LOCAL
MEMBER: Councillor John Pughe Link to relevant background documents Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: To approve contrary to the recommendation 1. The development referred to in this
permission must be commenced no later than FIVE years of the date of the
permission. 2. The development hereby permitted
shall be carried out in strict conformity with the details shown on the plan(s)
numbered 80 1 - 22 - 0 5; 801 - 22 - 70; 22/115/P 09; 22/115/P 04 a 22/115/P 03
Amendment A submitted to the Local Planning Authority, and contained in the
application form and in any other documents accompanying the application,
unless condition(s) to revise them is/are included on this planning decision. 3. Before the facility hereby approved
becomes operational as a storage/sales yard, the applicant must first submit
details to be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority of any
building and/or structure they propose to erect as part of the proposed
facility, including their design and height. 4. The facility hereby approved must be
connected with the use the applicant proposed to make of the commercial
premises on the High Street as a business centre for an agricultural
goods/materials supplier and which is outlined in blue in plan number 22/115/P
03 Amendment A. 5. The scheme for planting a mixed
thorn hedgerow contained in plan number 22/115/P 03 Amendment A must be
completed during the first planting season after the use becomes operational.
In the event that any part of the hedge dies, is removed or becomes seriously
damaged or diseased within the five-year period from the date it was planted,
they must be removed and replaced during the next planting season with others
of a similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority approves a
commitment in writing. 6. Before the facility becomes
operational, the applicant must first submit details to be agreed in writing
with the Local Planning Authority of any signs to be erected on the site, and
those signs shall be in Welsh only, or bilingual with priority to the Welsh
language. 7. The applicant must comply with Part
6.0 (Summary and Conclusions) of the Floods Consequence Assessment (ref.
KRS.0639.001.R001.A) dated September, 2022 by KRS Environmental. 8. The improvements to the existing
access must be carried out in strict conformity with the details contained in
plan number 22/115/P 03 Amendment A. 9. The delivery or distribution of
goods to and from the site hereby approved shall not be permitted outside the
hours of 08:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday; 08:00 to 12:00 Saturday and not at
all on Sunday. The reasons for the Council's
decision to permit the development subject to the conditions already noted: 1.
To comply with Town and Country Planning Acts. 2.
To comply with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act and
to secure the satisfactory development of the site, and to protect the visual
amenities of the area 3.
To secure the orderly development of the site and to protect visual
amenities. 4.
To secure the orderly development of the site. 5. To protect visual amenities ... view the full decision text for item 9. Minutes: DECISION: To approve contrary to the recommendation Resubmission: Change the use of land to
create a storage/sales yard associated with the existing commercial premises,
together with the erection of a security fence, installation of a hard-standing
area and alterations to the agricultural access to create a vehicular access to
the yard Some Members had visited the site on 15-05-23 a)
The Development Control Team Leader
highlighted that this was a full application to change the use of land in order to create a storage / sales yard adjacent to Idris
Villas, Tywyn, which would be associated with the existing commercial property
located on the High Street. The proposal would include erecting a security
fence, installing a hard standing area and alterations to the existing
agricultural access to create a suitable vehicular access. It was reiterated
that a Planning Statement, Flood Consequence Assessment
and Initial Ecological Report had been submitted as a part of the application
and subsequently on 29 March 2023, a Landscaping Plan had been introduced
around the boundary fence. Following the
previous Committee, details were submitted on 28 April 2023 regarding the exit
routes for HGVs from the site. Reference was made
to the visual impact amongst the refusal reasons on the previous application
C22/1050/09/LL, with officers highlighting that the same concerns remained
valid. Despite receiving a landscaping plan which showed an intention to
landscape the external side of the security fence, it was considered that this
would mitigate the visual impact of the development somewhat, however, it did
not completely overcome the concerns. In the context of transport
and access matters and the observations of the Highways Unit (since the
previous Committee on 17 April 2023), plans of the HGV exit routes from the
site were received, as well as details on how the vehicles would turn within
the site. It was noted that the site was central in the town and that the
access on the external side would be in the bow of the road. Following
a site inspection, it was considered that there was satisfactory open
visibility in both directions. There would be parking within the site for
customers and is considered acceptable to satisfy the requirements of TRA 2 of
the LDP. The observations of the Transportation Unit on the latest additional
information, which state their satisfaction with the plans that show the
movements of vehicles leaving the site and they have no objection. Based on the latest observations, it was
considered that the proposal was acceptable in order to
ensure the safe operation of the highway and compliance with policies TRA 4,
criterion 6 of policy MAN 6 of the LDP and TAN 18: Transport. It was noted that the officers considered that the development continued to be unacceptable based on flood concerns, the impact on the area's visual amenities, as well as the amenities of the nearby residents. Although some elements were acceptable, they did not outweigh the fact that the principle of the proposal failed to meet the national policy ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
Application No C23/0212/30/LL Pant Valley, Rhydlios, Pwllheli, Gwynedd, LL53 8LF PDF 330 KB Construction of a new building for use
as agricultural storage with associated landscaping works (re submission) LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Gareth Williams Link to relevant background documents Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: TO REFUSE IN
submitted, the Local Planning Authority is not entirely convinced that there is
a real need, proven beyond doubt, to erect an agricultural building of the size
and scale proposed at this location. Therefore, the application is contrary to
the requirements of policies PCYFF 1 and PCYFF 2 of the Anglesey and Gwynedd
Joint Local Development Plan 2017 which encourages the refusal of proposals
outside development boundaries unless there is justification to show that its
location in the countryside is essential, and that do not comply with other
policies within the Plan itself. 2. The scale of the proposal would mean erecting a
substantial building which would be located in a prominent, isolated position
near a public road and footpath and within a Special Landscape Area. This
development would not respect the context of the site and its place in the
local landscape and, as a result, the development would be harmful to the
area's visual amenities. The application is therefore contrary to the criteria of
policies PCYFF 2, PCYFF 3 and AMG 2 of the Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local
Development Plan, 2017 together with the advice contained within Technical
Advice Note 6: Planning for Sustainable Rural Communities and Technical Advice
Note 12: Design that relates to protecting local visual amenities and the
environment. Minutes: Construction of a new building to be
used as agricultural storage together with associated landscaping work
(resubmission) a)
Planning Manager highlighted that this was an application to erect a shed as agricultural
storage on a rural site within the holding of the property known as Pant Valley, Rhydlios. It was
explained that the plans showed a building measuring 22.86m x 13.74m giving a
total internal floor area of 314m² and 5.8m in height to the ridge. The
application was a resubmission of a previously refused full application. It was
highlighted that the size, form and appearance of the
proposed shed was in accordance with the previously refused details. The site
and wider area was located within the Western
Llŷn Special Landscape Area as well as the Llŷn and Bardsey Island
Landscape of Outstanding Historic Interest by CADW. It was not within the AONB. The previous application was refused due to the lack of information and
justification for the proposed development. At the time it was noted that no
business plan had been submitted. It was not usual to ask for a business plan
with agricultural applications where the agricultural holding was established,
however in this case, the applicant did not operate the agricultural holding
and therefore, it was believed to be a totally reasonable request for such
information to find out how the enterprise would be likely to operate in the
future. As part of the current application, the agent has submitted a statement
to support and justify the proposal. The application was submitted to the committee at the Local Member’s
request. The Local Planning Authority did not intend to prevent the aspirations
of individuals to conduct agricultural activities in the future, but it was not
wholly convinced that a real need for a new agricultural shed at this site has
been proven and therefore the proposal is contrary to the fundamental
agricultural development principle and policies PCYFF 1 and PCYFF 2 of the LDP
specifically as there is no sufficient justification within a rural location
for the proposed development. In
addition, due to its size, finish and isolated location, the building would
form an incompatible feature in the landscape by harming visual amenities
contrary to the relevant criteria of policies PCYFF2 and PCYFF 3 of the LDP. The Local Planning Authority recommended refusing the application b) Taking advantage of the right to speak, Councillor Anwen Davies (on
behalf of the Local Member), made the following observations: ·
That there was a real
need for the shed to ensure a place to keep sheep - for grazing and in order to facilitate visits by the vet. ·
That a proposal to
reduce the land levels had been submitted and that it was intended to use the
soil to erect cloddiau around the shed. ·
That there was an
intention to plant trees and recycle rainwater. ·
That the applicant was
a hard-working Welshman who wished to establish an agricultural enterprise at
Pant Valley. ·
The Community Council
supported the application. · That ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
Application No C23/0089/39/AM Mynytho Garage, Mynytho, Pwllheli, Gwynedd, LL53 7RH PDF 356 KB Outline application
with some matters reserved to demolish an existing
residential dwelling and former commercial
garage with associated buildings and construction of 5 two storey local
market housing, install 16 self-serviced holiday accommodation, construction of a pub/restaurant, landscaping, creation of parking areas and modification
works to an existing vehicular access. LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor
Angela Russell Link to relevant background documents Additional documents: Decision: APPLICATION WITHDRAWN Minutes: Outline application with some matters reserved
to demolish an existing residential dwelling and former commercial garage with
associated buildings and to construct five two-storey local market housing,
construction of a pub/restaurant, landscaping, creation of parking areas and
alteration works to an existing vehicular access. APPLICATION WITHDRAWN |
Application No C23/0148/17/LL Uwchlaw'r Rhos, Penygroes, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL54 7UE PDF 286 KB
Erection of rural
enterprise dwelling and associated work LOCAL MEMBER:
Councillor Arwyn Herald Roberts Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: To approve the
application contrary to the recommendation. Consequently, the application will
be referred to a cooling-off period before being returned to the Committee for
a final decision. Minutes: Construction of a rural enterprise house and
associated work. a) The Planning Manager highlighted that this was a full application to
construct a rural enterprise house and ancillary works. The house would be in
the form of a dormer bungalow and would measure 115 square metres and would
include a porch, office, toilet, multi-purpose room, sitting room, dining room
and kitchen on the ground floor and three bedrooms and a bathroom on the first
floor. The farm was described as one that extends to 84ha; the applicant owns
59ha and rents 24.3ha on a long-term tenancy, with 84ha being used as grazing
land, 20ha for silage (one cut) and 8ha for silage (two cuts) and used as
grazing land. The farm includes 118 cows with calves, 120 sheep, and 4 sows and
12 boars and 27 piglets. The applicant is also in partnership with Natural
Resources Wales for grazing 1,618ha of common land. A Design Statement and the business' accounts were submitted as a part
of the application. The application was submitted to the Planning Committee at the request
of the local member. It was highlighted that the site would be beyond the
farmyard and outside any development boundary as defined by the Local
Development Plan (LDP) with Policy PCYFF 1 stating, outside development
boundaries, that proposals will be refused unless they are in accordance with
other policies in the local development plan, national policies or if the
proposal shows that their location in the countryside is essential. It was
reiterated, as a result of the need to maintain and
protect the countryside, that very special justification was required to
approve the construction of new houses there, and therefore, new houses in the
countryside were only approved in very exceptional circumstances. The
exceptional circumstances under which new houses in the countryside could be
approved are included in Technical Advice Note 6: Planning for Sustainable
Rural Communities - July 2010 (TAN6) prepared by the Welsh Assembly Government,
and the associated Technical Guidance document. Reference was made to paragraph 4.3.1 of TAN6, which
notes that one of the few circumstances in which a new isolated residential
development in the open countryside can be justified is when accommodation is
required to enable a rural enterprise worker to live at, or close to, his
workplace. Whether this is essential in any particular case
will depend on the needs of the rural enterprise concerned and not on the
personal preference or circumstances of any of the individuals involved. TAN 6
also notes that Local Planning Authorities should carefully assess applications
for planning permission for new rural enterprise dwellings to ensure that a
departure from the usual policy of restricting development in the open
countryside can be fully justified by reference to robust supporting evidence. The applicant states that the business has existed for over 3 years. Business accounts for the previous three years were submitted to show that the business has made a profit in 3 of the last 4 years. Nevertheless, it appeared that ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |