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No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To accept any apologies for absence. Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor
Gareth A Roberts and Councillor Cai Larsen. |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST AND PROTOCOL MATTERS To receive any declaration of personal interest and to note protocol matters. Additional documents: Minutes: a)
The following Members declared that they were local members in relation
to the items noted: ·
Councillor Elin Walker Jones (not a member of this Planning Committee),
in relation to item 5.1 (C24/0916/11/DT) on the agenda ·
Councillor Huw Rowlands (a member of this Planning Committee), in
relation to item 5.4 (C20/1093/24/LL) on the agenda |
URGENT ITEMS To note any items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chairman for consideration. Additional documents: Minutes: As a matter of order, it was reported that since the Chair and Deputy
Monitoring Officer were joining the meeting virtually, the Assistant Head of
Department would be announcing the results of the voting on the applications. |
Chairman shall propose that the minutes of the previous meeting of this
committee, held on, 13 January 2025, be signed as a true record. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair signed the minutes of the previous meeting
of this committee, held on 13 January 2025, as a true record, subject to noting
that Councillor Berwyn Parry Jones was present at the meeting. |
PLANNING APPLICATIONS To submit the report of the Head of Environment Department. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the following
applications for development. Details of the applications were expanded upon and questions were answered in relation to the plans
and policy aspects. |
Application No C24/0916/11/DT 14 Rhodfa Belmont, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2HT Two storey rear
extension LOCAL MEMBER:
Councillor Elin Walker Jones Link
to relevant background documents Additional documents: Decision: DECISION:
To delegate powers to the Senior Planning Manager to approve the application
subject to conditions 1.
Commencement within five years. 2.
In accordance with the plans 3.
Materials to be in-keeping 4. Biodiversity
Enhancements 5.
Ensure no surface water runs onto the highway. Note:
Wales Water Minutes: Two-storey extension at the
rear of the property Attention was drawn to the late observations form. Some Members had visited the site on 30 January 2025. a)
The Planning Manager highlighted
that this application was for the demolition of an existing multi-purpose room
to the rear of the property and construction of a two-storey flat roof
extension. The application was deferred
at the Planning Committee in January 2025 in order to
undertake a site visit. It was explained that the property was a semi-detached
property in a residential area in the city of Bangor, with the application
submitted to the Planning Committee at the request of the local member. Reference was made to the
objections received. In terms of design and appearance, it was considered that
this type of extension was not unexpected in residential areas, and therefore
it would not have an unacceptable visual impact. In response to the comments
that raised concerns about loss of light, it was noted that a detailed
assessment of the impacts had concluded that the impact of the extension would
not be harmful in terms of loss of light or an oppressive impact (despite it
being a two-storey extension, it was only 0.5m longer than the existing rear
extension). It was highlighted
that the Members during the site visit had suggested using light coloured
render on the extension walls and that this suggestion was acceptable. It was
also noted that the applicant had stated it was intended to move the existing
garden shed to the highest corner of the garden on the left to allow more light
into the rear of number 16. Reference was made to the
objections received regarding the wider flooding problems on the street in
general, as well as the development's impact on the area's drains. It was noted
that the observations received from Welsh Water had asked for a condition to
prevent additional flows of surface water into the sewerage system. The
Council's Drainage Unit did not object to the proposal. Despite
acknowledging the concern, there was no robust evidence that the
extension would affect or exacerbate the current situation. Subject to the
nature of the drains, private or as a part of the public drainage system, it
was reiterated that there would be protection either through the building
control system or Welsh Water rules, therefore it was not considered that
drainage matters were a planning reason to object to the proposal. Having considered all relevant
planning matters, the local and national policies and guidance, the proposal was considered to be acceptable. The Officers recommended to
approve the application with conditions. b)
Taking advantage of the right to speak, the Local Member made the
following comments: ·
That she objected to the application. ·
That Hafod Planning, on behalf of the occupant
of number 16, had highlighted the arguments for refusing the application ·
There were three contentious reasons for refusing - drainage, amenities and impact on character. · Character - the house would look very different to all the other houses ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Application No C24/0900/39/LL Fferm Fronhyfryd, Bwlchtocyn, Pwllheli, Gwynedd, LL53 7EU Full planning application for improvements to
the site to include minor amendments to the location and design of the
previously approved services building along with extending existing tracks and
other environmental improvements. Local Member: Councillor John Brynmor Hughes Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: APPROVED with conditions 1. Time 2. Compliance with plans 3. Carry out the development in accordance with an ecological report 4. Carry out the development
in accordance with a Construction Environmental Management Plan 5. Carry out the development in accordance
with a lighting plan 6. Restrict the number of caravans 7. Restrict the period of site use 8. Remove all caravans from the site outside
the period of site use 9. Restrict caravan/boat/vehicle storage
outside the formal pitches 10. Restrict the use of the caravans to holiday
use only 11. Bilingual signage 12. Welsh name 13. Materials. 14. Landscaping plan 15. Drainage matters Minutes: Fferm Fronhyfryd, Bwlchtocyn,
Pwllheli, Gwynedd, LL53 7EU Full application for improvements to the site to include minor
amendments to the location and design of the previously approved service
building along with extending existing tracks and other environmental improvements Attention was drawn to the late
observations form. a) The Planning Manager highlighted that this was a full application
involving improvements to a touring caravan and camping site, including
amending the location and design of the previously approved service building
along with extending existing access roads within the site and undertaking
environmental improvements. There would be no increase in the number of touring
caravans on site from the 24 that had previously been approved. The caravans
would remain sited around the site boundary near the existing hedgerows that
surrounded the site. In
terms of visual amenities, it was noted that it was intended to carry out
additional landscaping by planting new trees and hedges on the land. It was reported that the proposal was not
likely to create an intrusive and prominent feature in the landscape within the
AONB designation. Similarly, it was noted that the site was located within the Llŷn and Enlli Landscape of
Outstanding Historic Interest and in terms of location and size, it would not
have a wider impact on the historic landscape and would therefore comply with
Policy AT1 In
terms of the principle of the development, it was considered that the design of
the services building was acceptable and in keeping with the area and that the
proposals to improve biodiversity were acceptable and in line with relevant
policies. Reference
was made to a letter of objection that had been received noting an increase in
the number of seasonal caravans in the local area. It was noted that the number
of caravans would be managed through conditions and it
was emphasised that this was an application for improvements only and that the
lawful use already existed. Given the local and national policies and guidance,
the Officers recommended approving the application. b)
Taking advantage of the
right to speak, the applicant’s agent noted the following points: ·
The main purpose of the
proposal was to move the services building away from the public sewer. ·
The applicant wanted to
improve the site ·
The site had a Welsh
name and bilingual information on their website along with bilingual signage on
the site. ·
Should it be approved,
it was hoped to complete the work before the beginning of the 2025 summer
season. c)
Taking advantage of the
right to speak, the Local Member made the following observations: ·
He did not have a
personal opinion on the matter ·
Potential problems were
that the road was narrow (traffic), noise and the old rubbish tip. In response to an observation from the Licensing Unit for the need to ensure 3m between the caravans and the hedgerow and whether this could be conditioned, it was noted that there was no need to include a condition, rather the applicant had to ensure compliance ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Application No C24/0684/38/LL Glan Y Gors, Llanbedrog, Gwynedd, LL53 7UB Retrospective application to
rebuild cottage and to include two storey side extensions and single
storey rear extension. Local Member: Councillor Angela
Russell Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: TO REFUSE, contrary to the recommendation Reasons: ·
Overdevelopment ·
A harmful effect on the landscape / AONB contrary to
policy TAI 13. Minutes: A
retrospective planning application to re-build a cottage with two-storey side
extensions and a rear single-storey extension. a) The Development Control Team Leader
highlighted that the application was to demolish an existing dwelling and
construct a new house in its place. It was explained that the site was
located on the outskirts of the village of Llanbedrog and outside any
development boundary and was surrounded by extensive established woodland with
land rising to the rear and the side of the property. It was reiterated that
the site and the wider area were within the Llŷn
AONB and the Llŷn and Enlli
Landscape of Outstanding Historic Interest designations. It was noted that the proposal did not involve an increase in the number
of bedrooms and that the information submitted with the application confirmed
that the current and intended use of the property was as a holiday cottage.
Consequently, there would be no change to the use. It was expressed that
planning consent has already been approved in 2021 to extend the original
property, but the current proposal was the result of that proposal after
discovering that the original cottage was not suitable to be extended. Attention was drawn to Policy TAI 13 and its
relevant criteria which specifically related to replacing dwellings. It was
noted that the Structural Report on the original cottage had been submitted by
a qualified engineer justifying the demolition work that was needed due to
significant defects. Additionally, it was considered that the scale of the
proposal was similar to what had been approved
previously in the form of extensions to the original cottage. In the context of visual amenities, the site was not entirely visible
from public vantage points and it was considered that
the proposal was acceptable in terms of its design and finish. It was not
considered that the proposal would have a detrimental impact on the broader
landscape including the AONB and the Landscape of Outstanding Historic Interest. It stood a distance from any other property and it would not have a detrimental impact on any
nearby residents. It was not considered that it would have any impact on road
safety, as there was sufficient space to turn and park on the site. In terms of biodiversity issues, it was noted that the proposal included
acceptable improvements that would be secured through a planning
condition. In terms of linguistic matters, the proposal did not involve any change
of use and there was no increase in the number of bedrooms. Consequently, it
was not considered that it would have any impact on the Welsh language. Having considered all relevant planning
matters, it was considered that the proposal was acceptable
and the officers recommended approving the application with conditions. b) Taking
advantage of the right to speak, the applicant’s agent noted the following
points: ·
permission had been approved in 2021 and construction work had commenced the
following summer. · Following heavy rainfall, the foundations had been found to be defective and unstable which ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Application C20/1093/24/LL Land By Talardd, Dinas, Caernarfon, LL54 7YN Application for the erection of 16 dwellings with associated
access, parking and landscaping Local Member: Councillor Huw Rowlands Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: TO APPROVE subject to
the following conditions:- 1. Five years. 2. In accordance with the documents/plans submitted with the
application. 3. Natural slate. 4. Samples of materials and colours for the houses to be agreed
with the LPA. 5. Highway Conditions. 6. Soft and hard landscaping. 7. Biodiversity and Tree Conditions including
biodiversity enhancements and a habitats management plan. 8. Working hours limited to 8:00 - 18:00 during the week, 08:00 - 12:00 on a Saturday and no working
at all on Sundays and Bank Holidays. 9. Agree on details regarding Welsh names for
the development together with advertising signage informing of and promoting
the development within and outside the site. 10. Ensure a plan/arrangements to provide the affordable units. 11. Removal of general development rights for the affordable units. 12. Submit a Construction Method Statement
including parking provision for the builders' vehicles. 13. Submit outdoor lighting details to be agreed
with the LPA prior to installation. 14. Archaeological mitigation measures condition. 15. Provide and safeguard the open space for the future 16. Welsh Water Condition 17. Public protection conditions (Noise, Dust, Nuisance) 18. Construction environmental management plan 19. Details of PV solar panels on the roofs of
the houses and the air source heat pumps. 20. Welsh language Signs Notes: Welsh Water, Highways, SUDS Minutes: Application to erect 16
dwellings with associated access, parking and landscaping. Attention was drawn to the late observations form. a) The Development Control Team Leader highlighted that this was a full
application to provide 16 affordable homes with a mix of houses, bungalows and
flats that would also provide access for pedestrians to the A487, a vehicular
access to the site and a formal play area with equipment in the centre of the
site. It was explained that the site stood partly
within the development boundary of the village of Dinas, opposite a garage and
an outdoor equipment shop, with residential houses located opposite it and to
its side. It was reiterated that the site had been used as a compound for a
housing development located directly next door and was previously an informal
car park after the demolition of a restaurant that had been located there. As the
majority of the site was located within the development boundary of
Dinas the application was considered under Policy TAI 4, but there was also a
small part of the site outside the development boundary, and it was therefore
subject to policy TAI 16 as an exception site. It was reported that the
indicative housing supply level for Dinas, along with the number of units
completed and the land bank meant that the village would exceed its indicative
growth level, and justification would be required for the proposal along with a
language statement. It was expressed that the
houses would be managed by Adra, a Registered Social
Housing Landlord which provided community housing for the area. It was noted
that an Affordable Housing Statement and a Housing Mix Statement had been
submitted with the application noting there was a proven need for smaller
houses to meet the needs of smaller families. In terms of planning policy, it
was considered that the proposal provided an appropriate number of affordable
housing and that an appropriate mix of housing has been proposed in accordance
with the need identified and confirmed by the Strategic Housing Unit. In addition, reference was made to the Unit's
figures which confirmed a shortage of 255 units in the Villages and Clusters
tier, due to this and due to the proven need, it was considered there was
justification for the units. It was reported that all units were being proposed as affordable and in order to manage the affordable provision in planning policy terms, it was proposed to impose a standard condition that would require the applicant to comply with the affordable housing provision plan. It was noted that the Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance confirmed the need for affordable housing within Villages to provide for the local need, namely people who needed an affordable house and who had lived in the Village or a surrounding rural village for a continuous period of five years or more; the Guidance also confirmed that a nearby rural area was defined as any Community Council that was 6km from the development site excluding ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |