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Contact: Lowri Haf Evans 01286 679 878 Email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To accept any apologies for absence. Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were received from
Councillor Louise Hughes and Councillor Gareth Coj Parry |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST AND PROTOCOL MATTERS To receive any declaration of personal interest and to note protocol matters. Additional documents: Minutes: a)
The following member
declared that he had an interest in relation to the item noted: b)
Councillor Gareth
Morris Jones (a member of this Planning Committee), in relation to item 5.2
(C22/0302/22/LL) and item 5.3 (C22/0953/17/LL) due to a connection with Glynllifon College staff. The member was of the opinion that it was a
prejudicial interest, and he withdrew from the meeting during the discussion on
the application and he did not vote on the application. c)
The following members
declared that they were local members in relation to the items noted: ·
Councillor Ioan Thomas
(not a member of this Planning Committee), in relation to item 5.4
(C23/0959/15/AC) on the agenda ·
Councillor Huw Wyn
Jones (a member of this Planning Committee), in relation to item 5.5
(C23/0917/14/DT) on the agenda ·
Councillor Beca Brown
(not a member of this Planning Committee), in relation to item 5.6
(C21/0861/23/LL) on the agenda ·
Councillor Berwyn Parry
Jones (not a member of this Planning Committee), in relation to item 5.6
(C21/0861/23/LL) on the agenda |
URGENT ITEMS To note any items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chairman for consideration. Additional documents: Minutes: None to
note |
Chairman shall propose that the minutes of the previous meeting of this
committee, held on the 5th of February 2023, be signed as a true
record. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair signed the minutes of the previous meeting
of this committee, held on 5 February 2024, as a true record. |
PLANNING APPLICATIONS To submit the report of the Head of Environment Department. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered
the following applications for development. Details of the applications were
expanded upon and questions were answered in relation
to the plans and policy aspects. |
Application No C23/0302/22/LL Chwarel Cae Efa Llwyd, Penygroes, LL54 6PB PDF 479 KB Application
for extension to Cae Efa Lwyd sand and gravel pit LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Craig ab Iago Additional documents: Decision: DECISION:
To delegate powers to the Head of Environment Department to approve the
application, subject to conditions relating to the following: 1. 5 years 2. Duration of works – 10 years at a rate
of 125,000 tons per annum 3. In accordance with plans 4. Restriction
of GPDO rights for buildings, structures, private roads, floodlighting, fencing
etc. 5. A copy
of the determination and approved plans to be shown at the site office. 6. Restriction
of 125,000 tonnes per annum on material removed from site, at a maximum rate of
twenty-five (25) HGV loads per day 7. Surface
of site access to county highway to be kept clean and no mud/debris to be
deposited on highway. 8. No
materials (refuse or waste materials) shall be imported to the site. 9. Mark the boundary of site and mineral
extraction zones. 10. Working
hours. No operations on Saturdays, Sundays or Bank Holidays or Public Holidays
other than emergency, servicing and maintenance work. 11. All
loaded vehicles to be sheeted or treated to avoid emission of dust. 12. Record of traffic. 13. No processing on site. 14. Noise limits and noise limits in relation
to temporary operations. 15. Noise mitigation measures. 16. Acoustic fencing retained and bunding
retained. 17. Vegetation, topsoil, subsoils to be
stored in acoustic screening bund. 18. Noise monitoring. 19. Air quality limits and air quality
monitoring. 20. Dust
suppression measures and updated dust monitoring and control scheme. 21. Boundary of mineral extraction area to be
temporarily fenced. 22. Groundwater monitoring. 23. Submission
of detailed written scheme of investigation for archaeological work. 24. Submission
of detailed analytical report of the archaeological work in accordance with the
written scheme of investigation. 25. Restoration plan. 26. Storage/management of soils. 27. No
soils to be removed from site, and the soil to be used in site restoration. 28. Soil storage mounds to be kept free from
weeds. 29. Submission of restoration and 5-year
aftercare plan. 30. Restoration in accordance with the 5-year
aftercare and monitoring plan. 31. Ripping of ground to avoid compaction. 32. Correct sequence and spread of soils in
restoration. 33. Conduct chemical analysis of soils during
restoration. 34. No livestock to be kept until land is of
an acceptable condition. 35. Annual review of operations and
aftercare. 36. Revised scheme of restoration to be
submitted to the LPA in the event of premature cessation of mineral extraction
for a period of 12 months. 37. Mitigation measures for badgers, breeding
birds, reptiles. 38. Restriction on removal of vegetation
during bird nesting season. 39. Reasonable
avoidance measures to protect reptiles during demolition of walls and field
boundaries. 40. Pollution prevention measures. 41. Collection
and disposal of water to restrict what is released to water environment. 42. Compliance with surface water management
plan. 43. A condition to identify the site by its
Welsh name. Minutes: Application for an extension to sand and gravel pit at
Cae Efa Lwyd The Senior Planning Manager
– Minerals, highlighted that this was an application to extend the extraction
area of the Cae Efa Lwyd
operational sand and gravel pit. It was expected for the work to release
793,000 tonnes of sand and gravel in addition to the 298,000 tonnes that had
already been released. The application was not applying for a processing
permission on the site - the arrangement of transporting the minerals to Graianog Quarry would continue. It was highlighted that an
Environmental Statement had been submitted with the application as the scale of
the application was the subject of an Environmental Impact Assessment in
accordance with the requirements. In the context of
the principle of the development, it was noted that the proposed extension site
had been identified as a preferred area for supplying the need for sand and
gravel within policy MWYN 2 of the Local Development Plan (LDP), namely a
policy that facilitates the additional provision of minerals, sand and gravel to meet the identified need noted in the
North Wales Regional Technical Statement. The Statement had been approved by
Cyngor Gwynedd. The proposal would provide additional minerals and reduce the
shortfall (at least 2.6 million tonnes of sand and gravel) in the land bank in
accordance with the requirements of policies MWYN 2, MWYN 3 and Strategic
Policy PS 22. When discussing visual amenities and landscape,
it was reported that the site did not fall within any landscape designations
and that it was located within an area of enclosed agricultural land to the
west of Penygroes. A Landscape and Visual Impact
Assessment had been submitted which verified the impact of the development on
landscape assets around the site. It was considered that the primary effects
would include gradual reduction in land level when excavating the mineral,
mobile activity in the quarry, the screening bund along the boundary of the
site and the ground level below original land level following the restoration work - these impacts
would be more detrimental / prominent during the operational period an in areas
directly adjacent to the site. Concerns had been raised by the Welsh
Government's Soil Policy and Agricultural Land Use Planning Unit about the
practicality of restoring the site to provide the best standard of agricultural
land throughout the site due to the topography and hydrogeology. In response,
it was explained that paragraph 3.59 Planning Policy Wales stated that
development should be undertaken on the best agricultural land if there was an
overriding need for the development - the need for this development to meet the
demand for minerals had been supported by local and national policies. It was
reiterated that the Soil Policy and Agricultural Land Use Planning Unit had
proposed further conditions to ensure agricultural restoration and after-care
after the use ends and that any visual impacts of the proposal would be
temporary. In the context of general and residential amenities, it was noted ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Application No C22/0952/17/LL Land At Coleg Glynllfion, Llandwrog, LL54 5DU PDF 358 KB Demolition
of existing sheds and erection of two livestock sheds together with associated facilities and milking parlour, creation of landscaping bund and associated works LOCAL
MEMBER: Councillor Llio Elenid Owen Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: To delegate
the right to the Assistant Head of Environment Department to approve the application,
subject to the following conditions: - 1. Five years. 2. In accordance with the documents and
plans submitted as part of the application. 3. Submit details of external elevations. 4. Compliance with Part 5
(Interpretation and Advice) of the Ecology Impact Assessment document as well
as the Shadow Habitats Regulations Assessment and observations of the
Biodiversity Unit. 5. Complete the landscaping scheme within
a specific period. 6. Compliance with the contents of the
Arboriculture Assessments. 7. The standard conditions
of Gwynedd Archaeological Planning Service regarding submission of details of
an archaeological recording programme initially, and following this, the
submission of a detailed report of the archaeological work within 6 months of
completing the archaeological work at the site.
Minutes: Demolition
of existing sheds and erection of two livestock sheds together with ancillary
facilities and milking parlour, creation of landscaping bund and associated
works. Attention
was drawn to the late observations form that highlighted a revised location plan indicating that the boundary
of the application site had been extended to include land for Biodiversity
mitigation measures. a) The Development Control Officer highlighted that this was a full
application to demolish existing sub-standard agricultural sheds and replace
them with two livestock (sheep) sheds together with associated facilities,
milking parlour, landscaping bund and associated works on one hard-standing
area of the agricultural holding of Glynllifon
College. He added that there were many elements to the proposal: ·
Demolish the existing
sub-standard structure which included two agricultural sheds. ·
Erect a building for a
sheep milking parlour and area to keep 300 sheep. ·
Erect a building for
lambing. ·
Erect a new feed silo. ·
Create a new parking
space for lorries. ·
Create a new service
and turning area. ·
Provide a fold to treat
sheep. ·
Provision of car
parking spaces. ·
Create a 1m high clawdd/bund and plant an indigenous hedgerow. ·
Fell some trees and
propose Biodiversity improvements. In the context of the principle of the
development, it was explained that Policy PCYFF 1 of the LDP stated that
proposals (outside development boundaries) would be refused unless they were in
accordance with specific policies in the LDP or national planning policies, or
that the proposal demonstrated that its location in the countryside was
essential. It was noted that this application related to improving existing
sheep farming facilities in Glynllifon College and,
therefore, it was considered that its location in the countryside was
essential. It was reported that the project would seek to
develop a model to promote knowledge within the agricultural sector to show the
advantages of promoting a sustainable sheep milk market in Wales. The proposal
would offer potential additional income for agricultural enterprises and Glynllifon College would play an important part in
developing the dairy sector by developing a better understanding of the
commercial opportunities. The current application had been submitted to extend
and meet the needs of the Agricultural College for an education purpose and its
important contribution to the local economy. In the context of the visual amenities, it was noted that the new sheds would replace sub-standard buildings and, although larger in size, the external elevations of the new sheds would be of traditional materials that were in-keeping with this type of agricultural buildings in the countryside. It was reiterated that the site was located within undulating landscape, with no environmental designation. Considering the variety of vegetation, undertaking a landscaping plan as well as the material and elevations of the structure, it was not considered that the proposal would have a significant substantial impact within the local landscape. In terms of general and residential amenities, with the current proposal replacing existing agricultural structures on the site, it was not considered that the application would undermine the general or residential amenities of local ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Demolition of existing dairy farm building and cow shed, removal of two
existing slurry tanks, erection of a new livestock shed and milking parlour,
construction of a silage clamp and dry manure store, internal access road
together with associated works. LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Llio
Elenid Owen Additional documents: Decision: DECISION:
To approve the application subject to the following conditions: - 1. Five years. 2. In accordance with the documents and
plans submitted as part of the application. 3. Submit details of external elevations. 4. Submission of asbestos details prior to
demolition. 5. Compliance
with Part 5 (Interpretation and Advice) of the Ecology Impact Assessment
document as well as the Shadow Habitats Regulations Assessment and observations
of the Biodiversity Unit. 6. Complete the landscaping scheme within
a specific period. 7. Compliance with the contents of the
Arboriculture Assessments. 8. The
standard conditions of Gwynedd Archaeological Planning Service regarding
submission of details of an archaeological recording programme initially, and
following this, the submission of a detailed report of the archaeological work
within 6 months of completing the archaeological work at the site. Minutes: DECISION:
To approve the application subject to the following conditions: - 1. Five years. Demolition of existing dairy farm building and
cow shed, removal of two existing slurry tanks, erection of a new livestock
shed and milking parlour, construction of a silage clamp and dry manure store,
internal access road together with associated works. Attention
was drawn to the late observations form that highlighted a revised location plan indicating that the boundary
of the application site had been extended to include land for Biodiversity
mitigation measures. a)
The Development Control Officer highlighted that there were several
elements to the application: ·
Demolition of the
existing substandard construction which comprised the milking parlour,
livestock shed, and two slurry towers. ·
Erection of a building
for a rotating cow milking parlour. ·
Erection of a livestock
building to house 224 dairy cows. ·
Erection of an indoor
dry manure storage area alongside the existing storage area. ·
Erection of a new feed
silo. ·
Location of a new water
tank to capture water from the milking parlour and the water waste from the
silage heaps. ·
Creation of a hard
surface yard. ·
Creation of two foul
water pits. ·
Creation of an internal
road network. ·
Creation of a 1m high
bank/bund planted with a native hedge. ·
Together with
biodiversity improvements. In the context of the principle of the development, it
was reported that the principle of erecting agricultural structures in the
countryside was acceptable subject to compliance with other planning matters. It was reiterated that this innovative project would
promote effectiveness, sustainability and excellent
standards in terms of animal welfare, and showing good practice in terms of
sustainable water and waste management (which included farm slurry) within the
dairy industry in Wales. The current application had been submitted to extend
and meet the needs of the Agricultural College for an education purpose and its
important contribution to the local economy. It was considered that its
location in the countryside was essential and that the
proposal complied with the aims and objectives of national policies, Technical
Advice Note 6 and the requirements of Policy ISA 3 of the LDP. In the context of visual amenities, it was noted that
the exterior elevations of the new sheds would be of traditional materials for
this type of construction and, considering the location of the construction
within and adjacent to existing farm buildings, along with an undertaking to
carry out a landscaping plan along the western boundary of the site, it was not
believed that the proposal would have a significant material impact within the
local landscape and it was believed that the proposal was acceptable based on
the requirements of Policies from the LDP. Given that the proposal would
replace existing agricultural structures, and the fact that farm workers lived
near the dairy farm, it was not considered that the application would undermine
the general or residential amenities of local tenants. In the context of biodiversity matters, it was explained that the site had been surrounded by the Glynllifon Special Area of Conservation ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Full renovation of the existing house, proposed new garage, proposed photovoltaic array, landscaping and flood mitigation measures in addtion to demolition of exsisting outbuilding. LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Ioan Thomas Additional documents: Decision: DECISION:
To approve with conditions 1. Five years to commence the work. 2. In accordance with plans. 3. Slates to match. 4. Opaque
glass to be installed along the side of the balcony that borders with number 6
Marine Terrace 5. In accordance with the ecology
report 6. Welsh Water condition Information
Note: Welsh Water/Natural Resources Wales and Biodiversity Minutes: Full renovation of existing
house, proposed new garage, proposed photovoltaic system, landscaping and flood
alleviation measures as well as demolition of existing outbuilding. Attention was drawn to the late observations form
which noted: a) that the proposal did not reach the thresholds to submit a
Welsh Language Statement or a Welsh Language Impact Assessment; b) that it was
intended to impose a planning condition to ensure that the proposed garage was
only used as ancillary to the main property. a) The Planning Manager highlighted that this was an application for
alterations and modifications to a property by extending the eaves of a section
of the existing roof, extending the existing balcony at the rear of the
property, adding slate diamond pattern finish on the side of the property and
providing two open porches; demolition of existing outbuilding and erecting a
double garage, installation of four lines of solar panels, landscaping work and
installing floodgates along the boundary of the property with the Menai
Straits. It was added that the
site was located outside the development boundary of the town and within the
boundary of flood zone C2/Zone 2 and 3 of the flood maps. It was noted that the application had been submitted to the Planning
Committee due to a family connection with one of the planning officers. It was considered that the modifications and alterations to the property
were minimal, and suitable in terms of size, design
and layout. It was added that the proposal to extend the existing balcony at
the rear of the
property would lead to it being closer to the property next door.
Although other houses in the terrace with balconies offered an element of
overlooking into the rear gardens of the houses, the appropriateness of
imposing a condition was considered to ensure that a privacy screen was
installed on the side of the balcony that faced the property next door to
alleviate the direct impact of the balcony extension. It was noted that the proposal involved converting an existing garage that
was ancillary to the property into a kitchen and dining room, but it was not
proposed to increase the number of bedrooms. It was added that it was intended
to demolish the existing outbuilding and erect a double garage in its place
near the access to the property - the garage of usual design for a garage and
the proposal was acceptable. In terms of the landscaping work, the footpaths and vehicular road and
the flood prevention measures, it was considered that these elements were
acceptable. NRW nor the Transportation Unit had no objection to the proposal,
and the Biodiversity Unit was satisfied with the ecological report provided,
along with the biodiversity improvements proposed in the form of bird and bat
boxes. Confirmation was also received that the proposal would not have an
impact on the nearby Special Area of Conservation. It was considered that the proposal was acceptable, subject to the inclusion of a condition to ensure ancillary use for the proposed ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
Application No C23/03/TP College Park, Ffordd Deiniol, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2TQ PDF 218 KB Mixed woodland with mature trees LOCAL MEMBERS: Councillor R Medwyn Hughes and
Councillor Huw Wyn Jones No link to application Additional documents: Decision: DECISION:
To confirm the order with changes. Minutes: Mixed woodland with mature
trees Attention was drawn to the
late observations form. a) Unlike the usual applications, the Planning Manager highlighted that it was
not for a planning application. It was explained that Members needed to
consider whether or not a Tree Preservation Order should be confirmed on land
in College Park, Ffordd Deiniol, Bangor. The application was submitted to the
Committee after receiving objections to the proposal. Attention was drawn to
the fact that the wording in the English version of the order had been revised
- that tree T1 was 'Yew’ and tree T2 was ‘Lime’. A Temporary Tree Preservation Order had been placed on two individual
trees, five groups of trees and one woodland in the location. An assessment of the trees was completed
using the TEMPO system (Tree Evaluation Method for Preservation Orders) and the
trees scored 23 points - the system noted that any trees that scored 16 points
or more merited being protected. Although the site was within a conservation
area, and therefore the trees already had an element of protection, it had been
decided to issue a temporary tree preservation order in this case as it was
considered that the trees and the woodland were of high amenity value and were
very visible within the townscape, and also formed an important feature within
the town centre. It was reiterated that the area also merited specific
protection as there was a direct threat to the trees due to proposed
development work within the park area, along with work that had already been
carried out on trees within the site without the prior necessary consent. Since the time of writing the report, it was highlighted that a planning
application (which included improvement work to College Park - new footpaths,
street furniture, lighting and associated landscaping that was partly located
within the area of the Temporary Tree Preservation Order) had been approved. In
considering that planning application, the impact on trees had been fully
assessed, and the proposed work was acceptable; however, the planning
permission did not change the situation in terms of the tree order and it was
considered that the need for protection for the remaining trees, by confirming
the order, was necessary. It was explained that the decision on the planning
application showed that imposing an order on a tree or trees did not prevent
the ability to carry out any work on those trees. Rather, imposing an order was
an effective way of ensuring that no unnecessary or destructive work was
carried out directly to, or close to, trees that made an important contribution
to our local environment. Four options were presented to the Committee to consider 1.
Confirm the order as it stands, without amendments 2.
Confirm with amendments 3.
Not confirm 4.
Conduct a public inquiry. b) It was proposed and seconded to confirm the order without changes. Taking advantage of the right to speak, the Local Member made the
following observations: · It was a shame that the University ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
Application No C21/0861/23/LL Seiont Manor Hotel, Llanrug, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL55 2AQ PDF 457 KB Application for
the remodeling and extension of the existing
hotel and spa to together with the siting of 39 holiday lodges, formation of outdoor activity zone, reception, biomass plant unit together
with temporary construction traffic road, car parking and landscaping. LOCAL MEMBER:
Councillor Beca Brown Additional documents: Decision: Minutes: Application for the remodelling and extension of the
existing hotel and spa together with the siting of 39 holiday lodges, formation
of outdoor activity zone, reception, biomass plant unit together with temporary
construction traffic road, car parking and landscaping. Attention was drawn to the late observations form that
highlighted that the plan now did not include erecting a building for staff
accommodation. Some Members had visited the site on 26/02/24 to
familiarise themselves with the site and its surrounding landscape. a)
The Planning Manager
highlighted that it was a full application for the redevelopment of the Llwyn y
Brain site, namely the disused Seiont Manor Hotel.
The proposal would include, ·
extensions and
remodelling of existing hotel to include a bar and restaurant with accompanying
terrace; provision of 61 additional bedrooms, on top of the existing 33
bedrooms, and provision of spa facilities. ·
provision of 39 holiday
lodges on land to the north-west of the hotel; the plan had been reduced since
the original presentation to remove some units due to the visual impact on the
wider landscape. Plans to erect a building for staff accommodation had also
been removed as there was no justification for such a development in the
countryside. ·
2 laybys/passing places
along the driveway that currently served the hotel. Provision of 43 additional
parking spaces parallel to the hotel. Landscaping work, creation of amenity
spaces, mitigation and biodiversity enhancement work. It was reported that several technical reports had
been submitted with the application with a number of
documents and observations reflecting the applicant's willingness to
collaborate with the Local Planning Authority to ensure that harmful impacts
would not derive from the development and that it would be possible to control
them. Considering the principle of the development, it was explained that the legal use of the site in planning terms was a hotel
and Policies PS 14 and TWR 2 were supportive of proposals which involved
extending visitor attractions and improving and protecting the provision for
existing serviced and self-catering accommodation. It was also noted that
holiday units were a development that could be supported in the countryside
under Policy TWR 3 and, therefore, it could be concluded that the principle was
acceptable. In
the context of extending the current hotel, it was noted that the hotel
structure was a mix of single-storey and two-storey structure and, although
accepting that the alterations were modern and major, it was considered that it
was a quality development. In
support of the application, a Landscape and Visual Assessment had been
submitted which noted that the hotel was located within an undulating landscape
running down |
Application No C23/0981/39/AM Mynytho Garage, Mynytho, Pwllheli, Gwynedd, LL53 7RH PDF 322 KB Outline application with some matters reserved to demolish an existing residential dwelling and commercial garage with associated buildings and redevelopment of brownfield land to create a new hotel, community public house & shared community parking for the village hall (re-submission of withdrawn application C23/0089/39/AM). LOCAL MEMBER:
Councillor Angela Russell Additional documents: Decision: The application was withdrawn
(21-02-24) Minutes: Outline application with
some matters reserved to demolish an existing residential dwelling and
commercial garage with associated buildings and to re-develop the brownfield
land to create a new hotel, community pub and parking site to share with the
village hall (re-submission of application C23/0089/39/AM which had been
withdrawn). Application withdrawn |